La Ceinture électrique

1584 a


La Ceinture électrique

Un des plus grands succès de rire.

Une jeune femme, trouvant son mari un peu froid, lui achète une des ceintures électriques tant vantées dans les journaux. Mais cette ceinture change bien des fois de propriétaire, d'où la cause de multiples incidents comiques.

1584 b

1584 c

GAU 1908

The Wonderful Electrtic Belt

The husband has a bad pain in his back. His wife gets an electric belt; puts it in his overcoat; it makes him hump all over the place and want to kiss every woman he meets. He is arrested; the magistrate accidentally puts on the coat and goes through the same performance; many amusing complications follow.

The Era, London, 13 April 1907, p. 30. 


1 Gaumont 1584  
2 Étienne Arnaud  
Etienne Arnaud avait déjà tourné un film à court métrage : " l'ascenseur electrique ". À ce moment-là on avait dit " c'est de la haute folie", et  pourtant ça s'est vendu pas mal.
Cinémathèque Française, Commission Historique de Recherche, 1945, CRH24-B1.
3 08/1906-13/04/1907 200 m/660 ft
4 France  


13/04/1907 Grande-BretagneLondres The Era  The Wonderful Electic Belt 
nº 1584
This Picture is electrified right through. A continuous current of Fun (not alternating). The Film is electrify and grip an audience. A subject of high voltage.
We find that one of our contemporaries has considered this film worth copying, even copying our description as on this page. Imitation is the surest flattery, but we are the original producers of this film, which was put on the market some three weeks ago.
The Era, London, 13 April 1907, p. 30.