L'Enfant prodigue
"The young man spends his wealth in feasting. Ballet" (PAT 1903-04)
"El hijo pródigo gasta su fortuna en fiestas. Baile" (PAT 1904-03)
Ferdinand Zecca, El hijo pródigo (1901)
L'Enfant prodigue
- Le père partage ses biens entre ses deux fils.
Le jeune homme dépense son bien en fêtes. Ballet.
Poussé par la misère, il dispute sa nourriture aux pourceaux ; il aperçoit en rêve ses malheureux parents guettant son retour.
Le retour de l’enfant prodigue. Le père, heureux de retrouver son enfant commande des réjouissances en son honneur.
Le festin du veau. Réconciliation des deux frères.
PAT 1902-04
The Prodigal Son
Parable from the bible in 5 pictures
PAT 1903-04
El hijo pródigo
Parábola bíblica en 5 cuadros.
PAT 1904-03
[El hijo pródigo. Parábola bíblica en 5 cuadros: 1. Un hombre tenía dos hijos; el menor le rogó a su padre que le diera la parte de la herencia que le correspondía; 2. Se gastó en dinero en fiestas y se hundió en la miseria más terrible; 3. Se convierte en guardián de puercos y comparte con ellos sus alimentos; 4. Arrepentido, regresa a la casa paterna; 5. Se mata el ternero cebado en honor del hijo pródigo.]
The Prodigal Son
The father of the two sons is first shown, presenting a large quantity of jewels and money to cach of his two sons. The one who is the "black sheep" of the family accepts his share very greedily and seems to he anxious to take it away and squander it. The other son carefully turns his share over to his servants and instructs them what he wishes done with it. Immediately the wealth is distributed the first son hurries away with his treasure and the second re-enters his father’s house.
Here the scene changes, and shows the spendthrift at his pleasure in a wine garden. Next he is seen, after his share has been spent, wending his way back home. Outside the house he sees the pigs and, being very hungry, pushes them away from their troughs and cats their food. He is discovered by his father’s servants and driven off. He returns to the stable after the servants have disappeared and, sitting down on a nearby stone, falls asleep. In his dreams he sees his anxious mother awaiting his return and his father endeavouring to comfort her. Upon waking he decides to go to the house. As he approaches the door he is stopped by one of his father’s slaves and, not being recognized, is refused admission. He induces the slave to send for his mother, and immediately she appears. She recognizes her son and they embrace each other. The glad news is sent to the father, and when he sees him there is great rejoicing. The fatted calf is killed and great is the joy of the entire house-hold at the return of the lost one.
LUB 1905-05
The Prodigal Son
The father presents a large quantity of jewels and money to each of his two sons. The ''black sheep" of the family accepts his share very greedily and takes it away to squander it. The other son carefully turns his share over to his servants, instructs them what he wishes done with it, and re-enters his father's house. Here is shown the spendthrift at his pleasures in a wine garden. Next he is seen, after his share has been spent, on his way back home. Outside of the house he sees the pigs, and being veyr hungry, pushes them away from their troughs and eats their food. He is discovered by his father's servants and driven off. He returns to the stable after the servants have disappeared and, sitting down on a nearby stone, falls asleep. In his dreams he sees his anxious mother awaiting his return and his father endeavoring to comfort her. Upon waking he decides to go to the house. As he approaches the door he is stopped by one of this father's slaves and not being recognized, is refused admission. He induces the slave to send for his mother, and immediately she appears. She recognizes her son and they embrace each other. The glad news is sent to the father, and when he sees him there is great rejoicing. The fatted calf is killed and great is the joy of the entire household at the return of the lost one.
SEA 1908
1 | Pathé 360 | 21F8750 (SEA) |
The prodigal's return. The father, delighted at his child's return, orders great rejoincings in his honour.
(PAT 03-04) Vuelta del hijo pródigo a la casa paterna. El padre dichoso de encontrar a su hijo manda hacer fiestas en su honor (PAT 04-03) Ferdinand Zecca, El hijo pródigo (1901) |
2 | Ferdinand Zecca ; V. Lorant-Heilbronn | |
3 | < 08/06/1901 | 145 m/475 ft ; 475 ft (SEA) |
4 | France |
Espagne, Barcelone | Cinematógrafo X | El Hijo Pródigo |
Espagne, Valence | Vinyes | El hijo pródigo |
Espagne, Alicante | Vinyes | El hijo pródigo |
Mexique, Toluca | Charles Mongrand | El hijo prodigo |
Espagne, Murcie | Vinyes | El hijo pródigo |
France, Fontenay-le-Comte | Charles Schram | L'Enfant prodigue |
France, Saumur | Charles Schram | L'Enfant prodigue |
Mexique, Mexico | Cinematógrafo Pan-Americano | El hijo prodigo |
Louis Praiss |
L'Enfant prodigue | |
Louis Praiss |
L'Enfant prodigue | |
Haïti, Port-au-Prince
Hervet/Didier |
L'Enfant prodigue
E. Péchadre/viographe | L'Enfant prodigue | |
Hervet |
El hijo pródigo
Pathé Frères
L'Enfant prodigue |