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- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 20 avril 2024
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 12925
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Pittsburgh est une ville de l'état de Pennsylvanie (États-Unis).
Le Cinématographe Lumière (Avenue Theater, 6 septembre-novembre 1896)
C'est dans les premiers jours de septembre 1896 que le cinématographe Lumière est présenté à Pittsburg à l'Avenue Theater, dirigé par M. Davis. Les annonces se multiplient dans la presse locale et certains articles, comme celui du Pittbsburg Daily Post offre la totalité du programme de l'inauguration qui a lieu le 7 septembre :
The opening of Pittsburg’s leading continuous theater, “The Avenue,” to-morrow at 1 o’clock will be hailed with delight by its many patrons. Manager Harry Davis has made many improvements in the popular and cozy house in the way of redecorations and remodeling. There are several good reasons why the Avenue is looked upon by the public of Pittsburg as a favorite play-house. The location is the very best, the management liberal, the prices within the reach of all, and last, but not least, no expense is spared to give the people the best the market affords in the way of attractions. The opening bill proves this, and the engagements already made for the season comprise leading vaudeville artists of the European and American stage.
The offering for the inaugural week, beginning at 1 p. m. to-morrow, are the following exceptionally strong novelties: For the first time in Pittsburg, the marvelous Cinematographe will be seen. It is a French invention, and antedates all other machines made for instantaneous photographic purposes. It is declared to be the best ever shown in this country of Europe. The Cinematographe is at present the greatest fashionable and scientific fad of London, Paris, Vienna, Berlin and the entire continent. Its exhibitions have been attended by crowned heads, and have created a furore wherever witnessed. It will surely create a sensation in this city. “The March of the Ninety-Sixth Infantry” is said to be one of its superb views, and one of the best French infantry regiments, with its regimental officers on horseback marching at the head and sides of the regiment, with drum corps and band. The marching movements of these troops differ greatly in countries, and military men have remarked that these pictures possess the greatest interest, because they enable one to see the different methods used in different armies. Another view is “A Blacksmith Shop.” This is a scene familiar to everyone, young and old; a splendid horse being held while the blacksmith is removing the old shoes, preparing the hoof, and others are working on the new shoes which are to be put on the horse. Another is a beautiful picture of “Swans Moving in the Water,” with all their well-known grace, while they are being fed by an aged retired French officer. Others views, which will be shown at the Avenue to-morrow and all the week include “Children at Play,” “Drawing a Coke Oven in France,” “The Aquarium, Brighton, England,” “Charge of the French Cavalry,” “Burning Leaves in French Forests,” “Watering Horses in the French Cavalry,” “Babies’ Quarrel,” “Arabian Cortege at Geneva Exposition,” “Demolition of a Building,” “Gondoliers of Venice,” “Village Fete in Switzerland,” and “The Artillery at Practice in Spain.” This wonderful invention is now being exhibited in Keith’s Union Square theater, New York city, where it has tested the capacity of the theater nightly. The distinguished actor, Beaumont Smith, has been especially engaged to give descriptive lecture during the exhibitions of the Cinematographe.
Pittsburgh Daily Post, Pittsburgh, 6 septembre 1896, p. 9.
Les opérateurs Lumière sont souvent discrets sur place et il est rare que leur nom apparaisse. Ce qui peut retenir l'attention, dans le cas présent, c'est le rôle d'un acteur local, Beaumont Smith, engagé pour faire office de bonimenteur. L'idée n'est sans doute pas neuve et montre, en tout état de cause, que le cinématographe n'a jamais été totalement muet.
Beaumont Smith
The Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, 21 juin 1896, p. 8
Par la suite, les informations sur le cinématographe vont diminuer singulièrement. Certes, l'annonce de la présentation des films sur le couronnement du Tsar est un moment fort et un argument commercial indéniable :
For the coming week the presentation of the wonderful pictures showing the recent coronation of the Russian czar and czarina is announced. In these pictures are shown all the ceremonies and principal incidents connected with this important event, and those Pittsburgers, who were unable to accept the invitation of the czar to be present will there have an opportunity of seeing the whole affaire at second hand. These pictures have made an immense sensation in Europe, and they will without doubt repeat their success there the coming week.
Pittsburgh Daily Post, Pittsburg, 13 septembre 1896, p. 15.
Mais par la suite, on doit se contenter de quelques rares entrefilets, même si le spectacle des images animées rencontre indéniablement un grand succès. Les présentations vont se prolonger pendant de nombreuses semaines. Une dernière tentative pour relancer l'intérêt des habitants consiste à indiquer que des vues américaines sont présentées, mais nous n'en avons pas de confirmation :
The Lumiere cinematographe will still continue the amusement novelty, with an interesting program of American and foreign views and humorous subjects.
Pittsburgh Daily Post, Pittsburg, 26 novembre 1896, p. 10.
L'appareil projette ses dernières vues à la fin du mois de novembre, puis il disparaît. Pourtant, l'Avenue Theater va présenter à peine deux semaines plus tard un autre appareil dont le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est qu'il joue sur le succès du cinématographe Lumière : " The Marvelous ZINEMATOGRAPHE. An invention equally remarkable and said to possess all of the fine points of the Cinematographe. " (Pittsburg Daily Post, Pittsburg, 13 décembre 1896, p. 16).
Répertoire (autres films) : Coronation of the Czar, Street Scene in London, Empress of Russia at the Crowning of the Czar, General Boysdeffre, French Representative at the Crowning of the Czar, Minerva's Bath, Milan, Italy, A Morning Dip in the Surf, The Arrival of the Fast Express, Watering the Lawn. (The Pittsburg Press, Pittsburg, 20 septembre 1896, p. 20).
Le Biograph (The Alvin, 14-19 septembre 1896)
Le spectacle Sandow's Olympia avec le célèbre athlète, Eugene Sandow, est inauguré le 14 septembre au théâtre Alvin avec, au programme, le Biograph qui présente, entre autres vues, des bandes du "Famous Strong Man" :
The Alvin.
Manager Kirk, of the Alvin, sprung a surprise on the big audience last night at the close of the performance by the Sandow troupe. He has secured a machine which produces the same results as the cinamatographe [sic], vitascope or biographe, as it is variously called. Mr. Kirk's instrument is a "biographe," and he got it because he didn't believe in being behind the times. The biographe shows a picture nearly twice as large as the similar machines in other houses, and the impression is clear-cut and distinct. Trilby came back to life through it last night, bounced into the studio and jumped on a table at Little Billie's elbow. After kicking off her slippers and revealing her beautiful feet she borrows a cigarette of Billie and then they fall to, as the story goes. The machine has an extensive repertoire, and will show every night this week.
Sandow, the man of muscle, is back with a troupe back of him that has not a weak point. Sandow himself looks a little older, but has all the classical appearance of old, and has a better opportunity to present it in a story, "Cleon," the plot of which is laid in ancient Rome in the days of gladiators and savage kings. Messalin (Jeanne Towler), an empress of Rome, is saved from peril in an accident on the Appian way by Cleon, a Greek slave. This slave is Sandow. She falls in love with his magnificent physique, and orders him brought to the studio of a sculptor, Timocles, where Clemanthe, a captive Grreek maiden, is posing asa a model. She sees that Cleon and Clemanthe are lovers, and in jealousy, decrees that Cleon must fight the best gladiator of the day in the arena.
Here Sandow comes out and his marvelous feats are shown, the human bridge being the final test and wins him the day. Alcide Capitan, a fit companion for Sandow, and a wonderful female athlete, plays Clemanthe, Timocles is played well by Cecil Kingston.
The Rossrow midgets, two little men, the smallest in the world, and each ever 20 years of age, are displayed by their father, a man of extraordinary height and build, Franz and Carl are strong men in their small way, and a three-round prize fight between them showed them masters of the manly art. Jessie Merrilles is also in the company with her songs and dances. Wood and Sherpard, negro minstrels; Mandola, a revolving globe juggler, and Muldoon, the wrestling pony complete the show.
Leader Toerge is making special efforts to keep the Alvin orchestra in the front ranks by treating the audience to the latest New York music, and is playing this week the newest metropolitan success, "Bachelor Girl," a two-step by F. D. Blommfield. Il made a big hit.
The Pittsburgh Post, Pittsburgh, mardi 15 septembre 1896, p. 6.
Le spectacle est annoncé jusqu'au 19 septembre.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh, samedi 19 septembre 1896, p. 5.
La troupe se dirige ensuite vers Philadelphie.
Le Biograph (The Hopkins' Duquesne theater, 9 février-> 18 avril 1897)
Le Biograph propose des vues animées à l'Hopkins' Duquesne theater :
The Hopkins' Duquesne theater was crowded from pit to dome last night with a most enthusiastic audience, which was treated to a most excellent vaudeville performance. The opening number on the program, the overture by Prof. Emil O. Wolff's orchestra, until the curtain went down upon the biograph not a single mediocre act was given, and the audience manifested its approval by round after round of hearty applause. [...]
The biograph, began yesterday the eighth week of its wonderful success. This machine is one of the best of its kind In the country, and is particularly popular from the fact that only American views are shown. Several fine new pictures have been secured for this week, among them being the Thirteenth United States infantry marching through the Sally port at Governors Island, dress parade of the Seventeenth United States Infantry at Governors island, the wrestling pony, Muldoon, a snow fight and surf bathing at Coney Island.
The Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, mardi 8 février 1897, p. 7.
Les projections se prolongent pendant des semaines :
The Hopkins-Duquesne theater presents another of its characteristic excellent vaudeville entertainments this week.
The Biograph excites more than usual interest with its new pictures, which are the best they have shown this season. "The Pillow Fight" and "the theater Hat" produce great amusement, while the "Keystone Express" and "Scaling the Walls" come in for an equal share of the applause.
The Pittsburg Press, Pittsburg, mardi 13 avril 1897, p. 7.
De nouveaux films sont projetés quelques jours plus tard :
Among the dozen or more pictures that will be shown by the biograph at the Hopkins-Duquesn theater this week is one illustrative of the Geisha girls. It displays three Japanese children giving a native dance. Another view of note is indicative of mechanical progress. It shows the celebrated horseless fire engine, in use at Hartford, Conn. The Thirteenth Infantry, U. S. A., at Governor's Island, New York harbor, is the subject of another realistic picture. It shows the boys at bayonet exercise, and displays the various maneuvers with precision. An amusing scene, and one not altogether unfamiliar to a city with as many newspapers as Pittsburg, will be discerned In one portraying newsboys "scrapping" for the "early edition." A noteworthy subject is in the Columbia bicycle factory. The view to be shown is full of life and animation, having ben taken when the 3,000 or more employes were stopping work, and rushing homeward through the factory gates.
The Pittsburg Press, Pittsburg, dimanche 18 avril 1897, p. 18.
L'Animatiscope (Academy of Music, 12 avril 1897)
Le biograph fait partie de la soirée qui est donnée par l'Academy of Music :
The house that greeted Harry Williams Own company at the Academy of Music last night was literally packed. The company has been reorganized since its appearance here earlier in the season and several strong features have been added. [...] The program concluded with an exhibition by the animatiscope, a machine very similar to the biograph. The picture of the Black Diamond express on the Lehigh Valley railroad, running at full speed, proved to be the most popular picture.
The Pittsburg Press, Pittsburg, mardi 13 avril 1897, p. 7.