Marching down an Incline 


Marching down an Incline

An exceedingly fine photograph representing many hundreds of brave bluejackets marching down an inclined roadway right towards the camera. Led by their band, the bronzed and handsome fellows march with splendid precision and regularity, and when we remember the noble part played by our gallant bluejackets in many a hard-fought struggle lately, it is no wonder that eyes grow moist and throats sore with shouting when this picture is seen. Hundreds of men are represented, and as they pass quite close, and the photograph is an excellent one, it constitutes an admirable portrait of each man. This is a photograph which is certain to be popular wherever shown.

The Era, London, November 17, 1900, p. 30.


1 Hepwix Films 200   
2 n.c.  
3 ≤ 17/11/1900 125ft 
4 Grande-Bretagne  



