- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 15 juin 2021
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 5262
Albuquerque est une ville de l'état du Nouveau-Mexique (États-Unis)
*Le verascope de Warren Davis ([10] mai 1898)
En provenance d'El Paso, Warren Davis ne fait que passer à Albuquerque, n'ayant pas pu organiser des projections dans la ville:
Warren Davis, manager of the Dan Stuart Verascopic exhibition of the Corbett Fitzsimmons fight at Carson City, passed through this city last night on his way north from El Paso, where he exhibited the pictures. He was unable to make satisfactory dates in Albuquerque, so he did not stop here.
Albuquerque daily citizen, Albuquerque, May 10, 1898, p. 4.
El cinematograph de T. S. Talley o Tally (17->17 de septiembre de 1900)
El empresario G. A. Litt anuncia su próximo espectáculo cinematográfico previsto para la semana de carnaval:
The cinematograph company, which will give fine exhibits during carnival week, is on the road. All the companies are coming, the grounds are being put into A1 condltlon. the Midway Is being prepared the great set pieces and other materials for the pyrotechnic displays are being got ready and everywhere Is being sounded the note of preparation for the gala week of the year. Work on some of the booths will be commenced promptly tomorrow. President McCreight has received the following letter from G. A Litt, manager of the American Amusemont company:
"I am coming earlier this time in order to have ample time to arrange for putting on our show to the beet possible advantage. If you will have a light same at you had last season with colored lights to throw on dancer, I will put up for you in front of the grand stand, the famous fire and water dance with electrical fountains on each side. I Will endeavor to satisfy you all."
Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, Thursday, September 13, 1900, p. 4.
Poco después se anuncia la próxima inauguración del cinematógrafo:
T. S. Talley, the cinematograph man, has secured the rooms occupied by Miss Blanche Field, and her private school, and will be ready to give his first exhibition tomorrow. Mr. Tally is already on the ground. His show is sais to be a very interesting one.
Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, Sunday, September 16, 1900, p. 5.
El cinematógrafo de Henri Moulinié (Orchestrion Hall/Neher Opera House, >2-7 de noviembre de 1900)
El pionero Henri Moulinié recorre el sur de Estados Unidos con su cinematógrafo Lumière. En Albuquerque está esperando algunos días para poder organizar funciones de vistas animadas en el Opera House:
M. Moulinies [sic] is in the city, and expects to secure the opera house for some day next week in which to exhibit his cinematograph lumiere or kinetoscope. He presents over 300 views of highly interesting subjects.
Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, Friday, November 2, 1900, p. 8.
Otro periódico completa la información:
The Monlinies [sic] are here with their cinematograph machine and will appear at the Orchestrion hall on Sunday night. They present over 300 moving picture views. They expect to secure the Neher opera house for one evening next week.Albuquerque Citizen, Albuquerque, Friday, November 2, 1900, p. 3.
Una breve reseña de la función del día 7 de noviembre señala que las funciones no tienen mucho éxito:
The Cinematograph company appeared at the Neher opera house last night, and although there was present only a small audience the management nevertheless gave exhibition of views and scenes. the company will leave to-morrow morning for Socorro, and The Citizen takes this method to inform the people of that town that the views and scenes as presented by this company are by far the best that have ever been shown here.
Albuquerque Citizen, Albuquerque, Thurday, November 8, 1900, p. 1.
Por una pura coincidencia, los Elks, unos famosos artistas de aquel momento, son retratados delante del Neher Opera House, dos días después.
The Elks' Burlesque Circus Parade behind the Neher's Opera House, Albuquerque, 9 de noviembre 1900
© University of New Mexico
Henri Moulinié sigue su ruta hacia la ciudad de Socorro.