La Guirlande merveilleuse



La Guirlande merveilleuse

MEL 1908

La guirnalda maravillosa

asunto recomendable

MEL 1904-A

The Marvellous Wreath

excellent view especially in color

A musketeer bows to the audience and proceeds to hang his hat, coat and vest on the wall in a most amazing manner. Being in need of two pages, he brings them out of his coat, and with rope he makes a hoop. The two pages stretch out a large sheet of white paper. The musketeer puts the hoop through the paper, and instantly the hoop is all covered with paper like those used by performers in the circus. The pages hold up the hoop; the paper bursts, only to let out a hideous clown, who goes and sits in the corner to see what is going to happen. Then the musketeer breaks the hoop, takes out of his hat a lot of flowers, which he throws on the pieces of the hoop, and by his act he makes a lovely wreath, from which appears a beautiful woman. This woman is then substituted by an immense and grinning face, into which the clown jumps. Then an explosion is heard and nothing is left of the clown nor the head. The musketeer takes the pages on his shoulders, one after the other, and they are changed as his coat and hat. Finally he disappears in a most mysterious way.

MEL 1905-A


1 Méliès 445-448  
2 Georges Méliès
3 1902-<13/08/1903 80 m/260 ft
4 France


13/08/1903 Espagne, Palma de Majorque Cinematógrafo Balear  La guirnalda maravillosa
23/01/1904 MexiqueMazatlán Charles Mongrand La guirnalda maravillosa 
10/07/1904 MexiqueToluca Enrique Rosas La guirnalda y el genio de las maravillas 
La sorprendente vista a gran espectáculo intitulada La guirnalda y el genio de las maravillas. Este magnífico cuadro animado contiene multitud de escenas mágicas, transformaciones y actos positivamente asombrosos, que mantienen al espectador en continuo interés hasta la terminación de la vista.
Enrique Rosas, Gran Biógrafo, Toluca, domingo 10 de julio de 1904.
04/11/1905 MéxicoAguascalientes Barreiro/Toscano La guirnalda maravillosa
31/01/1906 Espagne, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Filarmónica The Imperial Bioscope  La guirnalda maravillosa 

