- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 11 mars 2018
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 4444
L' Army Life de Robert-William Paul (novembre 1900)
Walter R. Booth, après avoir travaillé avec David Devant pendant deux saisons, se retrouve désormais avec le cinématographiste et éditeur de films, Robert-William Paul. L'équipe, qui vient de proposer quelques soirées à Ipswich arrive à Colchester, c'est tout un programme qui est présenté au Corn Exchange, à partir du 7 novembre 1900 :
Army Life by the Animatograph. — On Wednesnay, Nov. 7, Mr. Robert W. Paul gave his entertainment on "Army Life" at the Corn Exchange to a large and appreciative audience. At any time a series of animated photographs illustrating the life of a soldier from his enlistment till the end of his military career, and depicting many of his most interesting duties performed with military smartness and accuracy would prove popular, but in a year such as this, when everything is more or less khaki, and in a military town like Colchester, an exhibition of this description is bound to excite unusual interest. Mr. Paul’s pictures are excellent and bring home most vividly to the spectator the fine training Tommy has to undergo in piping times of peace, the value of which training he has been demonstrating in South Africa. The scenes commence with a photograph of the recruit joining the colours, and go on to illustrate the various stages of his training. There are also very realistic photographs of cavalry charges, and of the building of bridges and fortifications by the Royal Engineers. The most interesting views, however, are those illustrating the firing of heavy artillery, and the wonderful effects of the explosion of land and submarine mines. Quite as interesting as either of these displays is the work with a battery 6-pounder and 12-pounder quick firing guns, firing at a target travelling at 23 miles an hour. The target is shown rushing across the sea front with the shots splashing around it. After the ordinary photos had been displayed was one depicting the return of the C.I.V.’s, which was of course greeted with great applause. Apart from the photographs the clever conjuring, ventriloquism and lightning sketches by Walter R. Booth from Maskelyne and Cooke's, and the humorous musical sketches by Mr. Oldbury Brough were much appreciated. The entertainment was repeated on Thursday evening.
Essex Standard , Saturday 10 November 1900, 7.
Il s'agit de présenter, dans une ville militaire comme Colchester, une superbe série sur la Vie Militaire et qui figure, bien entendu, au catalogue Paul. Le nombre et la qualité des vues sont tout à fait exceptionnels et la soirée est entrecoupée des numéros de Booth and Brough.