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- Mis à jour : 9 juin 2019
- Affichages : 5493
Entrevue de Napoléon et du Pape
Entrevue de Napoléon et du Pape
Napoléon, furieux de voir le Pape opposer un refus formel à sa demande, malgré ses prières et ses menaces, jette avec colère le papier qu'il voulait lui faire signer et sort de la pièce.
A stormy interview between Napoleon and the Pope
The above productions are historically correct as to surroundings, costume and make-up of the principals. The incidents portrayed are enacted with such marvellous realism, that it seems almost impossible that one is only viewing a counterfeit production and not the actual cold-blooded deeds committed during The "Reign of Terror" over one hundred years ago.
NOTE.-Much research and study were necessary in order to properly present these historical events, but it is our intention to continually add to this series until the principal incidents in the history of the world are included.
MB 1898
Entrevista de Napoleón y del Papa
Napoleón, furioso de ver al Papa poner una denegación formal a su demanda, a pesar de sus ruegos y amenazas, tira con cólera el papel que quería hacerle firmar, y sale de la habitación.
1 | Lumière 750 (AS 300) | Maguire & Baucus 1750 |
© collection Cinémathèque française |
2 | Alexandre Promio ; Georges Hatot | Gaston Breteau |
3 | 08/1897-09/1897 | 17 m |
4 | France, Paris, 12 impasse Montfaucon, laiterie Courson | |