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- Mis à jour : 29 avril 2024
- Affichages : 5945
Les filiales britanniques de l'American Mutoscope and Biograph Co
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
La Mutoscope and Biograph Syndicate (1897-1899)
MESSRS NATHAN AND SOMERS, sole agents for the American Biograph, have arranged with Mr. Rickards for the exhibition of that instrument for a period of twelve months in Australia. The same firm have also sent out this week Mr. and Mrs Charles Morritt and Miss Fanny Wentworth, who will form a combination with the Biograph which Mr Rickards confidently anticipates will be eminently satisfactory to his patrons.
The Era, Londres, samedi 17 juillet 1897, p. 17.
Afin de pouvoir s'implanter en Grande-Bretagne, l'American Mutoscope and Biograph Co va mettre en place une filiale, la Mutoscope and Biograph Syndicate, Limited. La société est constituée en juillet 1897. Ses activités sont résumées dans le document suivant :
[...] The Mutoscope and Biograph Syndicate, Limited. That registered in July, 1897, with the intention, as stated in its Prospectus, of demonstrating the commercial value of the Biograph and Mutoscope on a sumetent scale to justify the formation of a public Company to fully develop them.
The Biograph and Mutoscope are two inventions for the reproduction of objects in motion. The negatives of views for use in both are produced by the Mutograph, a camera by which from 3,000 to 4,000 separate photographs can be taken per minute. The Biograph is for exhibition at public places of entertainment, where life-size views are thrown on a screen. The Mutoscope is an application of the same principle for the use individuals by means of a small and ingenious instrument. By simply turning a handle all the marvellous effects of the Biograph are produced on a smaller scale. The Mutoscope can be used in private houses or in public halls, clubs, and places of amusement.
There is but little doubt that the great future in photography lies in the direction of depicting scenes with the object and persons in motion. An enormous field is open for the development on this art. Through the organization already in operation throughout the United Kingdom, which is protected by the patent rights acquired in this purchase, this Company will enjoy the results of the discoveries made and improvements continually being made by the gilled men who have brought to the present state of perfection the art of animated photography as demonstrated in the Blograph and Mutoscope.
The biograph was first exhibited in England on the 20th March. 1897, at the Palace Theatre, Shaftesbury-avenue, London, where, consequence of its great popularity, it has run without intermission to the present time, and may still be seen nightly. An instance of what can be done by the Biograph occurred on the 27th of October, when Sir Herbert Kitchener was photographed with the Mutograph as he went down the gangway on to the steamer at Calais, and again on his landing Dover about four o'clock. The films were brought to London and the scenes reproduced the same evening to a crowded auditorium at the Palace Theatre. These scenes were also exhibited to the public on the Mutoscope in the same week. Motionless pictures of the notable events of the world are always eagerly sought after the public in every country. The rapid growth and increasing popularity of the illustrated daily, weekly, and monthly periodicals bear testimony to this fact. The public may now have before them these scenes, with every movement of the face, every gesture ot the actors, faithfully reproduced. The Biograph and the Mutoscope are not therefore novelties which are likely to hit the public taste for the moment and then fall into disuse. As an example of the striking historical value the pictures will possess may be instanced the fact that His Holiness Pope Leo XIII, has recently given repeated sittings in the Vatican and adjoining gardens.
This Company is formed to acquire:—
The leasehold Premises consisting of Offices, Workshops, Laboratory, etc., at 18 and 19, Great Windmill-street, W., at which the business is carried on.
The Plant, Stock-in-Trade, Furniture, and Fittings thereat and elsewhere.
The Patent Rights of the Biograph, Mutoscope, and Mutograph, and all improvements by the patentees therein.
The interest of the Mutoscope and Biograph Syndicate (Limited) in various forms of Parlour Kinetoscopes.
The various Licenses and Trade Contracts.
The benefit, as from 31st August last, of the various contracts, subject to any liabilities connected therewith, entered into with ten subsidiary Companies, as set out below, and the Shares in such Companies allotted or to be allotted.
These Companies, as licensees, have the sole right to exhibit the Mutoscope with penny-in-the-slot attachment within a given district. In no case is the machine sold. A license fee of £20 per Mutoscope agreed to paid, together with annual rental of £1 per machine. Each subsidiary Company also allots to the Syndicate as fully paid at least one-third of its share capital. The following Companies have already been formed, and are in active operation, the contract in each case having been made with the Syndicate:
Date of Contract Title of Company Machines contracted for Delivery extending to Share Capital issued
Feb. 1898. London and District 2,000 June, 1899 £75,000
Feb. 1898. Scottish 1,000 Sept. 1899 33,000
April 1898. Manchester and Salford 500 Sept. 1899 18,000
April 1898. Birmingham 500 Sept. 1899 18,000
May 1898 Irish 800 June 1899 27,000
Aug. 1898 Isle of Man 250 June 1899 11,000
Sept. 1898 North Wales 250 Aug., 1899 7,500
Oct. 1898 South Wales and Monmouthshire 400 Aug., 1899 15,000
Nov. 1898 Blackpool and Southport 300 Aug., 1899 9,000
Jan. 1899 South Coast 2,000 Aug. 1899 75,000
(comprising Hants, Sussex, Kent)
________ _________
8,000 £288,500
The contracts, when carried out, will produce a cash profit of £85,000, and shares par value in subsidiary Companies to the extent of £85,000, besides an annual rental of £8,000. To these must be added the profit from the Biograph, which for the fifteen months ending 31st August, 1898, amounted, according to the certified accounts of the syndicate, to £7,663 11s. 2d. or at the rate of £6,100 per annum.
Further subsidiary Companies about to be formed will, when completed, in addition, take at least 6,000 machines, and yield cash profit £65,000, with shares at par value to the amount of £54,000, and rental of £6,000 per annum, or
Cash profit from licenses available for distribution amongst the shareholders or development of the business £150,000
Shares in subsidiary Companies at par value 139,000
A distribution of the estimated cash profit from license fees would amount to a dividend of 60 per cent, on the share capital of this Company, whilst the Directors consider that the following annual profits may relied on :
Annual rental of 14,000 coin-operated machines £14,000
Dividend at 10 per cent, payable on £139,000 share capital in subsidiary companies 13,900
Biograph profits per annum certified 6,100
or 131/2 per cent. on the present issue of capital.
The following dividends have been declared by the subsidiary Companies above tabulated on the basis of 5s. per share having been paid up for the time being: Scottish Company, first quarter, 30 per cent, per annum ; second quarter, 40 per cent, per annum ; third quarter, 50 per cent, per annum. Birmingham, first half-year, 50 per cent, per annum. Isle of Man, first quarter-year, 25 per cent, per annum. London, first nine months, 30 per cent, per annum. Ireland, first half-year, 10 per cent, per annum. The earnings of the other Companies justify the Directors in anticipating that they will be able to declare similar dividends.
No provision has been made in the above calculation for management or directors’ fees, as the profits to accrue from the manufacture and sale of subjects, the Studios, the sale of Parlour Mutoscopes and Kinora, and the general business of the Company will, it may safely said, more than cover the same.
Mr. E. B. Koopman, the Managing Director, under whose direction the business has been conducted the present time, has agreed to undertake a similar position with this Company on terms partly dependent on the profits to made. Having regard to the capacity, enterprise, and energy with which the business has been conducted, the Directors are fortunate in having secured a continuance of the present successful management.
Searches have been made as to patents relating to Mutograph and Biograph Messrs. Ivans, Jackson, and Co., of London. These were laid before J. Fletcher Moulton, Esq., Q.C., and Dr. Lewis Edmunds, Q.C., whose favourable opinions are in each case unqualined.
As to the Mutoscope patents, which are the most important, searches have been made by William Fairweather, Esq., Patent Agent, of Glasgow, and Messrs, Bromhead and Co. Patent Agents, of London, also by Dugald Clerk, Esq., of London. These have been laid before same counsel, whose opinion thereon is as follows:
"Upon the material submitted to us we are ol opinion that the patent Herman Casler, Nº 14,439 of 1895, for 'devices for showing the changing position of a body or bodies action,' is valid and would upheld it contested in legal proceedings.
12th January 1899
St James's Gazette, Saturday 11 February 1899, p. 16.
La formation de la nouvelle société, The British Mutoscope and Biograph Company conduit à la dissolution de la Mutoscope and Biograph Syndicate :
In the Matter of the Mutoscope and Biograph Syndicate, Limited.
At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above-named Company, duly convened and held at 18 and 19, Great Windmill-street, London, W. on the 27th day of February, 1899, the following Special Resolution was duly passed ; and at a subsequent Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the said Company, also duly convened and held at the same place, on Wednesday, the 15th day of March, 1899, the following resolution was duly confirmed, viz. :—
"That the Company be wound up voluntarily."
And at such last-mentioned Meeting Elias Bernard Koopman, of 18 and 19, Great Windmill-street, London, W., Frederick Theodore Macdonnell, of 2, New-court, Lincoln's-inn, W.C., Edward Hudson, of 83, Southwark-street, S.E., James Henry Dalziel, of Whitehall-court, S.W., and William Thomas Smedley, of 119, Ashley-gardens, S.W., were appointed Liquidators for the purposes of the winding-up.—Dated this 23rd day of March, 1899.
The London Gazette, London, March 28, 1899, p. 2110.
The Scottish Mutoscope Company Limited (février 1898->1898
The Scottish Mutoscope Company Limited est constituée en février 1898 :
The Scottish Mutoscope Company, Limited. This Company is formed with a capital of £33.000, divided into 33,000 shares of £1 each, of which 22,000 are now offered for subscription. The object of this Company is to acquire for Scotland the exclusive control of the penny-in-the-slot mutoscope. The published prospectus says:— The Company acquires its rights from the Mutoscope and Biograph Syndicate, Limited, who hold the patents for Great Britain, upon the following terms: —Upon delivery of each mutoscope, with subject complete for use, license fee of to be paid, with an annual rental of £1. The Company will also allot to the licensers one-third of the capital of the Company, viz.. £11,000 in 11.000 shares of £1 each, issued as fully paid up. While it is obvious that Scotland could profitably employ many more than 1000 mutoscopes, yet that number is all that the parent syndicate asks to be taken in order to acquire the exclusive control for the whole of Scotland, and will supply mutoscopes on the following terms : —Payment of the license fee and annual rental against delivery of each penny-inthe-slot mutoscope —1000 mutoscopes, license fee, £20 each, £20,000; working capital, £2000 £22.000. Fully-paid shares to parent syndicate, £11,000 —£33,000. Estimated earnings, 1000 mutoscopes, operating 300 days at the low figure of 2s per day, £30.000; less per cent, for working expenses liberal allowance), £10,000 leaving net income of £20,000, being equal to per cent, on the present total capitalisation.
Dundee Courier, Dundee, Saturday 19 February 1898, p. 3.
Dundee Courier, Dundee, samedi 19 février 1898, p. 1.
The Isle of Man Mutoscope Company Ltd (1898->1898)
The Isle of Man Mutoscope Company est crée en août 1898 :
On Wednesday, 20th inst., at Noon.
Mutoscope Company, Ltd,
(Incorporated under the Companies Acts, 1862 to 1890).
CAPITAL - - £11,000.
Divided into 11,000 Shares of £1 each.
Of which 6,500 are now offered for Subscription.
Payable-2s on Application, 2s. on Allotment, and the balance by Calles not exceeding %s. per Share at intervals of not less than two months.
The whole Capital offered for Subscription has been over applied for privately, but the Directors desire to atford local investors an opportunity of receiving a portion of the allotment.
Directors : Thomas Jenkins, E-q., Director Scotttish Mutoscope Co., Ltd., Glasgow.
Ex-Bailie Peter Burt, J.P., Acme Machine Company, Glasgow.
Walter J.Brown, Esq. North View. Douglas Chairman of the Mona Automatic Supply Co.. Limited.
David Clark, Esq., Peveril House, Douglas, director Douglas Steam Ferries, Limited.
Two Members of the Board of the Parent Co. will join after alotment.
Bankers :
The Clydesdale Bank. Ltd., Moore Place Branch, West George-street, Glasgow ; and other Branches.
Solicitous : Wilson k Chalmers, 129, St. Vincent street, Glasgow.
Auditors : J. Berrie Brown & Hunter, Accountants, 196, St. Vincent-street, Glasgow.
Secretaries : Davies, Tait & Co., Chartered Accountants, Glasgow and London.
Offices :
168, St. Vincent-street, Glasgow.
This Company is being formed to acquire from the Vendors the exclusive control in the Isle of Man of the Penny in the Slot Mutoscope, together with a working arrangement for exhibition of the Biograph.
The Mutoscope is an instrument not unlike a stereoscope in appearance, and is the latest and most perfect invention in the art of producing animated photographic pictures. Attempts in this direction have hitherto been made by means of cumbersome and complicated mechanism, with very unsatisfactory results. The Mutoscope is simplicity itself, and yet presents views with a steadiness and distinctness, so that although the eye may behold thousands of successive pictures, they are presented with such evenness as to give the effect of one continuous scene.
The Biograph can be seen nightly at the Palace Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C., and is earning for itself a reputation as an endless source of interest and amusement to the public.
Equipped with a penny-in-the-slot attachment, the Mutoscope becomes a most seductive and untiring money-earner. A penny is inserted : the spectator from that moment achieves entire of control of the apparatus by means of a handle which regulates the speed of the picture according to the rapidity with which it is turned, until the entire scene contained has passed before the eye. The fascination of the view can only be realized by actual experience
Its fitness for general distribution and its small size admit of its being placed anywhere, and its thorough simplicity of operation gives it an earning capacity far beyond any entertainment device before the public. It appeals to the public in their leisure, and, by its variety of entertainment, attracts all classes, old and young, educated and illiterate.
This Company acquires its rights on the following terms from the Mutoscope & Biograph Syndicate, Limited, proprietors of the Paten's for Great Britain, viz : — On delivery of each Mutoscope with pictures complete for use, a license fee of £20 to be paid, with an annual Royalty of £1 per machine. This Company will allot to the Licensors 4,500 Shares of £1 each, issued as fully paid up.
The Scottish Mutoscope Company on similar lines has just been formed, to operate 1,000 Mutoscopes, with a capital of £33.000. in Shares of £1 each. The Shares were applied for nearly twice over, and, with 5s paid up, are being dealt in at a premium of from 6s to 8s 6d. After two-and-a-half months' trading, this Company paid a dividend at the rate of 30 per cent, per annum on the capital paid up.
The £1 Shares of a kindred Company for the city of Birmingham, recently formed, 5s paid up, are quoted at 5s premium.
The validity of the British Patents for the Mutoscope has been satisfactorily advised on by Mr Fletcher Moulton, Q.C., whose opinion, together with the report of the Patent Agent there on, to the Mutoscope and Biograph Syndicate, Limited, can be seen on application at the Office of the Solicitors to the Company.
The Draft Agreement to be entered into between the Mutoscope & Biograph syndicate, Limited, and this Company, together with the Memorandum and Articles of Association, can be inspected at the Offices of the Solicitors.
Applications for Shares should be made on the forms, which may be had from the local Directors; or application may be made direct to the secretaries.
The Mutoscope may be seen in operation at the Douglas Head Hotel.
Isle of Man Times, Saturday 9 July 1898, p. 1.
1897 | 23E | Finish of the English Derby of 1897 | 001 | Finish of the English Derby of 1897 |
002 | Arrival of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales at Ascot | |||
003 | Departure of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales from Ascot | |||
26E | A Race for the Gold Cup | 004 | The Race for the Ascot Gold cup | |
22/06/1897 | 3E | The Horse Guards | 005 | Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee Procession: The Horse Guard |
22/06/1897 | 1E | Queen's Jubilee | 006 | Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee Procession: Queen's Jubilee |
22/06/1897 | 2E | Queen's Jubilee | 007 | Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee Procession: Queen's Jubilee |
22/06/1897 | 4E | Sir Wilfred Laurier and the New South Wales Lancers | 008 | Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee Procession: Sir Wilfed Laurier and the New South Wales Lancers |
24E | Arrival of His Majesty, King Edward VII | |||
27E | His Majesty, King Edward VII | |||
30E | His Majesty, King Edward VII | |||
009 | The Diamond Jubilee Naval Review: German Warship at Spithead | |||
010 | The Diamond Jubilee Naval Review: H.M. Battleship "Terrible" | |||
011 | The Diamond Jubilee Naval Review: H.M.S. Powerful at Spithead | |||
012 | The Diamond Jubilee Naval Review: The Koh-I-Noor with the Colonial Guests | |||
013 | The Diamond Jubilee Naval Review: The Naval Review at Spithead | |||
20E | Mr. C. N. Morton | 014 | Charles Morton | |
015 | Afternoon Tea in the Gardens of Clarence House | |||
22E | The Clarence House Lawn Party | 016 | The Clarence House Lawn Party | |
35E | Relieving the Guard at St. James Palace | 017 | Relieving the Guard at St. James Palace | |
018 | The Prince of Wales Leaving Marlborough House | |||
019 | The Diamond Jubilee Review at Aldeshot, Showing H.R.H. the Princess of Wales Taking Snapshots | |||
30E | Aldershot Review | 020 | The Military Review at Aldershot: The Prince of Wales and a Regiment of Lancers on Parade | |
28E | The Colfstream Guards | 021 | The Military Review at Aldershot: The Coldstream | |
29E | Gordon Highlanders | 022 | The Military Review at Alderhost: Gordon Highlanders | |
16E | The Henley Regatta | 023 | The Henley Regata | |
024 | The Eclipse Stakes, Sandown Park | |||
025 | The Prince of Wales | |||
38E | Maxim Firing Field Gun | 026 | Firing the Maxim Gun | |
027 | Hiram Maxim and his Quick-Firing Gun | |||
40E | A Maxim gun in Action | |||
028 | Her Majesty's Carriage | |||
029 | Charge d'un escadron du 27e Dragons contre une batterie du 11e Régl. | |||
030 | Charge par escadrons, exécutée par le 1er Régt. de cuirassiers | |||
031 | L'assaut d'un mur (École de gymnastique de Joinville) | |||
032 | Passage des portiques (École de gymnastique de Joinville) | |||
67E | Place de la Concorde | 033 | Place de la Concorde | |
76E | French Soldiers in a Wall-Climbing Drill | |||
79E | Place de l'Opera | 034 | Place de l'Opéra | |
81E | French Cuirassieurs Charging a Field Battery | |||
82E | Trafalgar Square | |||
83E | Charge of the French Cuirassieurs | |||
87E | A Camp of Zingari Gypsies | |||
50E | Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria | 035 | Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria | |
51E | Emperor William of Germany, and Emperor Franz Josef of Austria | 036 | Emperor William of Germany and Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria | |
52E | Meeting of Emperor William of Germany and Emperor Franz Josef of Austria | 037 | Meeting of Emperor William of Germany and Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria | |
57E | Austrian Mounted Police | 038 | Austrian Mounted Police | |
039 | A Camp of Zingaree Gupsies | |||
040 | Changing Guard (Berlin) | |||
041 | Charge of Austrian Hussars | |||
63E | A Children's Carnival in Germany | 042 | A Children's Carnival in Germany | |
65E | Charge of Hungarian Hussars | |||
75E | Home Life of a Hungarian Family | 043 | Home Life of a Hungarian Family | |
73E | Hungarian Women Plucking Geese | 044 | Hungarian Women Plucking Geese | |
045 | The Nelson Column as it Appeared on Thursday, october 21st 1897 | |||
91E | Bayonet versus Bayonet | 046 | Bayonet Versus Bayonet | |
94E | The Alarm (Gordon Highlanders) | 047 | Gordon Highlanders-Alarm and Response | |
95E | Gordon Highlanders Marching into Camp | |||
96E | The Highland Fling, by the Gordon Highlanders | |||
048 | Gordon Highlanders-Leisure Hours in Camp | |||
049 | Gordon Highlanders-Returning to Camp | |||
92E | Gymnastic Exercises in the British Army | 050 | Gymastic Exercises in the British Army-Aldershot | |
93E | A Regimental Calisthenic Drill in the British Army | 051 | A regimental Calisthenic Drill in the British Army | |
052 | Surf Dashing Against England's Rocky Coast |
1898 | |||||
053 | Military Exercise-Aldershot | ||||
054 | Charge of the Lancers | ||||
055 | Balloon Ascent-Aldershot | ||||
056 | Charge of the Carabineers | ||||
057 | English Lancers Jumping Hurdles at Aldershot | ||||
058 | Catching Mail Bags-"Her Majesty's Mails | ||||
107E | Conway Castle | 059 | [Conway Castle] | ||
108E | A Terrible Spill | ||||
112E | The "Jennie Deans" | ||||
060 | Conway Castle-Panoramic View of Conway on the L. & N. W. Railway | ||||
061 | Irish Mail-L & N. W. Railway-Taking up Water at Full Speed | ||||
062 | Menai Bridge-The Day Irish Mail From Euston Entering the Tubular Bridge Over the Menai Straits | ||||
130E | "Away Aloft" | 063 | "Away Aloft"-Portsmouth | ||
064 | General Quarters, H.M.S. "Seaflower" | ||||
118E | Three Men in a Boat | 065 | Three Men in a Boat-English Channel | ||
117E | A Tug in a Heavy Sea | 066 | Tug in a Heavy Sea-English Channel | ||
067 | Companions | ||||
143E | Idle Hours of the English Coast Guards | 068 | Idle Hours of the English Coast Guards-Worthing | ||
144E | Me and My Two Friends | ||||
069 | Launch of the Worthing Life Boat | ||||
070 | The Launch of the Worthing Life Boat | ||||
071 | Return | ||||
072 | [Worthing Life Boat Being Drawn Through Town With Crew ans Crowds Walking Alongside] | ||||
073 | [The "Brighton Queen" Disembarking her Passengers] | ||||
074 | [The "Brighton Queen" Steamboat Approaching the Pier, Worthing] | ||||
145E | Water Polo | 075 | Water Polo-Worthing Swimming Club | ||
148 E | Worthing Life-Saving Station | 076 | [Worthing Seafront with Promenaders] | ||
077 | Derby Day, 1898-The Finish | ||||
078 | Famous Procession of the Corpus Domini | ||||
079 | Neapolitan Dance in the Ancient Forum at Pompeii | ||||
080 | Boys Bathing, Venice | ||||
081 | Feeding Pigeons at Sr. Mark's Square, Venice | ||||
082 | The Tarantella, an Italian Dance | ||||
083 | Funeral Procession of the Misericordia | ||||
084 | The Grand Canal, Venice | ||||
229 E | A Panoramic View in the Grand Canal | 085 | Panorama of the Grand Canal, Venice: Passing the Fish Market, 6 o'clock in the Morning | ||
235 E | Panoramic View of Grand Canal | 086 | Panorama of the Grand Canal, Venice; Passing the Vegetable Market | ||
249 E | Panoramic View of Venice | 087 | Panoramic View of Venice-The Prisons, Palace of Doges, and the Royal Palace | ||
088 | Procession of Armenian Monks, INcluding the Abbot-Archbishop | ||||
089 | Procession of Capuchin Monks, Rome | ||||
090 | Le Grand Prix, 1898 | ||||
091 | Pope Leo XIII Carried Through the Vatican Loggia on his Return from the Sistine Chapel | ||||
092 | Pope Leo XIII Carried Through the Vatican Loggia on his Way to the Sistine Chapel | ||||
093 | Pope Leo XIII, in his Carriage, Passing Through the Vatican Gardens With Escort of Noble Guard Commanded by Count Camillo Pecci. His Holiness is Met by His Excellence, Monsignor Della Valpe | ||||
094 | Pope Leo XIII, in His Chair, Surrounded by Some of His Courtiers, With Swiss Guard in Rear | ||||
095 | Pope Leo XIII, Resting on His Way to His Summer Villa | ||||
096 | Pope Leo XIII, Walking at Twilight Through Some Favourite Haunt in the Vatican Gardens | ||||
097 | The Vatican Military Guard, Consisting of a Detachment of Noble Guards, Commanded by Count Pecci, Followed by a Palatine Guard of Honour, Swiss Guard, Gendarmes, and Fire Brigade | ||||
171E | A Hotel Fire in Paris, and Rescue by Parisian Pompiers | 098 | Hotel on Fire, Paris (Rescue Work by Paris Pompiers) | ||
176 E | 101st Regiment, French Infantry | 099 | 101st Regiment French Infantry-Paris | ||
100 | Queen Margharita of Italy | ||||
205 E | The Zola-Rochefort Duel | 101 | The Zola-Rochefort Duel, Paris | ||
102 | Her Majesty the Queen Driving to Laffan's Plain to Review Troops, Aldeshot | ||||
103 | Boulter's Lock, Sunday Afternoon | ||||
104 | National Fetes: President Faure Arriving at the Grand Stand, Escorted by Cuirasseurs | ||||
105 | St. Cyr Military School Passing in Review | ||||
106 | 4th Brigade Chasseurs Passing the President at the Charge | ||||
182E | Elephants at the Zoo | 107 | Elephants at the Zoo | ||
221 E | Pelicans at the Zoo | 108 | Pelicans at the Zoo | ||
197 E | Burglars in the Pantry | 109 | Burglars in the Pantry | ||
110 | A Good Story | ||||
111 | He and She | ||||
112 | Antarctic Expedition-Sir George Newnes' Fareweel to Officers and Crew | ||||
251 E | To the Death | 113 | Duel to the Death | ||
114 | Facial Expressions-The Fateful Letter | ||||
255 E | Has He Hit Me? | 115 | Has he Hit Me? | ||
116 | He Kissed the Wrong Girl | ||||
253 E | The Rocket Coach | 117 | T. R. Dewer's Coach "Rocket" Passing the Burford Bridge Hotel, Boxhill | ||
118 | Agoust Family of Jugglers | ||||
119 | Punt Race on the Thames at Maidenhead | ||||
120 | The Coronation of Queen Wilhelmina of Holland at Amsterdam: Arrival of the Queen at the Palace, Amsterdam | ||||
121 | The Coronation of Queen Wilhelmina of Holland at Amsterdam: Review of the Netherlands Guards in the Costume of the Middle Ages | ||||
122 | The Coronation of Queen Wilhelmina of Holland at Amsterdam: The Royal Procession to the Church Before the Coronation Ceremony | ||||
123 | The Coronation of Queen Wilhelmina of Holland at Amsterdam: The Royal Procession From the Church After the Coronation Ceremony | ||||
124 | The Coronation of Queen Wilhelmina of Holland at Amsterdam: The Queen and Queen Mother on the Palace Balcony Responding to the Call of the Populace | ||||
125 | Bath Scene-Holland | ||||
126 | The Boulevard of Scheveningen | ||||
127 | Dutch Fishing Boats | ||||
128 | Dutch Fishing Fleet Leaving Harrbour | ||||
129 | Fencing Contest From the Play "The Three Musketeers" | ||||
130 | Return of Grenadier Guards From the Soudan, October 6th 1898, Marching From Waterloo to the Wellington Barracks | ||||
131 | The Sirdar-His Embarkation at Calais | ||||
132 | The Sirdar-Arrival and Reception by the Mayor and Corporation | ||||
133 | From War to Peace-First Departure of S.S. St. Louis From Southampton | ||||
134 | Launch of H. M. Battleship "Formidable" at Portsmouth | ||||
135 | Through the Chee Tor Tunner in Derbyshire-Midland Railway | ||||
136 | Football at Aldershot | ||||
137 | London's Traffic at the Mansion House | ||||
138 | President Faure Going Shooting | ||||
139 | President Faure Shooting Pheasants | ||||
140 | H.M.S. Warspite in Action | ||||
141 | The Amourous Guardsman | ||||
142 | The Black Cat, and the Dinner for Two | ||||
143 | Boy and Girl Wearing Adult Clothes in Kitchen Setting | ||||
144 | Comic Scene in Dentists Surgery | ||||
145 | A Kissing Couple Caught by a Photographer | ||||
146 | Man Falls in Bath | ||||
147 | No Beggars in the Kitchen | ||||
148 | Santa Claus | ||||
149 | Two Comedians Dressed as Scottish Soldiers With Cat and Dog | ||||
150 | Why Marie Blew out the Light | ||||
151 | Why Papa Can't Sleep | ||||
152 | Wicked Willie |
1899 | ||
153 | Launch of the "Oceanic" | |
154 | Feeding Seagulls of the Irisch Coast | |
155 | An Irish Peasant Scene-Feeding Pigs | |
156 | "The Lane" on Sunday Morning | |
157 | Grand Military Steeplechase at Sandown | |
158 | Landing of Lord Chas. Beresford From S.S. "St. Louis", at Southampton March 8th | |
159 | Departure From Folkestone of the Queen | |
160 | The Lincoln Handicap | |
161 | Grand National Steeplechase | |
162 | Crews Leaving the Water | |
163 | Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race | |
164 | The Humane Side of Modern Warfare | |
165 | Lockhart's Performing Elephants | |
166 | The Landing of Savage South Africa at Southampton | |
167 | The Marriage of the Earl of Crewe and Lady "Peggy" Primrose at Westminster Abbey | |
168 | Lord Wolseley Reviewing Scots Greys and Gordon Highlanders at Edinboro | |
169 | Lord Wolseley Reviewing Scots Greys and Gordon Highlanders at Edinboro | |
170 | South Wales Express | |
171 | Windsor Castle From the Great Western Railway | |
172 | Reception of the Duchess of York at Tenby | |
173 | Her Majesty the Queen Arriving at South Kensington on the Occasion of the Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Victoria and Albert Museum | |
174 | Right Hon. Cecil Rhodes in Hyde Park | |
175 | Wreck of the "Mohican"-Cornwall | |
176 | Wreck of the S. S. "Paris" -Cornwall | |
177 | Launch of the Porthonstrock Life-Boat-Corwall | |
178 | Their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Connaught Opening the Article Club industrial Exhibition | |
179 | The Derby | |
180 | Members Enclosure (Epsom) | |
181 | The Paddock (Epsom) | |
182 | Australian Cricket Tourists | |
183 | Bumping Race (Cambridge May Races) | |
184 | London Fire Brigade, Alarm | |
185 | London Fire Brigade Rescue Drill | |
186 | The Right Hon. Cecil Rhodes and Lord Kitchener After Receiving the Degree of D. C. L. at Oxford | |
187 | The Prince of Wales at the Aldershot Review | |
188 | Amann | |
189 | Amann | |
190 | Amann, the Great Impersonator | |
191 | Ritchie, the Tramp Bicyclist | |
192 | Tapping a Blast Furnace-Newcastle | |
193 | Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, Reviewing the Horse Artillery-Windsor | |
194 | Her Majesty, Queen Victoria | |
195 | Honourable Artillery Company Review, Queen in Carriage | |
196 | Henley Regatta-After the Race | |
197 | Henley Regatta-The Race | |
198 | Review of the Volunteers by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales | |
199 | Stage Coaches Leaving the Hotel Victoria | |
200 | Australian Cricket Test Match | |
201 | International Collegiate Games | |
202 | International Collegiate Games | |
203 | International Collegiate Games | |
204 | International Collegiate Games | |
205 | International Collegiate Games-Half Mile Run-Queen's Club 22 July 1899 | |
206 | International Sports Queen's Club | |
207 | International Sports, Queen's Club-Finish of the One Mile | |
208 | International Sports, Queen's Club-Hurdle Race | |
209 | Launch of Battleship "Vengeance" | |
210 | Church Parade, Hyde Park | |
211 | Coach Meet, Hurlingham | |
212 | Polo at Hurlingham | |
213 | Polo-Hurlingham vs. Ranelagh | |
214 | American Biograph at the Palace | |
215 | Furness Railway | |
216 | Man Overboard-English Channel | |
217 | Panorama of Bowness Landing | |
218 | Panorama of Lake Windermere | |
219 | Shamrock Under Sail | |
220 | Cricket Match at the Oval, August 16th | |
221 | Admiral Dewey | |
222 | Admiral Dewey Receiving his Mail | |
223 | Admiral Dewey's Dog "Bob" | |
224 | Beautiful Beaulieu | |
225 | A Dip in the Mediterranean | |
226 | Harbour of Villefranche | |
227 | Landing at Villefranche From U.S. Cruiser "Olympia" | |
228 | Officers of the "Olympia" | |
229 | The "Sagasta" Admiral Dewey's Pet Pig | |
230 | The Train to Villefranche | |
231 | Embarkation of the "Fighting Fifth" | |
232 | A Scene "King John", Now Playing at Her Majesty's Theatre: The Battlefield Near Angiers | |
233 | A Scene "King John", Now Playing at Her Majesty's Theatre: The French King's Tent | |
234 | A Scene "King John", Now Playing at Her Majesty's Theatre: The Last Moment of King John of England in the Orchard of Swinstead Abbey | |
235 | A Scene "King John", Now Playing at Her Majesty's Theatre: The Little Prince Henry is Accepted by the Barons as John's Successor and Faulconbridge Prophesies a Glorious Future for England | |
236 | The Earl of Burford Dancing With a Music-Hall Artist | |
237 | General Buller Leaving the Carlton Club | |
238 | General Buller at Southampton With Press Representatives | |
239 | General Buller Embarking at Southampton | |
240 | Madeira Boys Diving for Pennies, and Boats Crowding in to Get Their Share | |
241 | Lord Wolseley-Southampton | |
242 | School of Porpoises | |
243 | Crossing the Line | |
244 | General Buller on Deck Gazing at a Passing Vessel | |
245 | General Sir Redvers Buller Cape Town | |
246 | Landing of General Buller at Capetown | |
247 | The "Daily Mail" War Express Leaving Great Central Station, London | |
248 | New South Wales Lancers | |
249 | The New South Wales Lancers Marching Up the Quay at Capetown en Route for the Front | |
250 | Panoramic View of Simonstown Showing HMS "Terrible" and Also "Penelope" Now Used as a Boer Prison Ship | |
251 | Coaling Scene, Capetown | |
252 | Panorama of Table Bay | |
253 | Gordon Highlanders on Board the Transport | |
254 | "God Save the Queen"-Windsor | |
255 | Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Reviewing the Household Cavalry at Spital Barracks | |
256 | Queen Victoria Reviewing Household Cavalry | |
257 | Hospital Staff En Route for the Front | |
258 | Landing of Troops From the "Roslin Castle" at Durban | |
259 | 2nd Yorkshire Regiment Embarking at Durban and Proceeding to the Front | |
260 | Stretcher Bearer's En Route for the Front | |
261 | Train-Load of Guns En Route for Estcourt | |
262 | British Armoured Train, Durban | |
263 | Armoured Train Crossing the Veldt-Estcourt | |
264 | The Prince of Wales in German Uniform on the Occasion of the Visit of the Emperor William's Visit | |
265 | Highland Platform After Boer Attack With Wrecked Sage Lying on the Platform | |
266 | Panorama of Camp Frere | |
267 | Bridging the Tugela River by Royal Engineers Showing Bridge Destroyed by the Boers | |
268 | Infantry Picquet in Trenches | |
269 | Mounted Colonials Returning From a Reconnaissance | |
270 | With the Ammunition Column-Pietarmaritzburg | |
271 | Rifle Hill Signal Station Near Frere Camp | |
272 | Naval Brigade Pitching Tents | |
273 | Boys of HMS "Terrible" Getting Their Guns into Position | |
274 | Battle of Colenso: Bombardment of Colenso by 4.7 Guns of HMS "Terrible" | |
275 | Battle of Colenso | |
276 | Battle of Colenso | |
277 | Battle of Colenso | |
278 | Advancing in Extended Order | |
279 | Field Marshall Lord Roberts Embarking on the "Dunnottar Castle" At Southampton | |
280 | Panorama of Camp Frere and Chieveley | |
281 | Seizing a Kodje Near Spion Fop by Lord Dundonald's Troopers | |
282 | Christmas Festivities-Tug-of-War With John Bull and Kruger | |
283 | 13th Hussars En Route to a Picket | |
284 | Fight Between a Tarantula and a Scorpion | |
285 | Panoramic View of Rome | |
286 | Au Transvaal: Un armistice, Les blessés anglais amenés au Camp Boer | |
287 | Le Colonel Kitchener transmettant une dépêche au général Buller, au camp de Chieveley | |
288 | Le Général Buller visitant le camp de Frere après la bataille | |
289 | Les Troupes Boers traversant la Modder River et ouvrant le feu | |
290 | Herbert Campbells as Little Bobbie | |
291 | Duel Scene | |
292 | Upside Down Boxers |