Jean-Claude SEGUIN

Austin est la capitale de l'état du Texas (États-Unis).


Le Kinetoscope (À côté de la Fist National bank, <24 novembre->9 décembre 1894)

À côté de la First National Bank, un kinetoscope propose des vues animées en novembre :

Invention of Edison, the Kinetoscope.
Austin is not behind the Northern cities in her citizens being able to witness the wonderful reproductions on the Kinetoscope, located next door to the First National bank. A Statesman reporter dropped in there several times yesterday and found the leading citizens there looking at the wonderful little machine that reproduces moving pictures. The attraction yesterday was a cock fight. Today it is Carmencita, the great Spanish skirt dancer, and Sunday it is the barber shop scene. Ladies and children witness these as well as gentlemen.

Austin American-Statesman, Austin, samedi 24 novembre 1894, p. 5.

Quelques jours plus tard, le kinetoscope tombe en panne :

The Kinetoscope had a breakdown yesterday morning, and could not run, but the managers think it will be running all right today, and the Barbarshop scene, the best they have, will be reproduced.

Austin American-Statesman, Austin, jeudi 29 novembre 1894, p. 8.

Le kinetoscope fonctionne encore en décembre :

The ladies of the Unitarian church will place on sale tomorrow and Tuesday at Graham's old stand, where the Kinetoscope is now exhibiting, a collection of lovely and reasonable articles which were received too late for their recent fair. Purchasers of Christmas gifts will do well to visit this sale.

Austin American-Statesman, Austin, dimanche 9 décembre 1894, p. 7.