Pygmalion et Galathée


Pygmalion et Galathée

(scene à transformations)

MEL 1898

Pygmalion and Galatea

MEL 1905-A

Pygmalion and Galatea

Showing Pygmalion at work in his studio on the statue of Galatea, who, on being completed, comes to life. He attempts to clasp her to his arms, when the bust leaves the body and crossing the room mocks at him standing with the lower portion of her body in his hands. Further startling illusions are seen in this most beautiful picture.

LUB 1903-01


1 Méliès 156  
2 Georges Méliès  
3 1898-<05/03/1899 20 m/65 ft
4 France


05/03/1899 EspagneBarcelone, Plaza Antonio López Cinematógrafo Galatea
20/07/1899 FranceParis G. Méliès  Pygmalion & Galathée 
G. Méliès
Paris, le 20 juillet 1899
Monsieur Gimeno
156     Pygmalion & Galathée.
Filmoteca Española, MAR/03/77
24/11/1899 EspagneBarcelone González, Ricart y Compª  Pigmalyon y Galatea 
González, Ricart y Compª
Barcelona 24 de Noviembre de 1899
Sr. d. Eduardo Gimeno
Muy Sr. nuestro: tenemos el gusto de anunciarle hemos recibido una colección de cintas para cinematógrafo cuya lista y precios detallamos a continuación
Pigmalyon y Galatea (una cinta en color)  Pts 115.
Filmoteca Española, MAR/03/118
14/02/1900 Turquie. Constantinople. Cinématographe américain Pigmalion et Galatée
29/09/1901 Mexique, Toluca Charles Mongrand Pigmalion y Galatea