- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 28 octobre 2022
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 6643
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
York est une ville d'Angleterre (Grande-Bretagne).
Les Living Photographs des frères Downey (Festival Concert Room, 8 mars 1898)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au Festival Concert Room en mars.
The Evening Press, York, jeudi 8 mars 1898, p. 1.
Les Animated Photographs de la Maskelyne & Cooke's Provincial Company (octobre 1899)
Lorsque David Devant arrive à York, il tourne depuis le mois de juillet avec une véritable troupe où la magie et la prestidigitation se taillent une place de choix. Dans la presse, on annonce avec quelques jours d'avance, l'arrivée de la Maskelyne & Cooke's Provincial Company. L'article du Yorkshire Gazette s'attache tout particulièrement aux vues animées :
The Festival Concert Room next week should be crowded every night, for Maskelyne and Cooke's famous "Mystery" Company will give, as is announced in another column, a series of their popular entertainments. It is said that the touring company, as regards personnel, properties, and stage effects, will give an entertainment equal to those seen in the Egyptian Hall, London, the latest novelties being constantly sent down from headquarters. The company, which has already been very successful, only started to tour in the provinces in July last. It is the only one that has been formed, and everything is under the direct supervision of Mr J. N. Maskelyne. It was formed with a view to more adequately utilise the immense repertoire of illusions and mysteries developed at the Egyptian Hall during the past 26 years. There are about 25 members of the company, and the artistes have been carefully selected and personally instructed by Maskelyne, and the performances will, in every respect, maintain the high repute of "England's Home of Mystery." Among other features in the programme are "The Gnome's Grot” —a delightful combination of refined fun and profound mystery—"Mrs Daffodil Downey's Seance," and a fine display of animated photographs. The recent additions to the latter include a series of films of the Transvaal Crisis— which have just been sent down for exhibition at York —showing President Kruger leaving the Volksraad, and three or four in which the departure of the troops at Southampton are depicted. Incidents the Dreyfus drama, and the sailing of the Shamrock are also shown. The company will commence their week's visit on Monday next, and in addition the nightly entertainments there will matinees on Wednesday and Saturday. Seats have already been very largely booked, and there is every prospect that at York the company will be as prosperous as they have already been in their short tour. The company have certainly spared no money in making known their approaching visit, and their unique style of advertising has been the centre of general attraction.
Yorkshire Gazette, samedi 21 octobre 1899, p. 7.
C'est finalement le lundi 23 octobre qu'a lieu la première dans les Festival Concert Rooms. Dans les jours suivants, la presse ne fait que reprendre globalement les mêmes informations à quelques variantes près comme on peut le constater dans les lignes qui suivent :
One of the finest displays of animated photographs we have seen out of the Metropolis is also exhibited during the evening, and in addition to being a very pleasing feature in themselves, the pictures come as a needed break in the almost overwhelming series of thaumaturgics. There are several films relating to the Transvaal War, including the embarking of troups at Southampton, etc. President Kruger leaving the Volksraad" was also shown, and caused a good deal of hissing and jeering.
Yorkshire Gazette, samedi 28 octobre 1899, p. 3.
La nouveauté réside dans la présentation d'une série de vues sur la guerre du Transvaal récemment tournée. Pour le reste, le spectacle ne souffre guère de changement par rapport au premier qui a été présenté en juillet à Eastbourne. L'équipe semble être restée un peu plus d'une semaine.
Les Animated Photographs de la Maskelyne & Cooke's Provincial Company (décembre 1904)
David Devant, depuis juillet 1900, à la tête de la Maskelyne & Cooke's Provincial Company, parcourt le pays accompagné de sa troupe de magiciens. Les artistes viennent de donner des représentations à Sheffield. À York, les séances ont lieu au Festival Concert Hall :
FESTIVAL CONCERT HALL.-Maskelyne and Cooke's entertainment, headed by David Devant, is the attraction here.
The Era, Londres, samedi 24 décembre 1904, p. 10.
Plus d'autre information. Les images animées font partie, avec une très grande certitude, du spectacle, puisque les films s'inscrivent toujours dans les représentations de David Devant.