Jean-Claude SEGUIN

Dublin est la capitale de l'Irlande


Le Cinématographe Lumière de Félicien Trewey (Star Theatre of Varietes, 2->3 novembre 1896)

Félicien Trewey présente son cinématographe Lumière au Star Theatre of Varietes dans les premiers jours de novembre.

dublin 1896 star theatre trewey
Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, vendredi 30 octobre 1896, p. 15.

Un long article publié dans The Freeman's Journal donne une explication détaillée du spectacle:

The management at the Star Theatre of Varieties deserve the greatest measure of praise and congratulation on the enterprise which has marked their action this week in providing for the amusement and entertainment of their patrons. The chief item of attraction on a particularly good programme is the exhibition of the original Cinematographe, under the direction of Mons Trewey, from the Empire Theatre, London. This very wonderful instrument produces with the most absolute correctness in every minute detail animated representations of scenes and incidents which are witnessed in every day life. To those who witness the exhibition for the first time the effect is simply startling. The figures are thrown anon a screen erected in front of the audience, and taking one of the scenes depicted -that of a very busy railway terminus into which the locomotive and a number of marriages attached dash with great rapidity, the effect is not only wonderful, but is so realistic that for the moment one is almost apt to forget that the representation is artificial. When the train comes to a standstill the passengers are seen hurrying out of the carriages. bearing their luggage, the greetings between themselves and their friends are all presented perfectly true to lite and the scene is an exact reproduction of the life and bustle and tumult which is every day to be witnessed at the great railway depots of the world. The representation of Westminster Bridge was equally attractive and wonderful. A representation of a cavalry charge, in which every motion of the galloping horses in the advancing line was distinctly marked, was a grand picture. The wedding of H R H Princess Maude of Wales, and the procession in St James's street after the ceremony, were magnificent and impressive spectacles, second only to the actual scenes themselves. The representation of the sea bathing was also wonderfully true to life. Here the audience witnessed the bathers jamping into the water and saw the spray caused by the plunge rise into the air and descend again in fleecy showers upon the surface. The exhibition is altogether the finest of its kind ever seen in Dublin. It is costing the Star Company a great sum for the engagement, but so novel and exceptionally attractive an exhibition should prove such a source of attraction in Dublin as to crowd the house to overflowing each night. The numerous representations will be varied each night.

Freeman's Journal, Dublin, mardi 3 novembre 1896, p. 7.
