La Clownesse fantôme



La Clownesse fantôme

Twentieth Century Conjuring

WAR 1902

La Clownesa fantasma

MEL 1904-A

The Shadow-Girl

The magician appears upon the stage with an imp as his assistant. The imp holds a piece of cloth in his hand. At the command of the magician the cloth is suddenly transformed into a beautiful girl, clad in tights. A barrel is then introduced and the girl enters one end. As she makes her exit from the other she is transformed into a man. The man then jumps through a paper hoop, and as he lands on the other side is changed back into the girl. The girl is then placed upon a table, the table is removed, and, to the astonishment of all, she remains in her position, apparently resting in mid-air. Two benches are then introd

MEL 1905-A


1 Méliès 412 Warwick Trading Co 4412 
2 Georges Méliès  
3 < 04/10/1902  30 m/100 ft 
4 France  


04/10/1902 Grande-BretagneLondres The Era  Twentieth Century Conjuring