- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 5 mai 2019
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 4361
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Jacksonville est une ville de l'état de l'Iowa (États-Unis).
L'eidoloscope (8 février 1897)
En provenance de Burlington, Rosabel Morrison est en tournée avec une nouvelle adaptation de Carmen, oeuvre de Proper Mérimée, dont l'originalité consiste à inclure, lors de la représentation la célèbre Bull Fight tournée au Mexique par Gray Latham :
Miss Rosabel Morrison in Magnificent Production of Carmen
The time was when Jacksonville people must go to Chicago or St Louis for anything really standard in the theatrical line, but that time is no longer, as the red stone building at the northeast cornor of the square under Mr. Ravenscroft's management is fast becoming equal to metropolitan play houses and we nowsdays have the best attractions from New York and Chicago staged there.
Last night Miss Rosabel Morrison appeared in a magnificent production of "Carmen." She is certainly the "daughter of her father," for Lewis Morrison's "Richelieu" and Miss Rosabel Morrison's "Carmen" are on a par as to excellence. The story is Spanish and of course, the young actress herself is the central figure. Carmen is a woman of entrancing, vivacious ways, whose power over men is terrible, she leads them from the paths of duty and honor, makes them bend to her every whim and then-adieu. The character in reallty is a repulsive one, but with the life, the dash, the vigor Miss Morrison puts into her interpretation, admiration is enforced.
The supporting company is strong, including such actors as Edward Elsner , Robert Elliott and Miss Mabel Morrison. While the audience was not remendous in size, there was no enthusiasm lacking, and the whole performance was strictly of the "best." In the last act a Spanish bull fight, was presented in all its awful realism by the aid of an eidoloscope.
Jacksonville Daily Journal, Jacksonville, February 9, 1897, p. 4.
La troupe se rend ensuite à Decatur.