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El Projectographe de Harry J. Daniels (marzo-abril de 1897)
Durante parte del invierno y de la primavera de 1897, Edwin Stanton Porter, con sus cómplices Harry J. Daniels, dueño del projectographe, y J. Dowe van recorriendo el Caribe. LLegan, el 20 de marzo, de Haití donde, muy probablemente, han presentado su espectáculo:
Per R.M.S. Orinoco, from Jacmel, on Saturday Drl Wicketeed, Messrs. Daniel, Porter, Dowie, Curtis, Santo, Vlies C. W. Haynes, and 1 deek for Barbados, 37 in transit.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, lunes 22 de marzo de 1897, p. 2.
El plazo entre la llegada y la presentación indica que las sesiones ya están contratadas antes de llegar a Bridgetown. Las funciones de lo que se tiene que considerar como el primer aparato cinematográfico están previstas en el Wilhelmina Hall para cuatro días con la inauguración el 22 de marzo de 1897.
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The Projectographe. We beg to call attention to the advertisement in another column announcing exhibitions this week at the Wilhelmina Hall of Edison's Projectographe, an instument which is said to be a marvel of the age. From what we have seen published in the Jamaica papers concerning these exhibitions, we have no hesitation in saying that they are well worthy the patronage of the public, and we therefore hope to see them well attended. The success which has attented the performances of this wonderful instrument have, it is said, confirmed the words of the New York Sun, voz: "To miss seeing the Projectographe is to miss half the value of a lifetime. |
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, 22 de marzo de 1897, p. 2. |
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, 22 de marzo de 1897, p. 3. |
El Whilelmina Hall, situado entre High Street y Palmetto Square, se inaugura en 1894 y termina siendo, posteriormente, el Olympic Theatre, una sala de cine. En aquellos años, no hay muchas posibilidades para las exhibiciones cinematográficas, a no ser precisamente esta sala casi nueva. La prensa ofrece una reseña muy positiva de esta inauguración que tiene lugar el día 22 de marzo de 1897.
The Projectographe WONDERFUL and marvellous was the exhibition of the Projectographe given last night at the Wilhelmina Hall. Twenty-four pictures were shown true to life, and in all of them one could fancy that he really saw the motions of living beings. The last picture, "The Widow's Kiss," was a revelation. Coyly the widow submitted to the embrace of her lover, ans when, after twirling his moustache as a preparatory step, he imprinted a kiss on her lips the reality was so startling that thunders of applause followed. We can honestly recommend those exhibitions to public patronage, and we advise all those who desire to witness a novel ans wonderful entertainment to go and see the Projectographe. There was a fairly good attendance last night, but we doubt not that when the merits and attractions of the performance are known, Wilhelmina Hall will be packed each night. Exhibitions will be given on Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week. |
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The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Jueves 23 de Marzo de 1897, p. 3. |
Bridgetown, The Wilhelmina Hall (c. 1905) © Karl Watson, Barbados First, Barbados, Cole's Printery, 2003, p. 10 |
Si bien conocemos el nombre del aparato, poco sabemos del repertorio de películas, salvo la famosísima May Irwin Kiss. Al parecer las condiciones de proyección son buenas ya que las reacciones del público son entusiastas. La segunda sesión tiene lugar, tres días más tarde, el 25 de marzo, con los mismos resultados:
The Projectographe Show.
The second exhibition of the Projectographe last night at the Wilhelmina Hall was a grand success. The building was densely packed with an enthusiastic assemblage, who had gathered there to see this marvel of the age. The programme consisted of 24 illustrations all of which were exhibited with vivid reality. Each picture was greeted with a perfect furore of applause by the large gathering, and a very pleasant and instructive evening indeed was passed. We have no doubt that this exhibition will continue to draw large houses. There will be a matinee this afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the regular entertainment at 8 p.m.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, viernes 26 de marzo de 1897, p. 3.
La última sesión se anuncia para el día 4 de abril de 1897 en la prensa local (The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, sábado 3 de abril de 1897, p. 2). Las nuevas funciones organizadas, con relación a lo que se ha anunciado, muestran que el projectographe recibe una muy buna acogida en Bridgetown. El día 6 de abril de 1897, los tres colaboradores salen para Demerara :
Per R.M.S. Solent for Demerara yesterday-Mr. L. Plews, Mr. J. Badley, Mrs. Calder, Messrs. H. I. Daniels, J.W. Dowe and E.S. Forster, Mrs. Webb and 2 children, Messrs. L. Forbes, T.C. Fitzpatrick and J.C. IIng, 18 deck.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, miércoles 7 de abril de 1897, p. 2.
El regreso del Projectographe de Harry J. Daniels (29-30 de abril y 1º de mayo de 1897)
Los tres colaboradores, Edwin Stanton Porter, Harry J. Daniels y J. Dowe, tras una estancia en Demerara, van a regresar a Barbados para dar unas cuantas sesiones más. Llegan a la isla el día 24 de abril de 1897:
Per Q.S.S. Madiana from Demerara on Tuesday-Messrs. Daniels, Doras [sic], Porer [sic] and 1 deck for Barbados, 6 saloon in transit.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, jueves 29 de abril de 1897, p. 2.
En este caso, sólo van a ser tres sesiones dadas por el "Prof. Daniels and his Modern Family". Sabemos que se presentan 24 "marvellous animated pictures".
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The Projectographe Mr. H.J. DANIELS, the manager of the Projectographe, returned here yesterday on the S.S. Madiana after a very successful engagement in Demerara. As will be seen by his advertisement in another column, Mr. DANIELS will give exhibitions of the Projectographe at the Wilhelmina Hall to-night and the following two nights. The prices charged for admision are within the reach of all and, doubtless, the entertainments will be well patronized. |
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Jueves 29 de abril de 1897, 1897, p. 2. |
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Jueves 29 de abril de 1897, p. 3. |
Si nos atenemos a lo que publica la prensa -es frecuente que los anuncios los escriban los propios exhibidores- el projectographe consigue el mismo éxito que en la estancia anterior:
The Projectographe
Last night Mr. DANIELS gave a very successful exhibition of the Projectogaphe to an enthusiastic assemblage. The popular entertainment is sure to draw good houses tonight and to-morrow night.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, viernes 30 de abril de 1897, p. 3.
El día 3 de mayo de 1897, Harry J. Daniels y J. Dowe salen para Trinidad. En cuanto a Edwin Stanton Porter no sabemos si también sale con ellos, ya que su nombre no aparece, pero puede ser un olvido del periódico:
Per D.L.S. Savan for Trinidad, on Monday-Mr. and Mrs Eagle, Messrs. Dowe and Daniels.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetoan, miércoles 5 de mayo de 1897, p. 2.
*The Humourous Cinematograph de Mr. Lindsey H. W. Mann
Desde los primeros días de octubre, Mr. Lindsey H. W. Mann de la West Indian Syndicates "Humourous Cinematograph" anuncia la próxima proyección de The Diamond Jubilee Procession Films.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, viernes 8 de octubre de 1897, p. 2.
Un artículo ofrece más detalles sobre el aparato:
The Cinematograph.
As will be seen from the West Indian Syndicate's advertisement published elsewhere the right has been secured by the Syndicate of exhibiting in the West Indies, by means of the Cinematograph, the Diamond Jubilee Procession Films. The pictures are life-like or animated and are identical with those recently exhibited here by the Projectograph. According to the English papers the exhibition by the Cinematograph of the details of the Diamond Jubilee Procession has been considered simply marvellous and has attracted universal attention. It is quite certain that an exhibition thereof in this island will be a rich and unique treat to the public and we are confident that the show will be extensively patronized. We have been assured that no hitch will occur in working the apparatus, as the makers have communicated to Mr. Mann, the Syndicate's Manager, all the information necessary to ensure a successful manipulation of the same.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, viernes 8 de octubre de 1897, p. 3.
Sin embargo, problemas técnicos hacen que el Sr. Mann renuncie a proyectar sus películas:
The Cinematograph.
THE Manager of The West Indian Syndicate has requested us to announce that, after a preliminary trial, a defect has been discovered in a part of the apparatus which necessitates that particular part being returned to England by to-morrow's mail. The manufacturers will be requested to have the same adjusted and returned with all possible despatch. The Manager regrets the delay thus occasioned, and is sure that the public will sympathise with him in this unexpected contretemps.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, viernes 26 de noviembre de 1897, p. 3.
Días después, se vuelve a evocar el aparato y se anuncia que estará disponible para enero:
The Cinematograph.
WE have much pleasure to announce that the Manager of the West Indian Syndicate has received information that the apparatus complete will arrive here by mail of 10th Jany when we trust to announce a complete success at the trial.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, jueves 30 de diciembre de 1897, p. 3.
El Projectograph del Colonial (Colonial Resturant, <27> noviembre de 1897)
Para el final del año 1897, otro projectograph presenta vistas animadas. En este caso, se trata de amenizar las diferentes comidas ofrecidas por el Colonial Resturant. El reponsable es un tal W. N. Julien. La primera función tiene lugar el sábado 20 de noviembre :
The Weekly Recorder, 27 de noviembre de 1897, p. 6.
El nombre del empresario que aquí aparece no está relacionado con la exhibición de vistas animadas y tal vez se trate, sencillamente, del responsable del restaurante. No sabemos qué tipo de programación se organiza, ni tampoco el título de las cintas que se presentan, pero el projectograph es más que nada un aliciente, para atraer al público.
*The Cinematograph de Mr. Mann
El Sr. Mann vuelve a anunciar su cinematógrafo:
Mr. MANN has much pleasure to announce that he has now a first class apparatus complete in every repect, with some 60 views of recent interesting events. Owing however to present depression he does not consider it in the interest of the Syndicate to come before the boards before the first week in October. August 18th-2n. (Advocate to copy.)
Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, jueves 18 de agosto de 1898, p. 2.
Pero no se sabe más del aparato.
El Projectoscope de H. J. Daniels (Wilhelmina Hall, 2->5 mayo de 1899)
Casi dos años después, Harry J. Daniels regresa a Barbados para organizar nuevas sesiones cinematográficas con un Projectoscope de Edison, en los primeros días de mayo de 1899. Gracias a un amplio artículo publicado en Barbados Globe podemos hacernos una buena idea de lo que es el espectáculo organizado por el ventrilocuo. Las sesiones tienen lugar en el Wilhelmina Hall y se inauguan el día 2 de mayo de 1897:
The Projectoscope Entertainment
The first of a series of Projectoscope entertainments announced by Professor H. J. DANIELS to take place at the Wilhelmina Hall this week, came off last night before a fairly large and appreciative audience. All that the Projector promised by hand bill or placard, was fully realised, and proved an entertainment deserving the full patronage of the Public.
The programme of the evening opened with a Comic sketch “Serving potatoes with the skins on,” followed by an exhibition of the Steel Cruiser Brooklyn in a naval parade in New York Harbour. The “South Carolina Kiss,” was next exhibited and was a decided improvement on the “Widow’s Kiss,” so much enjoyed in a recent show here. The “Rough Riders” on parade was the next show and proved a fitting precursor to an exciting reproduction of the late Hispano-American engagement on San Juan Hill, Puerto Rico. Prof. DANIELS now changed the programme treating his audience to two beautiful songs illustrated on the screen, entitled respectively “My mother was a lady,” and “Break the news to mother.” The latter song recited a pathetic tale of a youth who had run away from his parents and, joining the army, was killed in battle. Both songs were vigorously encored to which the Professor responded with a comic production “Kiss Gnosey [sic].” Resuming his projectoscope treat a picture of the U.S.S. Maine was exhibited showing the now fateful ship at first laying in calm majesty upon the bosom of Santiago Bay and then blown into shivers. Then followed life-sized pictures of Captains SIGSBEE and WILL, and of General BLANCO, the Queen and Boy King of Spain. As the Spanish flag was unfurled to gaze it was greeted from the “pit” with “that’s no good”; but quite an opposite feeling was manifested when the “Star of Cuba” was unfurled. The Statue of Liberty, with the Stars and Stripes entwined around her, brought forth vociferous cheers; and when the picture of Her Most Gracious Majesty was thrice presented, triple huzzas rent the air and made the Hall reverberate. A Yankee manner of stealing chickens was the next piece followed by a scene on Broadway, New York; and then a midnight frolic during which a young fellow who dared disturb the quiet slumbers of his erstwhile comrade got a sound drubbing for his pains. The usual parade consequent upon the progress of President MCKINLEY to the White House was par excellence, and with some comic sketches in the art of ventriloquism by Professor DANIELS brought the first part of the programme to a close, opening the way to the sublime portion of the evening’s entertainment
as performed by the peasants of Oberamergau. The pictures pourtrayed the familiar incidents in the life of CHRIST in a manner that fully impressed the Christian’s mind as he recounted the Scripture narrative concerning Christ from Birth to Ascension. The following were the scenes presented: -Birth of Christ; Raising of Lazarus; Triumphal entry into Jerusalem; The Last Supper; Christ before Pilate; Carrying the Cross; The Crucifixion; The taking down from the Cross; and the Ascension. The Projector apoligised for not being able to present a picture of the Resurrection as it was lost during the voyage from New York to Kingston, Jamaica.
Mr. JOLLY, a talented pianist of sable complexion, a Jamaican by birth, presided at the piano and treated the audience to a series of well-chosen selections.
The above programme will be repeated to-night, when, from the success of last night’s entertainment, we should predict for the Projector a bumper house.
Barbados Globe, Bridgetown, miércoles 3 de mayo de 1899, p. 3.
El espectáculo se compone de dos partes, la primera dedicada a la proyección de cintas tanto cómicas como patrióticas, las de la guerra hispano-americana en Cuba. Toda la segunda parte la ocupa la pasión de Cristo. Si se habla de la pasión de Oberammergau, por ser la más famosa, no existe película tal, ya que sólo se celebra cada diez años, y la siguiente tiene lugar en el año 1900. La que presenta el Professor Daniels podría ser la que rueda, en 1897, William W. Freeman, en Horitz. En las funciones también se dan número de ventrolquismo:
Prof Daniels
PROFESSOR DANIELS and his troup continue to entertain the public at the Wilhelmina Hall with his Projectoscope and Ventriloquism. The audiences are slowly increasing nightly. During the exhibitions on the Passion a marked stillness prevails, broken only by the soft strains of the pianist in appropriate selections from STAINER'S Crucifixion.
Barbados Globe, Bridgetown, viernes 5 de mayo de 1899, p. 3.
La estancia es bastante breve, aunque no sabemos precisamente cuando termina.
El Cinematograph de L.H.W. Mann (Wilhelmina Hall, 10 de noviembre y 5->5 de diciembre de 1899)
Hacia el final del año 1899, otro aparato se dispone a ofrecer vistas cinematográficas. La Mann's Cinematograph Co. de L.H.W. Mann, que ha estado meses antes en Suriname, se anuncia a finales de octubre:
Mann's Cinematograph Company.
Our readers will, no doubt, be glad to see from the advertisement which appears elsewhere that the above Company intend giving them a treat for a few nights early next month. We are dull enough in all conscience, and the want of harmless, enjoyable recreation is seriously felt. The Cinematograph show is really an artistic, entertaining function, and when to this is added the enjoyment derivable from listening to one of Edison's Grand Concert Phonographs we feel assured that, in this dull season, few persons will fail to attend the exhibitions. The Manager, Mr. L H. W. Mann, scored a big success recently in Demerara and Surinam as the papers of these places recorded ; and we have every reason to believe that he will, if anything, be even more successful here. He should be, as we believe he will be, very liberally patronized.
Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, martes 24 de octubre de 1899, p. 3.
La prensa publica varias veces el anuncio de las funciones.
Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, jueves 26 de octubre de 1899, p. 2.
Se sigue anunciando en los primeros días de noviembre:
Mann's Cinematograph Exhibition.
By an advertisement, appearing elsewhere in this issue, it will be seen that Mr. Mann's cinematograph exhibition of "animated photographs " will take place for the first time on Friday, the 10th, at the Wilhelmina Hall, Mr. Mann's show draw crowded houses in Surinam and Demerara, where the excellence of the performance was highly appreciated. We feel sure that all who avail themselves of the opportunity of witnessing his next display will be amply rewarded and will enjoy a delightful and instructive entertainment. It is difficult to make a selection from a programme so attractive ; but "The Diamond Jubilee Procession," "The Naval Battle of Manila" and the "Landing of Captain Dreyfus" are alone sufficient to arouse keen enthusiasm.
Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, jueves 9 de noviembre de 1899, p. 3.
Se instala pues en el Wilhelmina Hall y la inauguración tiene lugar el día 10 de noviembre de 1899:
The Cinematograph
Mann's Cinematograph Company's first exhibition of Life Motion Pictures came off at the Wilhelmina Hall last night. The pictures were all most interesting, the Bull Fight and the Queen's Jubilee Procession being among the best ever seen here. Between the intervals the audience were treated to some choice musical selections and thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment. There will be another performaon [sic] to-night.
The Weekly Recorder, Bridgetown, sábado 11 de noviembre de 1899, p. 6.
Las vistas presentadas, la corrida de toros y las vistas del jubileo de la Reina Victoria, no permiten saber de qué casa son, ya que muchas proponen cintas con estos títulos. Si la sesión inaugural se ha desarrollado correctamente, un incidente que se produce justo al final, hace que la siguiente sesión se tenga que posponer...
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Barbados Globe, Bridgetown, viernes 10 de noviembre de 1899, p. 4. |
Barbados Globe, Bridgetown, lunes 13 de noviembre 1899, p. 2. |
Pero ya no sabemos nada del aparato de L.H.W. Mann, hasta el mes de diciembre cuando se anuncian nuevas funciones.
Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, sábado 2 de diciembre de 1899, p. 2.
The Life Motion Pictures du West Indian Syndicate (Wilhelmina Hall, 16-18 julio 1900)
Como se puede apreciar con el ejemplo de la proyección de Life Motion Pictures en julio de 1900, son los acontecimientos importantes los que incitan a los exhibidores a proponer sesiones cinematográficas. En el caso de estas presentaciones, es la guerra del Transvaal la que las motiva. El conflicto en el que está involucrada Gran Bretaña despierta un indudable interés en la entonces colonia británica. La sesión inaugural tiene lugar el día 16 de julio de 1900 y la organiza la West Indian Syndicate de L.H.W. Mann.
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Life-Motion Pictures An exhibition of Life-motion pictures on the Transvaal War is announced in another column for Monday evening next at the Wilhelmina Hall. Considering the interest taken by our people in this fight we should be inclined to forecast a crowded hall for the occasion. |
Barbados Globe, Bridgetown, 13 de julio de 1900, p. 2. |
Barbados Globe, Bridgetown, 13 de julio de 1900, p. 3. |
At the Wilhelmina Last Night.
The West Indian Syndicate's Cinematograph show at the Wilhelmina Hall last night was a decided success. A portion of the programme was a miscellany, every item of which called forth admiration. But before and after the intermission of the audience were treated to some excellent South African war views, the Panorama View between Belmont and the Modder River on board an Armoured Train being most interesting. An appropriate musical selection succeeded each view. All who can, should avail themselves of the opportunity of seeing these splendid pictures of the battle scenery. Unfortunately the rain prevented the attendance of many, but those who did attend —and the house was a fair one—enjoyed themselves thoroughly.
Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, martes 17 de julio de 1900, p. 3.
Una breve reseña nos informa que a pesar del tiempo desfavorable, las dos sesiones pasadas se han podido desarrollar sin problemas, aunque con una presencia de público escasa:
At the Wilhelmina
The exhibition of Life Motion Pictures at the Wilhelmina Hall has attracted much attention amongst all classes as the show justly deserves. Bad weather however has obtained both on last night and the previous night, which has been the means of keeping many away. Tonight the last opportunity is offered the public for seeing astonishing views of scenes enacted in the yet current Transvaal War, as well as various views of social enjoyment. We are hopeful that favourable weather will prevail and that a good gathering will assemble.
Barbados Globe, Bridgetown, miércoles 18 de juillet de 1900.
La última sesión tiene lugar el día 18 de julio de 1900. No tenemos constancia de que haya habido otras posteriormente.
El cinematógrafo de Giuseppe Filippi (Wilhelmina Hall, <29 de abril->8 de mayo y <16-[21] de mayo de 1902)
En mayo de 1902, llega una de las grandes figuras de la exhibición de los primeros años del cinematógrafo. Se trata de Giuseppe Filippi con su Art Company que va recorriendo el Caribe, por segunda vez, a partir del final del año 1901. Tras haber organizado sesiones en Santa Lucía, la isla vecina, llega a Barbados, el 26 de abril de 1902:
Per R.M.S. Eden from St. Lucia on Saturday-Revd. E. O. Heath, Messrs. V. Gattizalia, J. Philippi and J. E. James.
Barbados Globe, Bridgetown, lunes 28 de abril de 1902, p. 2.
Pocos días después, se inauguran las sesiones de cinematógrafo de la Art Company de Filippi en el Wilhelmina Hall:
The Cinematograph
THE Cinematograph Show held at the Wilhelmina Hall last night was poorly attended as is usually the case on the first appearance of such shows in these parts, but this poor attendance did not in any manner effect the excellent execution of the programme. The standard of the Art Company is higher than that of any similar body that has ever visited this island. The Show very richly deserves public patronage which we hope they will secure at their next appearance on Thursday night. Electricity is used in the working of the machinery.
Barbados Globe, Bridgetown, miércoles 30 de abril de 1902.
Como se puede apreciar en esta breve reseña, el público de Barbados no responde mucho a este tipo de espectáculo, y eso que según el comentario, el proyector ha funcionado de forma muy correcta, utilizando la electricidad, lo cual indica que esta energía ya está disponible en Bridgetown. La estancia de Giuseppe Filippi en Barbados hubiera podido desarrollarse como en las diferentes islas que va visitando... sin embargo, un acontecimiento trágico va a cambiar totalmente estas sesiones. En la vecina isla francesa Martinica, acaba de despertarse, tras largos años de calma, el volcán Montagne Pelée.
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Barbados Globe, Bridgetown, Wednesday, May 7, 1902. | Barbados Globe, Bridgetown, Wednesday, May 14, 1902. |
La ciudad de Saint-Pierre queda totalmente destruida y mueren sus 30 000 habitantes. La magnitud de la catástrofe no impide el oportunismo de Giuseppe Filippi que ofrece la vista The Ruins of Pompeii, de origen desconocido, añadiendo además "giving the Public of Barbados an idea of the present state of St. Pierre, Martinique." Finalmente, el operador decide salir para la Martinica. Este evento, años más tarde, lo vuleve a evocar el operador en la prensa italiana:
Nel 1902 dalla vicina isola Barbados assiste al terribile maremoto e all'eruzione del vulcano Pelée nei quali perirono tutti i 30 mila abitanti di S. Pierre nella Martinica e spedisce per posta all'Illustration Française le prime fotografie del disastro.
Gazzetta sera, Turin, lundi 12 avril 1954.
De hecho, Giuseppe Filippi va y vuelve rápidamente y propone, con una gran oportunidad, una vista de las ruinas de la ciudad destruida de Saint-Pierre al púbico del Wilhelmina Hall:
Le Cinematograph
THERE will be another performance of the Cinematograph this evening. The views will consist of sixteen stages of our LORD's Passion and the ruins of St Pierre which has just been photographed ans developed by Mr. FILLIPPI himself. Herein lies a cheaper, healthier and more humane manner of viewing the awful ruins. As regards the Passion Views we anticipate many a tear-stained cheek at its close.
Barbados Globe, Bridgetown, viernes 16 de mayo de 1902.
No sabemos cómo recibe tal vista el público de Bridgetown que, de forma adecuada, se presenta con las cintas de la Pasión de Cristo. Lo que sí es cierto es que el cinematografista tiene la capacidad para rodar películas desde hace años. De hecho, no se puede descartar que durante su larga estancia en Barbados haya rodado algunas cintas locales. El último anuncio muestra que la calidad del espectáculo va a despertar el interés del mismo Gobernador, la máxima autoridad de la isla:
The Cinematograph
A performance of the Lumiere Cinematograph takes place at the Wilhelmina Hall this evening. It is expected that His Excellency the Governor and party will favour the entertainment by their presence. The shows are very good and do not tire.
Barbados Globe, Bridgetown, miércoles 21 de mayo de 1902.
El cinematógrafo se deja de anunciar en los días siguientes.
El cinematógrafo de Giuseppe Filippi (27 de mayo de 1902)
En la casa del Gobernador, se organiza una función especial para las víctimas de St. Vincent. A ella participa el propio Giuseppe Filippi.
Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, viernes 23 de mayo de 1902, p. 2.
Es probable que pocos días después Giuseppe Filippi salga de Barbados, aunque no se sabemos hacia donde. Posteriormente sabemos que está en Brasil donde organiza otra gira.
El cinematógrafo de la Cosmopolite Art Company (Wilhelmina Hall, 5, 7, 8 y 9 de marzo de 1904)
El cinemátografo de la Cosmopolite Art Company anuncia funciones para tres días en marzo.
Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, sábado 5 de marzo de 1904, p. 2.
Sin embargo se prolongan un día más.
Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, miércoles 9 de marzo de 1904, p. 2.
El Cinematograph de H. Kaurt (The Wilhelmina Hall, 15-25 de noviembre de 1905)
A mediados de noviembre se anuncia la llegada de H. Kaurt procedente de Trinidad por el Oruro:
Per O.L.S. Oruro from Trinidad on Sunday last-Mr. and Mrs Bugle, Mr. H. Kaurt and family, Mr de Wolf and 51 deck passengers for Barbados.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, martes 14 de noviembre de 1905, p. 1.
Como se puede apreciar, H. Kaurt viaja con su familia, o sea su señora y además P. Kaurt y E. Kaurt. Como ya es costumbre, las sesiones se van a dar en el Wilhelmina Hall, que tiene una capacidad de unas novecientas localidades.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, martes 14 de noviembre de 1905, p. 2.
La primera sesión tiene lugar el 15 de noviembre de 1905 que evoca la prensa:
Cinematograph Show.
There was a large audience present last night at the Wilhelmina Hall, where Mon. H. Kaurt, whose advertisement appears elsewhere in this paper, gave an inaugural cinematographic show. The machine used was an excellent one, and the pictures exhibited were amongst the best, if not really the very beet ever staged in this country. The audience was simply delighted with the " sample " show, which as an of the series to be exhibited presages abundant success. There will be another exhibition tonight. Among the pieces exhibited were several productions from Joan of Arc, and one from the life of Furtive Hunters, which occasioned much amusement.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, jueves 16 de noviembre de 1905, p. 3.
El Barbados Globe ofrece, por su parte, una extensa reseña del acontecimiento artístico:
The presence of a Cinematograph Show in our midat carries no special attraction for the reason that such shows are frequent and familiar to this people; so that when the proprietor of such a Show can independently come into our midat and offer a sample entertainment free of all costs to a respectable audience, there is proof of the confidence he holds in the excellence of his Show, and of his ability of command a house at any subsequent period. Mon KRAUT arrived in Barbados at a time when two other counter attractions were in swing, but his sample show on Wednesday evening was so thorough and perfect that at an early hour last evening the Baloony was filled to overflowing and the Dress circle well represented. And there were no disappointments save, perhaps, in the fast fleeting hours of the evening. The pictures are all excellent-some historic, others comic; and the manner in which they are displayed leaves no room for complaint. The tale of the heroism of Joan of Arc was pictorially narrated in a manner that won appreciation from old and young on Tuesday, while on Wednesday the atrocities of Bluebeard and his much merited retribution tickled the fancy of hundreds of watchers. The machine in use seems to be the most perfect ever used in this colony, and the shiftings from one scene to the next appears as perfect as human skill can make it. The comic numbers are exceed ingly entertaining and mirth-provoking, particularly that one sending the family "Off for the Holidays"-scenes from real life in Germany. The views are generally of ten to fifteen minutes duration, so that about half dozen only can be shown of an evening. The Company plays again on Saturday night when we feel quite sure they will again gather in a bumper house.
Barbados Globe, Bridgetown, viernes 17 de noviembre de 1905, p. 3.
El inicio del artículo parece indicar que las sesiones cinematográficas son habituales en Barbados, lo cual parece extraño, si nos atentemos a las informaciones recogidas en la prensa. O bien entonces haya que leerle estas líneas con doble sentido. Lo que se desprende además es la calidad y el interés de las cintas ofrecidas al público. Entre éstas destacan dos productores de la casa Méliès, Joan of Arc y, muy probablemente, Bluebeard. Unos días más tarde, en otro periódico reseña una nueva sesión con otras vistas:
Cinematograph Show
Another first-class cinematograph entertainment was given by H. Kaurt at the Wilhelmina Hall last Saturday evening before a large house. The representation of "The Dream of Christmas" was highly interesting, but for captivating affect nothing could excel "The Festivities in Paris" and "Scene of the Russian and Japanese War." The show was a great success.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, lunes 20 de noviembre de 1905, p. 3.
La programación se puede completar además con los anuncios publicados en la prensa en los cuales se dan los títulos de las cintas programadas. No todas las cintas se pueden identificar, pero además de las cintas de Méliès, es probable que se presenten películas de otras casas francesas o americanas.
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The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, 20 de noviembre de 1905, p. 2 |
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, 22 de noviembre de 1905, p. 2. |
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, 24 de noviembre de 1905, p. 2. |
Tal vez lo más interesantes de esta estancia, es que se llega a pensar en organizar una sesión dedicada únicamente para los hombres. La práctica nace casi desde las primeras sesiones cinematográficas, y en el Caribe, se podrían citar varios ejemplos. Sin embargo, y por razones oscuras, esta sesión se cancela, convirtiéndose en la función de despedida para "both sexes".
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, 23 de noviembre de 1905, p. 2.
Finalmente, H. Kaurt y su familia dejan Barbados, tras pocos días, el 25 de noviembre de 1905:
Per B.L.S. Justin for Para on Saturday-Mr. and Mrs Kaurt, Capt. B. Crimp, Dr. Ferreira, Miss A. G. Piggot, Messrs S. Barnett, J. J. Desantos, A. M. Moore, P & E. Kaurt and Questo.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, Monday, November 27, 1905, p. 1.
Salen para Brasil donde van a seguir organizando numerosas funciones.
Repertorio (otras películas): The Life of Furtive Hunters (The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, 16 de noviembre de 1905, p. 3), Great Naval Combat, by the allied float in China, The Dream of the Astronomer (colours), The Funeral Homage of His Majesty King Humbert I, Frivolite grand dance represented at the Olympia Theatre in Paris, Comic Scenes and twenty transformations by the renowned artist Freoli [sic] (in colours) (The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, 20 de noviembre de 1905, p. 2), Scenes at Coronation of His Majesty King Edward VII, Aeronautic Experience of the famous aeronaut Santos Dumont, The War in Cuba, Conflagration in Valparaiso (Chili), Travelling from Paris to Jerusalem, A grand and magnificent spectacle in 20 coloured views, of the famous French Heroine Joan of Arc (The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, 22 de noviembre de 1905, p. 2.), The Little Red Riding Hood, Going out for the Holidays (comic), The Life, Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Furtive Hunters, Surgical Operation by Dr. Doyen (The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, 24 de noviembre de 1905, p. 2).
Les prises de vues d'A. J. West (décembre->décembre 1906)
El cinematografista Alfred John West está al llegar. Su misión es completar unas series de vistas cinematográficas del Caribe:
West Indian Pictures.
The Royal Mail Steam Packet Company have again made the necessary arrangements for Mr A. J. West, F.R.G.S. and Mr Chapman (gold medalist) to visit the West Indies for the purpose of completing Mr. West's series of Cinematographic and other photographic Pictures of Life and Scenery in the West Indies for exhibition in London and also at the Principal Towns throughout Great Britian.
Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, 19 de diciembre de 1906, p. 3.