


The Pickaninnies

Dance from "The Passing Show".

EDI 1894-10


By 3 lively negro boys, from "The Passing Show," a characteristic dance.

EDI 1895-08


Maguire & Baucus 01/1897


1 Edison 20 (MU 71). W. K. L. Dickson. Raff & Gammon. Maguire & Baucus 20 
2  William Heise
3 06/10/1894 50 ft 
4 États-Unis, New Jersey, West Orange, Black Maria


20/01/1895 États-Unis, Saint Paul Mannheimer Brothers, Edison's Kinetoscope Pickaninnies 
06/02/1895 États-UnisWashington Columbia Phonograph Company, parlors  The pickaninnies 
The Kinetophone.-Inventive genius has again brought forth a novelty-this time a combination of the kinetoscope and graphophone-known as the kinetophone. This new instrument has just been placed on exhibition in the attractive parlors of the Columbia Phonograph Company, and has been surrounded, since its introduction, by an interested and curious throng. The patron places the ordinary graphophone tubes to his cars, looks through the little window of the kinetophone, and, while he watches the antics of the pickaninnies from “The Passing Show, hears the lively strains of the orchestra accompaniment in perfect time with the movements of the dancers. In like manner Carmencita may be seen in her characteristic dances, with the accompaniment of Spanish music, so true to life that one can imagine the tapping of the castanets comes from the tiny hands waving so gracefully before the eyes of the beholder. The kinetoscope and the graphophone are on exhibition and are constantly being supplied with new scenes and new music, while the addition of the kinetophone increases the throng of visitors, who, all day and evening, attest the popularity of the novel exhibition.
Evening Star, Washington, 6 février 1895, p. 12.