Enlèvement en automobile & Mariage précipité


Enlèvement en automobile & Mariage précipité

GAU 1904-04

 The Runaway Match or Marriage by Motor

Part I. Outside the Ancestral Mansion.-Captain Dasher arrives on his swift motor car. He awaits with impatience the fair Lady Constance, who has consented to elope with him. True to her appointment, the lovely girl hurriedly emerges from the house, and with one or two fearful looks behind trips across the lawn into her lover’s arms.
‘Quick, Father may see!’ Captain Dasher assists her into his car, and they are away.
But ‘father’ has seen, and comes rushing, hatless, out into the road, forgetting in his rage his aristocratic dignity. Seeing the car vanishing in the distance, he hurriedly calls out his own 70-horse-power racing car and gives chase.

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Part II. The Chase.-As seen by pursuer and pursued.
Section I., taken from the lover’s car in motion, shows the Old Man’s powerful machine gradually gaining ground, while he shakes his fists and shouts threats and all sorts of dire penalties at the gallant Captain, between whiles urging on his driver to greater speed. (Fine facial expression.) All to no purpose, for just as he looks like catching up the fugitives, a burst of smoke from his car proclaims a mishap. He stops, gets down, and while the car, from which the picture is taken, draws rapidly away we see him standing and shaking his fists in the road, the picture of impotent fury.
Section II., taken from the Old Man’s car in motion, shows the lovers seated in the back of their car, looking round, and brazenly kissing and embracing each other right in the Old Man’s sight. Then, as the accident on the other car takes place, we see them stand-up, wave their hands and handkerchiefs, and blow kisses to the Old Man, at whose fury they are openly laughing.

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Part III. Outside the Church.-The Captain has arranged with a brother officer to have a Parson ready at the church, and these two are waiting outside the gates when the runaway couple arrive. The lady is introduced all round, and she enters the church on the friend’s arm, he acting as best man, while the Parson and Captain follow in behind. We see them go through the gate, up the path, and enter the porch of the very picturesque old country church.

Part IV. Inside: Tying the Nuptial Knot.-First the Captain’s hand half fills the picture, holding the wedding ring, which is plainly seen, then the lady’s hand comes into view; it is seized by the Captain’s left, and with his right he places the wedding ring upon the correct finger. As only the hands are shown, every operation is plainly seen. The hands then advance to the camera clasped across, and fade away.

Part V. Outside the Church. Preceded by Parson and friend, the blushing bride emerges on her husband’s arm. All faces are happy and smiling, the Old Man has been defeated, and joyful congratulations and much hearty hand-shaking take place. Just as the party is making ready to get away, the Old Man’s car is seen approaching. On arrival he jumps down and rushes at the Captain as though to strike him. The newly-made wife hurriedly explains that they are already married. The Parson intervenes to inform the father that he is indeed too late, and also to prevent a scene within the precincts of the church. The Parson attempts to act as peacemaker, but the Old Man is not easily appeased. Then his daughter throws herself upon his neck, and, recognizing the uselessness of further opposition, he accepts the inevitable and consents to be reconciled to the Captain, who, now he has won his bride, is quite willing to ask the Old Man’s forgiveness, which is duly accorded, as also the paternal blessing.
After this finely acted and affecting scene of reconciliation, the old man bids all be merry and return with him, and the last we see of the now happy party is as they are crowding into the Old Man’s car, Parson and all, and driving back to the father’s home to open some bottles of champagne over the accomplished fact.

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The scenes, which are all natural, and the actors for the various characters, were most carefully selected, and have resulted in producing a film which we have no hesitation in describing as an immense success.
The Photographic quality is superb-Stereoscopic; the scenery beautiful, and the acting of a high order.

GAU 1904-GB


1 Gaumont 743 L 140 (GAU 1904-GB) 
2 Alfred, Claude Bromhead  

You will remember we recently had two operators arrested in a South London Street, and were fined a nominal penalty for obstructing the thoroughfare. This was for a film that I am shortly producing. In our 'Run Away Match' film with natural surroundings at Denmark Hill, we had better luck, for a police inspector witnessed and thoroughly enjoyed the fun.

"Chats with Trade Leaders. nº 3-Mr. A. C. Bromhead (or Gaumont &Co)", The Optical Lantern and Cinematograph Journal, February 1905, p. 86-87.

3 09/1903-28/11/1903 90m 
4 Grande-Bretagne   


28/11/1903 Grande-Bretagne, Londres The Era  The Runaway Match