Au clair de la lune ou Pierrot malheureux



Au clair de la lune ou Pierrot malheureux

MEL 1908

Claro de luna o Pierrot desdichado

MEL 1904-A

A Moonlight Serenade, or The Miser Punished

Pierrot has no money any more, Pierrot is destitute, Pierrot is sad, Pierrot is hungry. But before resigning himself to death he resolves upon a last effort. Taking his guitar, he plays a serenade under the window of a rich lord, hoping thereby to soften the latter’s heart and obtain from him a few pennies which he needs so much for bread. But the nobleman is a mean man, and because he has been disturbed in his sleep he drives Pierrot pitilessly away and even threatens him with his sword. Pierrot is now in despair, for there is nothing more for him to do but to die. However, saying to himself “Who sleeps dines.” He stretches out upon a stone bench and dreams of the moon which he loves. His pale face is as white and as round as the Queen of the Night. In his sleep it seems to him that she approaches and that she assumes a human form, that she throws flowers at him and that she invites him to sit beside her. In his joy he seizes his guitar and begins a hymn of victory, but the nobleman, beside himself with rage at the sound of this new noise, comes rushing out of this house and hastens to strike Pierrot. But at this moment the latter leaps up and is wonder-struck to find himself in the arms of the moon which he loves, while the lord is transformed into an old wandering beggar pursued by the “Eye of God”, who has seen his wickedness and his avarice and has punished him for his cruelty.
The prince knocks at the door of his mansion, for the would like to get back into the house, but his servants, deceived by his sordid clothes, beat him unmercifully while the moon laughs at the severe punishment administered by God upon the man who has no kindness of heart.

MEL 1905-A


1 Méliès 538-539  
2 Georges Méliès   
3 1903 55m/187ft
4 France