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- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 5 mars 2025
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 9442
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Ramsgate est une ville d'Angleterre (Grande-Bretagne).
Les Animated Photographs de Birt Acres (Royal Assembly Rooms, 16 décembre 1896)
Birt Acres organise une présentation de ses photographies animées en décembre.
East Kent Times and Mail, Ramsgate, mercredi 16 décembre 1896, p. 1.
Les Animated Photographs de G. Albert Smith (Amphitheatre, 22 février 1897)
.G. Albert Smith s'annonce dans le spectacle de Dick Whittington qui va se donner à l'Amphitheatre :
The Thanet Advertiser, Ramsgate, 13 février 1897, p. 1.
Grâce à un compte rendu publié quelques jours plus tard, nous disposons de quelques informations sur le programme de vues proposées :
The exhibition of animated photographs, given by Mr. G.A. Smith has "caught on" wonderfully, and certainly to see the pictures alone is well worth the charge for admission. The audience have had before them each evening the photographs-replete with the natural bustle and movement-of Brighton on a Bank Holiday, a lady dancing the serpentine dance, a street fight, cyclists in Hyde Park, the Czar of all the Russias passing from Paris to Versailles in all the glory of state ceremonial, a rough sea at Hastings, the carriage traffic in the King's-road at Brighton, a train arriving at a railway station, and troops marching to church on a Sunday morning at Portsmouth. Mr, Hunter is to be complimented on his enterprise in placing this latest development of photographic science before the Ramsgate public in such an acceptable way.
Thanet Advertiser, Ramsgate, samedi 27 février 1897, p. 2.
Les Animated Photographs de David Devant (Congregational Institute, 25 janvier 1898)
Depuis le mois d'août 1896, David Devant, le célèbre magicien, a organisé une entreprise afin de distribuer et présenter des films en Grande-Bretagne. Il compte, à partir du milieu de l'année 1897 sur plusieurs collaborateurs dont son propre frère, Ernest Wighton, parfois accompagné de J. W. Seers. Difficile de savoir qui est responsable du cinématographe qui fonctionne le 25 janvier 1898 au Congregational Institute de Ramsgate :
Ramsgate Congregational Institute.— The Congregational Hall was crowded on Tuesday evening, when, under the auspices of this popular Institute, the interesting series of animated photographs comprising Mr. David Devant’s Cinematograph were exhibited. A large number of capital pictures were shewn, depicting “A Fire Brigade Turn-out,” “Highlanders marching,” “Altar Scene,” “An American express," “High diving at Milan,” “Spanish Bull Fight,” “Panorama of Venice,” “The Haunted Castle.” Mr. David Devant Conjuring,” “Snowballing a Cyclist,” "The Lightning Cartoonist,” etc. A set of pictures from the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Procession were especially good, and created much applause. At intervals Mr. Ernest Walcot gave humorous musical sketches, and also recited an amusing piece, entitled Innocents Abroad," from Mark Twain’s book, which the audience fully appreciated.
Thanet Advertiser, 29 January 1898, 5.
En revanche, le journaliste offre une partie importante du programme de vues animées offertes au public. Les films proviennent, bien sûr, du catalogue Paul, mais on y trouve également plusieurs vues Lumière que vend, en particulier, la maison londonienne Philippe Wolff, depuis juillet 1897.
L'Eventographe de Charles W. Poole (Sanger's Amphitheatre, 31 janvier-5 février 1898)
L'Eventographe de Charles W. Poole, collaborateur de Charles W. Poole, présente des vues animées en janvier :
The public will welcome the announcement that the" Charles W." Poole's myriorama will re-visit Ramsgate next week. This establishment is so popular that the Amphitheatre is sure to be crowded. Many new features have been added, amongst the greatest being representations of the war in India, and the great naval battle of the Yalu. Bonnetty's unique performing foxes, and the eventographe are immensely successful, the latter showing ten minutes' views of the Jubilee procession. There will be six evening shows and two matinees.
East Kent Times, mercredi 26 janvier 1898, p. 6.
East Kent Times and Mail, mercredi 26 janvier 1898, p. 1.
Les Animated Photographs de David Devant (Royal Assembly Rooms and Theatre of Varietes, avril 1898)
L'équipe de David Devant est de retour quelques mois plus tard pour une nouvelle séance de vues animées. Mais seul un très court entrefilet nous informe de ces projections :
ROYAL ASSEMBLY ROOMS AND THEATRE OF VARIETIES.-Proprietor, Mr Frederick France.-Mr David Devant's Cinématograph is here once more. Mr. Griffith Humphreys gives amusing and refined sketches at intervals.
The Era, Londres, Samedi 16 avril 1898, p. 9.
Rien de plus, ou presque, pour le compte rendu tout aussi lapidaire :
MR DAVID DEVANT'S Cinématographe has been on exhibition at the Assembly Rooms, Ramsgate this week. The pictures have lost none of their popularity, and a clever and amusing entertainment is given by Mr. Griffiths Humphrey.
The Era, Londres, samedi 23 avril 1898 1898, p. 16.
Les séances ont lieu aux Royal Assembly Rooms, à la différence de la fois précédente, mais ce nouveau passage par Ramsgate n'a guère laissé de traces.
Le Myriograph d'Harry et Fred Poole (Sanger's Amphitheatre, 17-22 mars 1902)
Le Myriograph d'Harry et Fred Poole présente des vues animées au Sanger's Amphitheatre en mars.
Thanet Advertiser, samedi 15 mars 1902, p. 1.
La prense rend compte des séances :
Poole's Pictures.
Poole's myriorama is again proving its irresistible power to attract all classes of theatre-goers. Messrs. H. and F. Poole, whose pictures are this week being shewn nightly (with matinees on Wednesday and Saturday) at Ramsgate Amphitheatre, have brought an entertainment which rouses the audiences to enthusiasm. Of the pictures, it may be said that they are works of art; the dioramic effects astonishing and dazzling. The capable guide makes the myriorama instructive as well as entertaining. But, apart from the pictures, there is what is not inaptly described as "an amazing amusing aggregation." It is really an exceptionally clever show. Chief amongst the many fine turns are those by the Olmars (a remarkably clever troupe of acrobats), by Condos and Una (Japanese equilibrists), little Carlena (a very graceful dancer), the Musical Keiths, and Coma (a juggler of care dexterity and smartness). Then the myriograph, or improved cinematograph, deserves a special line of praise; the comic pictures are particularly good. Let us also say a word for the orchestra, ably led by Mr. Enrico Collini, whose overtures are specially commendable. Mr. Collini is an old friend to Ramsgate playgoers, and will be recalled as the composer and director of the bright and tuneful music of Madame Marie's famous "Forty Thieves" burlesque, which paid us a visit in 1894. Altogether Poole's is an excellent show, and we shall be surprised if the Amphitheatre is not crowded every night this week, as it was on Monday and last night, with almost boisterously enthusiastic audiences.
East Kent Times and Mail, mercredi 19 mars 1902, p. 3.
Le Myriograph de M. Poole (Amphiteatre, <1er> juin 1904)
Le Myriograph de M. Poole présente des vues animées en juin :
Poole's Myrlorama.
" Poole's " is always a popular entertainment. The production this week at Ramagate Amphitheatre is even more attractive than its predecessors. The pictures are works of art, and are brought right up-to-date by the inclusion of some graphic representations of scenes in the Russo-Japanese war. There are some singularly brilliant effects in illumination, and the exhibition is completely satisfactory. The audiences so far have been delighted with it. In addition to the grand tour made under the tutelage of a competent lecturer, the entertainment includes many meritorious varieties. An exceptionally good series of myriograph animated pictures; the clever Bendella troupe of acrobats; juggling by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Searle; smart horizontal bar work by Horton and Linder—these are but a few of the items which go to make up an admirable entertainment. There is a capital orchestra led by Mr. Fred Drake. Poole's should be seen. It remains all the week, with a special matinee on Saturday.
East Kent Times and Mail, Ramsgate, mercredi 1er juin 1904, p. 5.
Le Myriograph de Joseph Poole (Amphiteatre, 12-17 décembre 1904)
Le Myriograph de Joseph Poole présente des vues animées en décembre.
East Kent Times and Mail, mercredi 7 décembre 1904, p. 1.