Les Animated Photographs de David Devant (mars 1898)

Depuis le mois d'août 1896, David Devant, le célèbre magicien, a organisé une entreprise afin de distribuer et présenter des films en Grande-Bretagne. Il peut compter, à partir du milieu de l'année 1897 sur plusieurs collaborateurs dont son propre frère, Ernest Wighton. À Bury, même si le nom de Devant apparaît, c'est plutôt l'une de ses trois équipes qui tournent en Grande-Bretagne, qui est responsable du fonctionnement des trois soirées des 28, 29 et 30 mars données à l'Athenaeum Hall. Dès le 19 mars la presse annonce les futures projections (Bury Free Press, Bury, 19 mars 1898, p. 4). Les journaux locaux, Bury and Norwich Post et Burry Free Press se font l'écho de ces projections en des termes assez voisins : 

ANIMATED PHOTOGRAPHS. — A capital entertainment was given in the Athenaeum on Monday evening, consisting of an exhibition of Mr. David Devant's original animated photographs (from Messrs Maskelyne and Cooke's Egyptian Hall, London). The photographs were a splendid and interesting series, some 40 in number, and were most successfully shown. A slight improvement might perhaps be made in regard to the focussing, but in other respects the exhibition was most satisfactory. The movements of the figures were extremely realistic, and a much greater degree of steadiness was secured in regard thereto than is frequently the case. Among the most noteworthy of the pictures was the snow-balling scene, children at play, the marching of the Scots Guards, a fight between a miller and a sweep, a cave with the waves dashing in (this being in particular most realistic), and scenes from the Diamond Jubilee procession. The audience testified their appreciation of the exhibition by frequent and hearty plaudits. The pictorial display was varied by musical sketches by Mr. Griffiths Humphrey, who well maintained his reputation as a society entertainer, his efforts provoking repeated and hearty plaudits. Altogether the entertainment was one which was much enjoyed by all present. There was an excellent attendance, the hall being quite filled. The entertainment will be repeated to-night (Tuesday) and Wednesday.

Bury and Norwich Post, Tuesday 29 March 1898, 8.

Le journaliste commente la qualité de l'appareil cinématographique, même si nous n'en connaissons pas la provenance. C'est presque toujours le même nombre de vues, 40, qui sont proposées au public, mais les titres évoqués sont un peu les mêmes qui proviennent des catalogues Lumière et Paul.

Le Cinématographe de William Clark (mars 1899)

C'est à l'occasion de la foire de Bury, en mars 1899, que William Clark présente son cinématographe :

This is always a splendid show, and deservedly popular. Bartlett Day, in his lion show performance, obtained a fair share, if not quite the lion share, of public patronage. The lion's share of public favour was won by William Clark with his now well-known Cinématographe exhibition. The secret of this success is very obvious. He caters to amuse his audience and to give them so good a show that they will come again. Splendid pictures well shown without a tinge of vulgarity, and there you are, that means success. […]
These gentlemen were received in Clark’s Cinématograph show (kindly lent for the occasion) by the Rev. T. Horne, hon. Chaplain to the Showmen’s Guild, and the leading members of the Guild committee.[…]
Mr. William Clark was thanked for the use of the booth.

The Era - Saturday 18 March 1899, p. 20