L'Homme aux cent trucs


L'Homme aux cent trucs

The Conjurer with Hundred Tricks

The conjurer arrives, and after bowing to the audience removes his opera cloak and hat and transforms the balance of his clothes to a fancy costume. He takes a newspaper, changes it into a fan by which means he produces tables, chairs, baskets, &c., in rapid succession. From the empty basket is produced a clown, who is transformed into several fantastically dressed ladies. These are again dissolved and transformed to the clown, the clown to a dog, the latter jumping through a paper covered hoop, followed by the conjurer himself, who, while passing through the hoop, changes his costume to the former opera cloak, evening suit andtop hat. Many other tricks are included in this subject, being.

WAR 1901-08

The Conjurer with Hundred Tricks

MEL 1905-A

Conjuror and 100 Tricks

SEA 1908


1 Méliès 318-319  
2 Georges Méliès   
3 1900 50m/165ft
4 FranceParis  


28/12/1901 FranceParis, Théâtre Robert-Houdin Georges Méliès  L'Homme aux cent trucs
11/11/1902 EspagneBurgos Enrique Farrús El hombre de cien trucos
15/04/1904 EspagneTortosa Berbis/Belloch El hombre de los cien trucos
07/02/1906 FranceParis G. Méliès L'Homme aux cent trucs
G. Méliès
Paris, le 7 février 1906
Monsieur Caroli
318 à 319     L'Homme aux cent trucs
Collection particulière [D.R.]