The Funeral of the late Rt. Hon. W.E. Gladstone


The Funeral of the late Rt. Hon. W.E. Gladstone

Containts portraits of the members of the Houses of Lords and Commons, Lord Salisbury, H. M. The King, and many other notable persons.

PAU 1903-06


1 Paul  
2 n.c.
3 28/05/1898 140 ft 
4 Grande-BretagneLondres  


20/07/1898 Grande-BretagneEastbourne David Devant The Funeral Cortege of the Mr. Gladstone
18/08/1898 Grande-Bretagne, Barnstaple Maurice Victor The Funeral Procession of the Late Mr. Gladstone 
14/10/1898 Grande-Bretagne, Dartmouth Ernest Wighton  The Funeral Procession of the Late Mr Gladstone 
05/11/1898 Grande-BretagneReading Walter R. Booth Mr Gladstone's funeral

