Automaboulisme et Autorité ! ! !



Automaboulisme et Autorité ! ! !

(scène comique)

MEL 1899-01

MEL 1908

The Clown and Automobile

Shows the interior of a garden in which arrive two clowns on an automobile. After many pranks of a laughable character, which follow in rapid succession, they throw the waiter into the well, from which he is rescued with much difficulty and in a very dilapidated condition. In order to escape the consequences for this rough usage, they jump upon their automobile and endeavour to get away, but many obstructions are placed in their path. A film full of action and of a very humorous nature.

MEL 1905-A


1 Méliès 194-195  
2 Georges Méliès  
3 < 01/11/1899  40 m/130 ft
4 France  


01/11/1899 FranceSaint-Étienne Royal Viograph Automaboulisme et Autorité
24/11/1900 FranceReims Lacabane Automobilisme et Autorité
22/08/1902 FranceMontauban Royal Bioscope Automaboulisme et Autorité
29/12/1906 BrésilRecife Kaurt Automobilismo e autoridades