(actif en 1899-1904)



James Myers (Sainte-Lucie-)


Oriundo de Santa Lucia, James Myers se presenta en la Dominica para organizar funciones con su cinematógrafo Edison:

Mr. James Myers, a respectable native of St. Lucia, intends to present to the public of Roseau on Saturday and Monday next an exhibition of Edison's Cinematograph. From all we have heard of this wonderful instrument it deserves to be seen by all who can appreciate such entertainments. The Cinematograph has never been displayed here on any previous occasion. Therefore the reputation which it bears ought to ensure to Mr. Myers a respectable and large audience. It is well to add that any pecuniary benefit which Mr. Myers may obtain by his exhibition, 20 per cent. of his takings must be handed to the Administrator by arrangement, for the poor of Dominica.-Therefore, it will be seen while Mr. Myers may be benefited by the intended exhibition, the poor of Dominica is sure of obtaining some aid by any such success.

The Dominican, Roseau, 26 de octubre de 1899, p. 3.

En los primeros días de diciembre de 1900, llega a Santo Domingo (República Dominicana) donde se dispone a presentar un "Proyectograph de Edison", probablemente el Projectoscope, que remplaza, a partir de 1897, el Vitascope. Organiza una función, en el teatro "La Republicana", el 23 de diciembre de 1900, donde presenta vistas americanas. Meses más tarde, en abril de 1902, hace lo propio en Santiago de los Caballeros. Ya en 1904, entre mayo y julio, organiza algunas sesiones en Port-au-Prince (Haití).



République dominicaine

  • La guerra de Filipinas
  • La guerra del Transvaal


  • La Guerre hispano-américaine
  • La Guerre anglo-boer
  • L'Éruption du Mont Pelé et destruction de Saint-Pierre


[10/12/1900]-[24/12/1900] République dominicaine Santo Domingo Teatro "La Republicana" Proyectograph
[02/04/1902]-[02/04/1902] République dominicaine Santiago   "Cinematógrafo"
[1904]-[08/05/1904] Haïti Les Gonaïves   [Cinématographe Lumière]
[09/05/1904]-[18/05/1904] Haïti Port-au-Prince Place du Panthéon Cinématographe Lumière
03/06/1904-[05/07/1904]  Haïti Port-au-Prince Petit-Théâtre Cinématographe Lumière 
06/07/1904-[11/07/1904] Haïti Port-au-Prince  Hôtel Bellevue (jardines) Cinématographe Lumière