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- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 9 février 2025
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 7562
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Norwich est une ville d'Angleterre (Grande-Bretagne).
Le cinématographe Lumière de H. Spencer Clarke (Assemby Rooms of the Agriculitural Hall, 1er novembre 1897)
L'opérateur H. Spencer Clarke travaille pour les sociétés Lever Brothers et Nestlé qui profitent des séances cinématographiques pour faire leur publicité grâce à des films tournés pour la maison Lumière. À Norwich, la séance a lieu le 1er novembre 1897 à l'Assembly Rooms de l'Agricultural Hall :
A novel and interesting form of advertising has been adopted by Lever Brothers, of Port Sunlight, and the proprietors of Nestlé’s Milk. These two firms gave a high-class entertainment on Monday, at the Assembly Rooms of the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, consisting of animated pictures thrown upon a screen by the Lumière Cinématographe. In the series the Sunlight Soap washing competition alternates with a bull-fight in Andalusia, the driving cows into Nestlé’s milk factory, and the Diamond Jubilee Procession. The entertainment was under the direction of Mr. A. Spencer Clarke.
The Era, Londres, 6 de noviembre de 1897, p. 19.
Parmi les vues signalées, on remarque The Sunlight Soap Washing Competition, tournée en 1896, probablement, par Alexandre Promio, ainsi que les films pris à l'occasion du Jubilé de la Reine Victoria, par le suisse François-Henri Lavanchy-Clarke.
L'eventographe de Charles W. Poole (Assembly Room, 17 octobre 1898)
Charles W. Poole dans le cadre de son spectacle Myriorama présente des vues animées avec son eventograph :
Last evening Mr. Charles W. Poole opened for a short season with his excellent and instructive entertainment at the Assembly Room, Agricultural Hall. The hall was filled every part appreciative audience. Since the last visit several new pictures have been added, including a representation of the splendid charge of the 21st Lancers and a tableau of Klondyke. During the progress of the trip round the globe an amusing and clever variety programme is gone through, among at the contributors being Bonetty’s performing foxes, the only exhibition of the kind the world; Professor Carson, the ventriloquist, who introduces hit life-size figure of Ally Sloper; Orville Pitcher, negro comedian : Mdlle. Marie, a pleasing dancer: Mons. Martini, champion trick rider, who rides a half-wheel and a cart wheel with the greatest ease; Tissott’s living marionettes, Hal Bert, the laughing comic, who received a well-deserved encore for his song, "Nice old maids;” and a clever performance by the Ladderettes on the high ladder. A feature of the evening the eventographe, improved cinematographe, being combination of the best machines invented for the production living photographs. Mr. E. Pryce acts as the guide, while the band is under the conductorship of Mr. A. E. Cooper. Matinees are given on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 3.
Eastern Evening News, mardi 18 octobre 1898.
Le Myriograph d'H. et F. Poole (<14->17 mars 1900)
Le Myriograph d'Harry et Fred Poole, dont le manager est leur neveu Charles Poole présente des vues animées en mars :
The days have hardly yet passed when the "grand tour" was reckoned an Integral part o! the education of a wealthy Englishman. Yet this only available for modern sons of Croesus. Messrs. Poole have popularised it with the multitude. By means of their vividly and accurately painted myriorama, the most famous scenes and cities in the world are placed before the spectator for a nominal sum. The canvases are newly painted, and are remarkable (or their wealth of detail and brilliancy of colour. Among the up-to-date subjects dealt with are the trip to Klondyke, scenes in the Soudan, and most topical of all, gold-mining on the Rand, Laing’s Nek and Majuba Hill, extremity vivid presentments of the destruction of the armoured train at Kraai Pan, the battle of Glenooe, charge of the 5th Lancers at Elandslasgte, and the subsequent stampede of the Boers. The panoramic pictures include many brilliant transformation scenes with realistic effects, the most noteworthy being the destruction of the Maine in the harbour of Havana, and the defeat of the Spanish Armada, the last-named being assuredly the cleverest of the mechanical effects for which Messrs. Poole’s Myriorama has won so deserved a popularity during the past sixty years. Lest the constant succession of pictures should prove in the least degree monotonous there are numerous interludes of interesting character—comic songs, dancing, duologues, and two aerobatic performances, the excellence of which is almost obscured by the absurdities of the performers. With the aid of the myriograph a fine aeries of animated pictures is thrown upon the screen, including such recent films as Lancers fording the Modder, the ambulance attending the wounded, and Highlanders being conveyed by train across the Modder River on a temporary trestle bridge. But by far the cleverest pourtrayal is that entitled "The Fire Dance,” in which the oolour effects are so startling as to Indicate an entirely new field for the cinematograph, or rather myriograph. Another excellent act in the variety entertainment is that of M. Chard’s leaping hounds, whose jumping abilities proved a revelation to the large audience that foregathered on the opening night of the season. Each of the animals seemed eager to show its prowess, and to win a word of commandation from its trainer, and the wonderful flying leaps taken by greybounds and collies alike seem hardly credible without visual proof. Mr. Charles Poole proved an excellent guide during the early part of the entertainment, being succeeded by Mr. Stewart Braide. A band of more than average merit enlivens the proceedings, which are never dull during the two and a half hours that the entertainment lasts.
The Norwich Mercury, Norwich, mercredi 14 mars 1900, p. 3.
Le même article est reproduit le 17 mars dans le même journal.
Le Vitascope (Town Hall, 28-29 septembre 1900)
Le Vitascope présente des vues animées au Town Hall à la fin du mois de septembre :
ANIMATED WAR PICTURES.-On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Mr. J. Brandon Midland exhibited in the Town Hall some 50 animated photographs of the war in South Africa, showing the same upon the screen by the aid of his limelight vitascope. Among the subjects treated were the fording of Modder River, ambulance waggon with Boer wounded drawn by oxen, the Naval Brigade in action review of the men of H.M.S. Powerful by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, the surrender of Cronje, the hospital train, Colonial troops on the march, the Seaforth Highlanders, trooping the colours, and a number of amusing scenes, including photographing a ghost, a kiss in the tunnel, and the obstinate donkey. During the evening Professor Cross gave one of his interesting and amusing lectures on "Phrenology," the subject being dealt with from the point of view of "What the head reveals,” How to choose friends,” “How to read character,” “How to preserve health,” and “ How to succeed in life.” His delineation of character of volunteers, as usual, was a source of much merriment to the audience.
Norwich Mercury, Norwich, samedi 29 septembre 1900, p. 10.
L' "Army Life" de Robert-William Paul (Agricultural Hall Assembly-rooms, 2-4 novembre 1900)
Walter R. Booth, après avoir travaillé avec David Devant pendant deux saisons, se retrouve désormais avec le cinématographiste et éditeur de films, Robert-William Paul. À Norwich, c'est tout un programme qui est présenté à l'Agricultural Hall Assembly-rooms, du 2 au 4 novembre 1900.
“ARMY LIFE.”—The entertainment now running at the Agricultural Hall Assembly-rooms deserves to be widely patronised by the soldier-loving public. By means of animatograph pictures a vivid idea of the life of Tommy Atkins is given from the time he comes under the spell of the recruiting-sergeant, through the various phases of his military training, until he becomes the well-set-up martial figure so familiar to all. Every branch of the service is represented, and whether it be infantry at squad drill, cavalry lance exercise, artillery at gun practice, Army Service Corps or Royal Army Medical Corps pursuing their avocations, or Royal Engineers at their particularly interesting work, the pictures are at once clear and lifelike. Perhaps the palm should be awarded to the series of views dealing with the Royal Engineers, who are shown bridge building, capturing a fort, exploding mines, and engaged in diving operations. The explosions of the land and submarine mines are really wonderful effects. The views are varied by clever entertainment by Mr. Walter R. Booth and Mr. Oldbury Brough, and the whole programme commended itself warmly to the taste of the audience assembled last night. Quite the latest addition to the series of views is the return the C.I.V. The entertainments remain open to-night and Thursday.
Norfolk News, Norfolk, 3 novembre 1900, p. 14.
Il s'agit de présenter une superbe série sur la Vie Militaire et qui figure, bien entendu, au catalogue Paul. Le nombre et la qualité des vues sont tout à fait exceptionnels et la soirée est entrecoupée des numéros de Booth and Brough. Après ces séances, l'équipe part pour Ipswich.
Les animated photographs de la Maskelyne and Cooke's Regional Company (Assembly Room. Agrucultural Hall, 31 mars-[14] avril 1902)
La Maskelyne and Cooke's Regional Company organise des spectacles en Grande-Bretagne depuis juillet 1899. David Devant en est le responsable et il accompagne la troupe. L'équipe vient de donner de nombreuses séances à Manchester. À Norwich, le spectacle a lieu, à partir du 31 mars 1902, à l'Assembly Room de l'Agricultural Hall :
Eastern Daily Press, Tuesday 25 March 1902, p. 4
Les séances sont prévues pour deux semaines et il est bien question de vues animées : "Moreover, a new feature is seen in the production of a series of amusing and cleverly worked animated pictures." (Eastern Daily Press, 8 avril 1902, p. 3). Mais aucune information complémentaire ne permet de connaître les titres des films projetés. Quelques jours plus tard, la troupe donne quelques soirée à Reading.
Les animated photographs de la Maskelyne and Cooke's Regional Company (Assembly Room. Agrucultural Hall, 4-[18] avril 1904)
David Devant tourne déjà depuis plusieurs années avec sa compagnie et a présenté ses numéros dans des dizaines de villes. Il revient à Norwich, pour deux semaines de spectacle. La première a lieu à l'Assembly Room de l'Agricultural Hall, le lundi 4 avril 1904.
Norwich Mercury, 26 mars 1904, p. 11.
Même si les vues animées ne figurent pas dans l'annonce, il est très probable qu'elles prennent place à la fin de la représentation, comme cela se fait depuis déjà de nombreuses années, au cour des tournées que donne le magicien Devant. L'équipe se rend ensuite à Ipswich.