Jean-Claude SEGUIN

Sheffield est une ville d'Angleterre (Grande-Bretagne).


Le Cinématographe Lumière de Félicien Trewey (Empire Theatre, 23 juin-> 4 juillet 1896)

sheffield 1896 empire trewey
Sheffield Daily Telegraph, Sheffield, mardi 23 juin 1896, p. 1.

Félicien Trewey installe son cinématographe à l'Empire Theatre en juin :

SHEFFIELD. —EMPIRE PALACE.—The aim of the Empire Palace management is to be thoroughly up-to-date, and, thanks to the fine hall in Pinstone Street, Sheffield, people are able to keep well abreast of the times with regard to music hall novelties. This week, the Lumiere Cinérnatographe is the sensation, and it is produced by Mons. Trewey, who has long been famed for his clever turns. The cinématographe is amongst the latest discoveries in the photographic art, and by means of it scenes in everyday life are vividly placed on a screen before the audience. They are not dead and flat, as in the case of an ordinary photograph shown upon a screen, but each scene is instinct with life and movement, just as if one were looking at it through a glass. The effect is produced by taking instantaneous photographs at the rate of over 900 a minute, upon a highly sensitised gelatine band. When projected upon a screen, the photographs follow each other in such quick succession that each scene is reconstituted and continuous. A number of scenes have been prepared, and those exhibited to a large audience, last night, were highly appreciated. Street scenes were produced with absolute fidelity. Hansoms bowled along, cabs and 'buses crawled, the coster laboriously wheeled his barrow, and the cyclist dashed quickly past and was lost to view. Some of the foot-passengers hurried by, others loitered along smoking, and few were evidently interested in the photographer. A little child, barely able to stand, was depicted trying to catch fish in a large glass bowl, and the shaky little legs and the ineffectual attempts to capture the fish created much laughter. A fond father and mother were seen at table, feeding an infant; but probably the scene that appealed to the audience most was that showing a railway station. Passengers were loitering about the platform, when a long train swept into the station, the passengers alighted, and other travellers took their seats, and there was all the bustle of such a moment. A pretty picture was one where huge waves dashed on a rock-bound coast, and sent up showers of spray, and the only thing wanted for realism was the dull booming of the waters. So accurate is the instrument used that in the representation of a sparring match the muscles of the fighters could be seen to work. A marvellous view was that in which workmen were seen to undermine a wall, which slowly tottered, and fell, and the débris was hidden in a cloud of dust. This settled, and the workmen were found proceeding with their labours. To such a high degree of perfection has the invention been brought that as each picture was produced it was hard to believe that it was not a scene acted for the edification of those present. The cinematographe alone should ensure crowded houses at the Empire throughout the week.

 Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, vendredi 26 juin 1896, p. 18.

L'Empire Theatre fait partie des salles dont le propriétaire est H. E. Moss, réseau dans lequel Félicien Trewey présente son cinématographe

EMPIRE PALACE (LIMITED).-Managing Director, Mr H. E. Moss; Acting-Manager, Mr John Pellow.-Good business is still the rule at this "hall of dazzling light," music, mirth, and song. The principal attraction this week is the Lumière Cinematographe, from the Empire, London, which is introduced by Mons. Trewey. The realistic pictures are loudly applauded.

The Era, Londres, samedi 27 juin 1896, p. 19.

Une dernière annonce est publiée dans les premiers jours de juillet.

sheffield 1896 empire trewey 02Sheffield Evening Telegraph, Sheffield, samedi 4 juillet 1896, p. 1..

Le Kineopticon de H. Jasper Redfern (Y.M.C.A. Lecture Hall, 4 septembre-2 octobre 1896)

H. Jasper Redfern présente son kineopticon au Y.M.C.A. Lecture Hall: 

The Cinemetograph is the thing ! At least such appears to be the case in Sheffield. Within the next few days there will be no less than three shows running in the town, and people will have ample opportunity of studying one of the wonders of the century. Mr. H. Jasper Redfern — who, by the way, is a local man — evidently means to be abreast of the times, and has added to his business not only the Cinemetograph, but also the new process of anatomical photography by the new Rontgen X Rays. He has already had several subjects for the latter process. To-day he commences in the Y.M.C.A. Lecture Hall a series of exhibitions, showing animated pictures of the Royal Family and scenes from every-day life; and the public, by the aid of the X rays, are cheerfully asked " to come and see their own bones."

Sheffield Independent, Sheffield, vendredi 4 septembre 1896, p. 4.

Selon une annonce publiée dans le même journal, il semble que l'appareil soit le même que celui qu'utilise Birt Acres. La première a lieu le vendredi 4 septembre:

sheffield 1896 acres
Sheffield Independent, Sheffield, vendredi 4 septembre 1896, p. 4.

L'appareil est présenté au Y.M.C.A. Lecture Hall, puis à l'Albert Hall, dans les premiers jours de septembre :

Special Engagement, at an enormous expense, of the new Wonder of the World,
The most marvellous invention of the day. Exhibited as the Cinematograph, Theatrograph, etc., etc. The apparatus used is the Kineopticon, invented by Bir Acrs [sic], Esq., F.R.M.S., etc., etc., as exhibited by him at Marlborough House, before the Prince and Princess of Wales, and the Royal Wedding Guests, Tuesday, July 21, by Special Command of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, who personally complimented Mr. Birt Acres.
The Same Apparatus-The Same Views.
Living Pictures taken from Real Life.
Ships Sail. Trains in Motion. Soldiers Marche, etc.
A Selection will be shown from the following:-
T.R.H. the Prince and Princess of Wales at Cardiff Exhibition.
Sea Waves at Dover.
Golfing Extraordinary
Tom Merry, Lightning Cartoonist, at Work.
Boxing Match.
Highgate Tunnel.
The Derby.
Finsbury Park Railway Station.
Arrest of a Pickpocket.
Boxing Kangaroo.
Carpenter's Shop-Beer Time.
Feeding a Tiger.
German Emperor Reviewing Troops.

Sheffield Daily Telegraph, Sheffield, samedi 5 septembre 1896, p. 1.

Les séances se prolongent jusqu'au 2 octobre.

shefiields 1896 10 02 redfern
Sheffield Daily Telegraph, Sheffield, vendredi 2 octobre 1896, p. 1.

Le Cinématographe Lumière de Félicien Trewey (Empire Theatre, 8->15 septembre 1896)

Félicien Trewey est de retour et installe son cinématographe à l'Empire Theatre :

Crowded houses will be the rule throughout the week at he Empire Palace, Pinstone Street, for Mon. Trewey is paying a visit tieh Lumiere's Cinematographe, which proved such an irresistible attraction a few months ago. The powers of this wonderful invention for depicting scenes from everyday life and faithfully producing even the slightest  movements are now too well-known to dilate upon. Mons. Trewey has brought with him an almost entirely new collection of pictures, and the representations will not be exactly the same each evening. Last night he opened  with a street scene, which could not fail to appeal to the popular fancy. It showed several girls dancing to the strains of a street organ, whilst a group of loungers stood by and applauded, and busy pedestrians hurried along unheedingly. Following this was a baby, barely able to keep on its feet, struggling to extract goldfish from a large glass bowl which seemed in imminent danger of being upset. A picture of a busy street came next, and then there was a glimpse of Hyde Park at noon, with a dense crowd watching the passing cyclists. Changing the Queen's Guard at St. James's Palace was a most effective picture, and after it came two street scenes during the coronation of the Czar. Most effective was the representation of a response to a fire call. A boy is seen to rush to the fire station and ring a bell, two men rush off with the fire escape, then the doors fly open and the steamer, drawn by a couple of horses, dash out and away. An interesting study was the movement of fishes in a aquarium, and the set concluded with a bathing scene. This would not satisfy the audience; they wanted more, and a picture was put on, i which a body of cuirassiers were seen to gallop from a long distance, into full view, and then disappear in a cloud of dust.

Shefield Evening Telegraph, mardi 8 septembre 1896, p. 3.

Les séances se prolongent durant quelques jours :

There was scarcely a vacant seat at this place of amusement last week, and on more than one evening numbers were turned away for want of room Last night again the house was packed. The attraction has been Mons. Trewey's marvellous Lumiere Cinematographe, which has undoubtedly created many new patrons of the Empire among men and women who had not previously entered the doors of a music hall. A complete new set of pictures were displayed last night, some of them being wonderfully effective, more particularly the illustration of an advance of Lancers across'a sandy desert, and a swimming scene.

Sheffield Independent, Sheffield, mardi 15 septembre 1896, p. 6.

Les Living Photographs de Birt Acres (Albert Hall, 17 octobre 1896)

Birt Acres est de nouveau à Sheffield pour présenter à nouveau des vues animées :

Re-appearance, at a Great Expense, of the New Wonder of the Workd,
The most Marvellous Invention of the Century, as exhibited by Birt Acres, Esq., M.R.M.S. etc., etc., before the Prince and Princess of Wales, etc., at Marlborough House.
Ships Sail, Train, in Motion, Soldiers March, etc.
The Selection will include:— The Prince and Princess of Wales at Cardiff Exhibition (Views taken by special permission of the Prince of Wales), Highgate Tunnel, with Railway Train, etc.; and a number of New Views never exhibited before:— Blue Jackets at Drill, Dyke Railway, near Brighton; Landing from Boat at Low Tide, The Derby, German Emperor Reviewing Troops, Pierrot and Pierette, Boxing Kangaroo, Steamer Towing Fishing Smack, Sailors at Meals, Henley Regatta, Boulevard des Italiens, Paris.

Sheffield Independent, Sheffield, samedi 17 octobre 1896, p. 12.

Les Animated Photographs de David Devant (Albert Hall, 14 et 21 novembre 1896)

Depuis le mois d'août 1896, David Devant, le célèbre magicien, a organisé une entreprise afin de distribuer et présenter des films en Grande-Bretagne. Différentes équipes parcourent le Royaume-Uni sous sa responsabilité et lui-même organise des séances. S'il apparaît comme le "manager" des projections de vues animées organisées, à Sheffield, au mois de novembre 1896, en revanche, il n'est pas certain qu'il en soit le projectionniste. La première a lieu à l'Albert Hall, le samedi 14 novembre 1896 :

Mr. WILLIAM BROWN has the honour announce the First appearance Sheffield of ROBERT W. PAUL'S
As Exhibited the Alhambra, London. Acknowledged the most Perfect Representation of Edison's Wonderful Invention present before the Public. (Guaranteed Steady and Brilliantly Lighted.) Under the Management of David Devant, Esq. (Egyptian Hall, London.)
ALL NEW PICTURES. Never before Exhibited in Sheffield. Including the Greatest Triumph Animated Photography— H.R.H. the Prince Wales' Horse, PERSIMMON, Winning the Derby of 1896. Exhibited every Evening the Alhambra Palace, Leicester Square, London, and received with the most Tumultuous Applause. SERPENTINE DANCE (Coloured View). The First Coloured View Shown Sheffield. The following Views are Specially Selected ones from R. W. Paul's Repertoire, as the most effective—shown nightly the Alhambra: —Brighton Beach, Twins' Tea Party, Arrival of Express Train, Sea Bathing, Rescue up the River, Music Hall Sports, Wedding of La Rosiere, Ladies Drilling, Chirgwin's Comicalities, Grand Boulevards de Italiens (Paris), Factory Gates, Devant's Rabbit Trick, Rough Sea, Maskelyne's Plate Spinning, Westminster Bridge, Scotch Dance, Joke on Gardener : And Special Russian View —The Coronation the Czar.

Sheffield Daily Telegraph, Sheffield, 14 novembre 1896, p. 1.

Aucun compte rendu précis sur cette première séance où l'appareil de projection est du constructeur anglais Robert-William Paul. Ça n'est que le samedi suivant qu'a lieu la seconde et dernière soirée. Pour l'occasion, le programme a été renouvelé amplement : 

PUBLIC NOTICES. ALBERT HALL. WILLIAM BROWN'S CONCERTS. TO-NIGHT (SATURDAY), NOVEMBER 21st, 1896, in consequence Enormous Success last Saturday, Second Edition Robert W. Paul's ANIMATED PHOTOGRAPHS. LIVING PHOTOGRAPHS, as used at the Alhambra Palace, London, Acknowledged be the Finest Living Photographs before the Public, Guaranteed to be steady and Brilliantly lighted. All New Views, never exhibited Sheffield before, including the Greatest Triumph Living Photographs—under the superintendence of DAVID DEVANT, Esq., Egyptian Hall, London. The Following Special Views, Exhibited Nightly at the Alhambra, London, to Tumultuous Applause: — The Czar's Visit to Paris. French Market Place. Coronation the Czar. Blackfriar's Bridge. Steamers on the Seine. Boulevard des Italiens (Paris). Cycling, Hyde Park.  Two Special Views in Natural Colours— 1 Butterfly Dance 2 . Gardener Burning Weeds. Also, the following New Views— Margate Sands. Devant's Rabbits, Ship Leaving Pier. Brighton Beach. Children Playing. Smiths at Work. Wedding (La Rosiere). Arrival of Train. Factory Gates. Devant's Egg Trick. Music Hall Sports, 1896 (Costume Race), Which created such a sensation last Saturday.

Sheffield Daily Telegraph, 21 novembre 1896, p. 1.

Rien non plus après cette seconde annonce. Quant aux vues présentées, si certaines vues appartiennent au catalogue Paul, d'autres films proviennent des catalogues français dont celui de Méliès. Rien d'étonnant puisque nous savons que David Devant se fournit également à Paris.
