El Projectographe d'E. S. Porter, H. J. Daniels et J. Dowe (Kingston, Town Hall, 4 de enero de 1897)
El pionero Edwin Porter, acompañado de H. J. Daniels et de J. Dowe, empieza su viaje por el Caribe y América latina organizando sesiones cinematográficas con un projectographe. Los tres colaboradores llegan a Jamaica procedentes de Nueva York, a bordo del Alene el viernes 1º de enero de 1897.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, sábado 2 de enero de 1897, p. 1.
Las funciones va a tener lugar en el Town Hall a partir del lunes 4 de enero de 1897:
We would direct attention to the advertisement which appears in another column will be given in the Town Hall by permission of the Mayor, during the week commencing Mondayjuext [sic]. By the Projectographe life size photographs are projected on a screen and perform movements that are perfectly lifelike. It is certainly one of the most wonderful inventions of the century and wherever exhibited in America or England has attracted immense audiences and papers like the New York Herald, Sun, Toronto Globe, &c., speak of the entertainment in terms of unqualified praise and we anticipate big houses here. The performance commences at 7 p. m. and the prices of admission are 2 s. and 1 s.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, Saturday, January 2, 1897, p. 3.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, lunes 4 de enero de 1897, p. 2. |
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, 12 de enero de 1897, p. 2. |
En la reseña que se publica el miércoles se indica una parte de las cintas animadas del repertorio. Las que se pueden identificar proceden del editor Edison:
From the large audience that assembled in the Town Hall on Monday evening to witness the first exhibition of the projectographe it was evident that a report had got abroad that something good might be expected. Certainly the highest anticipations must have been fulfilled, and full houses can safely be prophesied during the remainder of Mr. Daniel’s stay in the city, since every individual present may now be regarded as an advertising agent for an entertainment which is as wonderful and artistic as it is novel and unique. On Monday 18 different scenes were thrown upon the screen, each perfect lifelike representations of actual occurrences, photographed at the rate of 3,000 pictures a minute, all the motions being reproduced in a marvellous manner. Nothing could be more thrilling than the magnificent charge of the mounted police, the fire in a stable with the affrighted animals being led out from the burning building, or the starting of the New York fire brigade for a conflagration. Very charming too was the farm scene and also that of the sea waves dashing over an old pier throwing up the spray so naturally that one could almost feel it on the cheek. Of course a glove fight and hurdle race appealed to a large section of the audience while few could fail to be amused by the girl bathing a black baby, the melon eating competition, or the widow’s kiss. Some pretty dances were also shown and the Black Diamond Express was a very fine sight. Every one of the scenes was in fact perfect in its way and the exhibitions is beyond doubt one of the most marvellous ever produced here or elsewhere. We can unhesitatingly recommend it and as the prices of admission, 2s. and 1s., children half price, are moderate and a continuous performance is given from 7 till 10 we shall be surprised if the hall is not crowded nightly.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, Wednesday, January 6, 1897, p. 2.
Además de las informaciones relativas al aparato y a las cintas presentadas, lo más relevante es sin embargo la protesta por dejar fumar al público, en la sala, sin tener en cuenta la molestia que origina, en particular, entre las señoras:
We have received complaints that smoking is freely indulged in at the “Projectographe” entertainment at the Town Hall and that the practice is objection able on account of the presence of ladies in the audience. On enquiry we find that there is no city bye-law against smoking in the Hall, but we presume the manager of the performance will see it to his interest to interfere. If not the public should be made clearly to understand that smoking is permitted in which case ladies will able to decide whether the really interesting exhibition is worth the annoyance to which they are subjected in witnessing it.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, Thursday, January 7, 1897, p. 2.
Harry. J. Daniels entiende perfectamente que fumar perjudica al público y, en cierto modo, sus propios intereses y toma las medidas para que se deje de fumar en la sala:
We are requested to state by M. Daniels, the owner of the above, that he regrets the inconvenience to which ladies have been put, while witnessing the exhibition on account of the smoking in the audience, and will take precautions to avoid a similar complaint in the interest of this patrons. No smoking we understand will be showed.
The exhibition continues every evening this week, and next, and there will be a change of subject each time. The doors are opened at 7 o’clock. Those who have seen the exhibition declare well worth the money.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, Friday, January 8, 1897, p. 2.
Otras sesión tiene lugar el martes 12 de enero, pero en este caso Daniels, que también es prestidigitador, presenta un número con sus "Talking Children":
Another exhibition of the Projectographe was given at the Town Hall on Tuesday night last in the presence of a large audience. The views were of the usual highly interesting character and as each one was thrown on the screen, it was greeted by the audience with loud applause. Mr. Harry J. Daniels and his talking children were very amusing and entertaining.
This afternoon a matinee will be given in the Town Hall so as to allow children to see the projectographe. Doors will be opened at 5.30 and the exhibition will commence at 6 o’clock. The admission for children will be 6d. The exhibition will be concluded at 7 o’clock and the regular nightly exhibition will commence at 7 30.
The projectographe is perhaps the most wonderful invention of recent times and non should miss seeing what science has been able to do in the way of bringing nature and life before an audience in an ordinary hall.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, Thursday January 14, 1897, p. 2.
Harry. J. Daniels y sus colaboradores terminan sus sesiones en Kingston y salen luego para Montego Bay.
El Projectographe d'E. S. Porter, H. J. Daniels et J. Dowe (Montego Bay, Court House, 19-22 de enero de 1897)
Daniels y sus colaboradores llegan a Montego Bay para dar funciones durante cuatro días:
Prof. Daniels will exhibit at the Court House, Montego Bay, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings of next week.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, Friday, January 15, 1897, p. 2.
Se esperan las proyecciones con entusiasmo:
The "projectographe" is coming here next week Harrah ! anything for a little life.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, Monday, January 18, 1897, p. 6.
Una corta gacetilla recuerda que la estancia del projectographe en Montego Bay ha sido apreciada por el público:
The Projectographe has come and gone. It was rightly appreciated, especially the kiss. For the first time in their lives "the pit" behaved themselves to perfection.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, 29 janvier 1897, p. 3.
El Projectographe d'E. S. Porter, H. J. Daniels et J. Dowe (Port Antonio, 26 de enero de 1897)
Harry. J. Daniels y sus colaboradores organizan una función en Port Antonio, el mardi 26 de enero:
Prof. Daniels will give an exhibition of the projectographe at Port Antonio to-night.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, Tuesday, January 26, 1897, p. 2.
Sin embargo la inseguridad de la ciudad y la ineficacia de la policía comprometen la función cinematográfica:
POLICE PROTECTION._”Freeman” writes complaining of the inefficient police protection afforded the inhabitants of this town. He adds: “The constables are well cognizant of the gambling yards and dens. There is no order or regulation on the streets. Respectable people are timid to go out on business. The roughs block the liquor frontages, and no other force but the onderous hoofs and wheels of the B. F. Co. wagons can make then ward off. On Saturdays it is impossible to gain an entrance into the market, unless you can push like a ram. Prof. Daniels the chojectographe [sic] operator suffered much on Tuesday night for the want of police supervision, although the Inspector and a goodly number of his assistants were stowed away where they could see the views. A member of our Parochial Board had to shout “can’t you keep silence.” One day last week there was a disorderly crowd at the Post office. The chief of the office called on a constable present for order. His reply was: “Do you want me to padlock their mouths.” So much for the police.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, Wednesday, February 3 1897, p. 4.
El Projectographe d'E. S. Porter, H. J. Daniels et J. Dowe (Kingston, New Theatre, 30 de enero-3 de febrero de 1897)
De regreso a Kingston, H. J. Daniels, J. Dowe y Edwin Porter van a organizar nuevas funciones en el New Theatre:
Citizens will be glad to learn that Mr. Daniels is returning to Kingston and will exhibit the Projectographe at the Theatre Royal. He opens on Saturday even next. The exhibition will give a favourable opportunity to the public to see the new building. Admission will be at popular prices as will be seen from the advertisement. The views include a new selection which has arrived from America. His Excellency the Governor and party will be present on Monday night.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, 27 janvier 1897, p. 2.
En un principio, Harry. J. Daniels va a solicitar el New Theatre, pero no se lo conceden lo cual provoca la protesta de un lector del Daily Gleaner:
The Editor of the Gleaner.
Sir,-I would ask you for a small space, for a new lines, on the subject of the opening of the new theatre, and you will grant it. I hope as I am confident, I but voice the well thinking of the community at large. It was expected (and that would have been the right thing to do) that the theatre, as public property when rebuilt, would be formally or officially opened to the public (by invitation of course) without any charge for admission. In keeping with this idea, or proposal, on the part of the Mayor and Council, the theatre was refused to Mr Daniels, when he applied for the use of it and now we find that a “grand opening is to take place, on the 25th, by a local Company or club, admission by ticket to be charged for and from what I can gather from the principal of the St. Georges College they have nothing to do with the proceeds of the performance whether it yields £ 100 of £ 1 only that their expenses, for putting the piece on the boards, are to be paid-neither is it said, to whom they (the proceeds) are to go. You also speak of the visit of the Governor on the occasion, as something to be expected-is “patronage”.
Can you explain this hoax upon the public?-I am &c,AN EX-COUNCILLOR.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, 28 janvier 1897, p. 7.
Finalmente, el Projectographe empieza una nueva serie de proyecciones a partir del sábado 30 de enero.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, 27 de enero de 1897, p. 2. |
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, 28 de enero de 1897, p. 2. |
Desde de sus funciones en el New Theatre, los tres colaboradores salen para Cartagena y se anuncia que se van a dar funciones en Costa Rica.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, 8 février 1897, p. 2. | The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, 8 février 1897, p. 2. |
El vitascope de Balabrega (Kingston, Theatre Royal, 7-10 de abril de 1897)
El célebre Balabrega llega a Jamaica con su compañía, The Campania Universal.
In the s.s. Anerley yesterday morning, From New York—Mrs E. Clark, Mr F. Clark, Mr. H. O. Olioner, Mr Aldolph Marti, Mr Ino Marti, Mr J M Balbrega, Mr L F Haroley.
Kingston Gleaner, Kingston, 6 avril 1897, p. 4.
La prensa dedica un largo artículo a esta compañía y a su "manager" Henry Clarke (The Tri-Weekly Gleaner, Kingston, marrtes 30 de marzo de 1897, p. 8) algunos días antes de la inauguración. El ilusionista ha pospuesto varias veces esta estancia como lo recuerda la prensa:
The Campania Universal, after many postponements, inaugurated their visit to Kingston at the Theatre Royal on Wednesday evening with a varied entertainment. The well-known necromancer Balabrega, who has performed in Jamaica before, opened the programme with an exhibition of jugglery and mystic-feats.
The entertainment closed with some views thrown on a screen by the vitascope.
The Theatre was crowded with spectators.
Kingston Gleaner, Kingston, Saturday, April 10 1897, p. 15.
La última función tiene lugar el día 10 de abril, pero no se sabe si se llega a utilizar el vitascope.
The entertainment given by the Campania Universal was very much better on Thursday evening than on the previous day and it would seem that with every performance the repertoire is enhanced and the performance presents more interesting features. The views presented by the vitascope proved very interesting and altogether the performance was excellent. A new feature was introduced: when Mdlle. Elvera had finished her fascinating dance, the skirt was outstretched and by a peculiar arrangement a portrait of the Mayor was flushed on the skirt. The result was received with much applause. There will be a Matinee this afternoon at 3 o’clock, when the prices will be reduced to 2s, dress circle and orchestra; and upper boxes. 1s. The last performance will be given to-night, the prices for seats in the dress circle and parquetted being 2s 6d, and for the gallery 1s. The box plan for this performance is now open at the GLEANER Office, The Company leave for South America on Sunday after noon.
Le Cinematograph de Monsieur Trouillot (Theatre Royal, 1º->1 de noviembre de 1897)
Monsieur Trouillot, de origen desconocido, llega a Jamaica, procedente de Nueva York, el 29 de octubre de 1897:
Among the passengers who arrived here in the s.s. Adrondack yesterday morning from New York was Mons. Trouillot, who intends giving an exhibition of the Cinematograph and Gramophone. The former will produce up to date pictures, and the exhibition will take place next week.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, sábado 30 de octubre de 1897, 2.
La inauguración tiene lugar el lunes 1º de noviembre.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, 1º de noviembre de 1897, p. 2.
Mr. Trouillot who will be remembered as having afforded Jamaicans their first opportunity of witnessing the magnificent spectacular effects produced by one Cinematograph some while back is advertising a return visit to Kingston Theatre during the first three days of November. He is bringing with him in addition to those views and we have no doubt that Kingstonians will be eager to renew their acquaintance of the invention. But Mr Trouillot has another attraction which he intends to present at the performance. The cinematograph caters for the delectation of the eye the gramaphone of the car. Shortly the gramaphone is an improved phonograph and by the aid of a large trumpet shaped horn, the audience [acting?] in their seats will be enabled to listen to a selection of operatic music, soprano and tenor [olos?], etc. of the choicest designation all rendered in full tome. This entertainment must be at once delightful and surprising.
Doubless with this entertainment of this attraction the Theatre will be crowded on this the first night of the performance. We may point out that the price of admission are exceptionally low.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, Monday November 1 1897, p. 2.
La reseña es breve y no aporta muchas informaciones:
Mons. Trouillot gave the first exhibition of his cinematograph and gramphone [sic] in the Theatre Royal on Monday night last to a fairly large audience. The cinematograph produced some fine pictures while the music rendered by the gramophone was well appreciated by the audience. The exhibition came to a close after 10 o’clock.
The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, Wednesday, November 3 1897, p. 2.
No se sabe hasta cuando duran las funciones.
El cinematograph Lumiere de F. G. Courrech (Kingston, Theatre Royal, 28 de mayo de 1898)
F. G. Courrech llega a Jamaica a finales de mayo para presentar un cinematógrafo en el Theatre Royal de Kingston. La inauguración tiene lugar el 28 de mayo de 1898:
On Saturday night last, Mons. F. G. Courrech gave an exhibition of the cinematograph at the Theatre Royal. The audience was small but the views exhibited were numerous and very interesting. Senor Courrech guarantees an entire change o programme every night.
Daily Gleaner, Kingston, jueves 2 de junio de 1898, p. 12.
Gracias a unos anuncios publicados en la prensa local, se conocen algunas cintas presentadas durante esos días: Metamorphose Mephistopheles, Metamorphose Faust's and apparition Marguerite, McKinley addressing the American people, The Holy Sepulchre, Snow Fighting, Diane's Bath in Milano, Napoleon and the Sentinel, The Flag's Defence. Los títulos remiten directamente al catalogo Lumière.
Daily Gleaner, Kingston, 9 de junio de 1898, p. 12. | Daily Gleaner, Kingston, 15 de junio de 1898, p. 3. |
La última función tiene lugar el 16 de junio de 1898 con un programa de 36 vistas animadas:
CINEMATOGRAPH EXIBITION.—The last exhibition of the Cinematograph will be given at the Theatre Royal this evening commencing at 8 o’clock. Thirty six views will be shown including the Holy Sepulchre, Snow Fighting, Napoleon and the Sentinel, The Flag's defence, etc., etc. The price of admission will be dress Circle and parquette 1s, gallery 6d.
Daily Gleaner, Kingston, 16 de junio de 1898, p. 2.