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- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 3 mars 2025
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 8512
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Dublin est la capitale de l'Irlande.
Le Cinématographe Lumière de Félicien Trewey (Star Theatre of Varietes, 2->3 novembre 1896)
Félicien Trewey présente son cinématographe Lumière au Star Theatre of Varietes dans les premiers jours de novembre.
Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, vendredi 30 octobre 1896, p. 15.
Un long article publié dans The Freeman's Journal donne une explication détaillée du spectacle:
The management at the Star Theatre of Varieties deserve the greatest measure of praise and congratulation on the enterprise which has marked their action this week in providing for the amusement and entertainment of their patrons. The chief item of attraction on a particularly good programme is the exhibition of the original Cinematographe, under the direction of Mons Trewey, from the Empire Theatre, London. This very wonderful instrument produces with the most absolute correctness in every minute detail animated representations of scenes and incidents which are witnessed in every day life. To those who witness the exhibition for the first time the effect is simply startling. The figures are thrown anon a screen erected in front of the audience, and taking one of the scenes depicted -that of a very busy railway terminus into which the locomotive and a number of marriages attached dash with great rapidity, the effect is not only wonderful, but is so realistic that for the moment one is almost apt to forget that the representation is artificial. When the train comes to a standstill the passengers are seen hurrying out of the carriages. bearing their luggage, the greetings between themselves and their friends are all presented perfectly true to lite and the scene is an exact reproduction of the life and bustle and tumult which is every day to be witnessed at the great railway depots of the world. The representation of Westminster Bridge was equally attractive and wonderful. A representation of a cavalry charge, in which every motion of the galloping horses in the advancing line was distinctly marked, was a grand picture. The wedding of H R H Princess Maude of Wales, and the procession in St James's street after the ceremony, were magnificent and impressive spectacles, second only to the actual scenes themselves. The representation of the sea bathing was also wonderfully true to life. Here the audience witnessed the bathers jamping into the water and saw the spray caused by the plunge rise into the air and descend again in fleecy showers upon the surface. The exhibition is altogether the finest of its kind ever seen in Dublin. It is costing the Star Company a great sum for the engagement, but so novel and exceptionally attractive an exhibition should prove such a source of attraction in Dublin as to crowd the house to overflowing each night. The numerous representations will be varied each night.
Freeman's Journal, Dublin, mardi 3 novembre 1896, p. 7.
Le Triograph (Empire Palace Theatre, 15 novembre 1897)
Le Triograph est annoncé en novembre à l'Empire Palace Theatre :
The Empire Palace, Dublin, opens on Monday with the following strong company: The Frantz Family of Acrobats, the Eldorado Girls and Dulcie Laing, skipping rope dancers; Charles Coborn, comedian; the Triograph, Celest, wiere walker; Florence Esdaile, ballad vocalist; Lester King, baritone vocalist; Morris and Morris in their funny act; Griff, the comic juggler; Virto, and Werner and Reider.
Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, Vendredi 12 novembre 1897, p. 10.
L'inauguration a lieu le lundi 15 novembre 1897 :
Last night the Empire Palace Theatre in Dame street was opened to the public, and the first performance was received with the utmost enthusiasm by e crowded audience. What is known as the queue system of admission was adopted in Dublin for the first time, and not with standing the great crowd of people who assembled in Dame street, desirous of gaining admission, there was no disorder of crashing, the admirable arrangements made by the police preventing any inconvenience. [...] The Lumiere Triograph, with special local views, was also a great success the scenes in Sackville Street, Stephen's Green, Blackrock, and Sandy mount coming in for a hearty reception.
Dublin Evening Mail, Dublin, mardi 16 novembre 1897, p. 2.
Le cinématographe reproduit un match de football local :
Anyone who missed the Trinity and Bohemian match last Saturday in the College Park can have an opportunity of seeing it this week at the Empire Palace on the "Triograph."
Sport, Dublin, samedi 20 novembre 1897, p. 8.
Un nouvel article donne plusieurs autres informations :
The new Empire Palace Theatre was opened on Monday night under the most suspicious circumstances. The house, graceful in its outlines, charming in its appearance, and elegant in all its appointments and surroundings, was filled in every part with an audience, consisting largely of a class who have not heretofore, in Dublin at all events, patronised variety entertainments. [...] Great amusement was afforded by the Lumiere Triograph views, which were chiefly of local scenes-Sackville-street, Blackrock Park, as seen from a moving train; a football match in Phoenix Park, a charge by the 13th Hussars, and a turn-out of the Dublin Fire Brigade. These and other living pictures evoked loud applause, and the Fire Brigade picture had to be reproduced.
Bray and South Dublin Herald, Dublin, samedi 20 novembre 1897, p. 3.
Le Myriograph d'H. et F. Poole (Rotunda/Round Rooms, 15->15 août 1898)
Le Myriograph d'H. et F. Poole présente des vues animées en août à la Rotunda :
The Irish Times, Dublin, samedi 13 août 1898, p. 4.
Les Animated Photographs de la Maskelyne and Cooke's Provincial Company (mars 1901)
La Maskelyne and Cooke's Company, dont le responsable est David Devant, parcourt la Grande-Bretagne depuis le mois de juillet 1899, afin d'y présenter son spectacle fait de numéros de magie et prestidigitation. L'équipe vient de donner, pendant une quinzaine de jours, des soirées à Belfast. La troupe poursuit ainsi sa tournée en Irlande. À Dublin, les séances vont commencer le lundi 11 mars, aux Antient Concert Rooms comme l'annonce l'Irish Times .
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ANTIENT CONCERT ROOMS.- Maskelyne and Cooke's Mysteries, with a Co. including Mr. David Devant, are at present here. The mysteries displayed each evening fully uphold the traditions of the Egyptian Hall entertainments, the Great Box trick being one of the most appreciated. A series of admirable cinematograph films are also shown at each performance. It is hoped that the success of the entertainment will be such as to justify the management in paying us further visits in future. Nothing could exceed the excellence of the fare provided. |
Irish Times, 11 mars 1901, p. 4. | The Stage, 14 mars 1901, p. 2. |
Les séances vont avoir lieu pendant trois semaines, mais on ne dispose que de très peu d'informations sur les vues animées dont aucun titre n'est donné. L'équipe part ensuite pour Cork.
Le cinematograph de Thomas James West (Rotunda/Round Room, 8->8 avril 1901)
Le cinematograph de Thomas James West présente des vues animées à la Round Room en avril :
Yesterday, at an afternoon entertainment in the Round Room, Rotunda, a remarkably fine cinematograph exhibition by the “ Modern Marvel Company,” took place in presence of a large audience, who witnessed it with evident interest and appreciation. The exhibition mainly consists of a wonderful series of animated pictures, which, for number and variety, may well be said to have never been excelled, if ever equalled, and these cinematographs, which constitute a marvellous panorama, are pictures of historic scenes and events in England, France, India, China, and Africa, but in addition to the cinematograph, which is accompanied by an instructive descriptive lecture by the manager, Mr. T. J. West, there is an excellent musical and variety entertainment consisting of songs by the Schottish Meisters Singers-a fine quartette—Mr. Peter Holland (alto), Mr. J. C. Tierney (tenor), Mr. A. U. Mackinnon (baritone), and Mr. J. M. Aiken (base). Miss Lily Cole, an operatic contralto, contributes to the musical part of the entertainment, while the Sisters Kirosko Bale, Japanese jugglers and balancers, give a fine per formance is their particular line. But to return to the cinematograph, it is truly a marvel. During an entertainment of over two hours, relieved, however, by the variety entertainment just mentioned, numerous scenes were presented from a grand pantomime, "A Chrismas Dream," and these were specially calculated to delight the juvenil portion of the audience, though it may be said that the dissolving effects, tricks, and spectacular tableaux, snow scenes, ballets, marches, &c., were not less appreciated by the more mature portion of the audience. The fine historic spectacle, “Joan of Arc” comprises twelve scenes commencing with Jean at the farm, and descriptive of the principal events of her life down to here execution. The second part of the cinematograph exhibition comprises a series of scenes in the life of the “Handy Man and Tommy Atkins "—views connected with the war in South Africa. The animated pictures of the funeral of Queen Victoria, and of the opening of Parliament by His Majesty King Edward, are amongst the best ever exhibited. The entertainment was repeated last night with great success before a large audience, by whom it was repeatedly applauded.
Evening Irish Times, Dublin, mardi 9 avril 1901, p. 7.
Le Myriograph de Joseph Poole (Rotunda/Round Room, 3-[23] août 1901)
Le Myriograph de Joseph Poole présente des vues animées en août.
Irish Times, Dublin, mercredi 31 juillet 1901, p. 1.
Un autre article rend compte du spectacle :
Very large audiences patronised Poole's new Myriorama in the Rotunda at both performances yesterday. The series of pictures were illustrative of the chief incidents of the Victorian era, and formed an instructive and entertaining evening's amusement. Most interest seemed to be taken in the Boer war pictures, which include representations of the battles of Elandslaagte, Ladysmith, Colenso, Pardeberg, and other incidents of more recent date. Poole's Myriograph of up-to-date animated photography was highly enjoyed, the scenes including a transport entering Peking, the attack on the Chinese Mission Station, etc. The programme was varied by the appearance of the Saletos, clever gymnasts; Miss May Finch, vocalist; La Petite Ellie and Edgar, high-wire artistes; the Westwoods, trick cyclists; Felix Somers, the "facial King," who gave a smart entertainment entitled 2People we know", the Saker Harlows, acrobats, etc. The performance, as a whole, was very creditable, and is worthy of a visit.
The Evening Mail, Dublin, mardi 4 août 1901, p. 2.
Une dernière annonce est publiée le 23 août.
The Irish Daily Independent and Nation, vendredi 23 août 1901, p. 4.
Le Myriograph d'Harry et Fred Poole (Rotunda/Round Room, 19 octobre-28 novembre 1903)
Le Myriograph d'Harry et Fred Poole présente des vues animées en octobre et novembre.
Evening Irish Times, vendredi 16 octobre 1903, p. 4.
Les séances se prolongent au moins jusqu'en novembre.
Irish Times, Dublin, lundi 2 novembre 1903, p. 4.
La dernière séance a lieu le 28 novembre.
Dublin Daily Express, Dublin, samedi 7 novembre 1903.
Le Bioscope (Rotunda, 27 décembre 1903
A la Rotunda, le bioscope propose des projections animées le jour de la Saint-Etienne :
The Irish Animated Photo Company paid a return visit to Dublin on St. Stephen's Day, and gave a display of their wonderful bioscope electric-animated pictures in the Round Room of the Rotunda. A matinee performance was given at 3 o'clock, and a second exhibition at 8. The perfection with which scenes taken from real life in different parts of the world are reproduced by the company is marvellous. By a close study of these pictures, depicting incidents in foreign countries, one forms a better idea of the reality than volumes of pen pictures would give. In fact, the spectator, while comfortably seated in the Rotunda can catch glimpses of foreign lands which could otherwise be observed only after tedious and expensive travel. Among the foreign scenes to which the audience is introduced ara the Canadian forests, showing the operation of felling pines in the North-West territory, dragging the huge logs over corduroy roads, lumbering, milling logs, etc.; Macedonia, showing procession of monks and refugees; the great salmon fisheries of the Fraser River, showing the actual capture of the fish, and the Indians at work in the finning factories; and an African ostrich farm, some of the world a notable entertainments are brought before the audience with remarkably life-like fidelity. The wonderful acrobatic feats of the Lauri Brothers were shown at Saturday's matinee. A number of Irish and British incidents were also depicted, including a rabbit poaching affray, King Edward the Seventh's visit to Ireland; and rescues by Brigademen at a fire. There were several picture of a humorous kind, so vivid and amusing as to draw roars of laughter from the audience. One of the scenes, entitled "Who Stole the Bike?" was so suggestive of fun as to be irresistible, in its mirth-provoking powers. Mr. Fred Matthews, who had a fine baritone voice of great power, contributes vocal items. The piece which he sang at the opening matinee, which had for its theme the glorification of England and its Empire, though as a vocal effort it was a fine performance was not relished by a section of the audience, who hissed their disapproval, not of the artist's performance, but of his subject.
The Freeman's Journal, Dublin, lundi 28 décembre 1903, p. 2.
Le Myriograph de Joseph Poole (Rotunda, 10->10 septembre 1906)
Le Myriograph de Joseph Poole présente des vues animées en septembre.
Dublin Evening Telegraph, Dublin, jeudi 6 septembre 1906, p. 1.