Les Souverains et les invités se rendant au Sacre (Escalier rouge)



Les Souverains et les invités se rendant au Sacre (Escalier rouge)

LUM 1897

The Czar on his way to the Coronation.-A scene at the Red Staircase

MB 1897

The Sovereigns and Guests Descending the Red Straircase 

The Czar and Czarina going to the Coronation Ceremonies at St. Petersbourg, Russia.

The above three views are full of incident and convey a good idea of the manner in which this historic event, (for the preparation of which over 120,000,000 Roubles were expended) was conducted.

MB 1898


1 Lumière 300 (AS 1330) Maguire & Baucus 1300
2 Charles Moisson  
3 [26/05/1896] 17 m
4 RussieMoscou  


06/07/1896 FranceRouen  Lambin/Daniels Le tsar et la tsarine se rendant au sacre
20/07/1896 France, Bordeaux A. Chavanon/V. Billard
Descente de l'escalier rouge par le tsar et la tsarine
06/09/1896 FranceLe Creusot Félix Mesguich  Le Tsar et la tsarine se rendant au sacre
10/09/1896 ItalieMonza Pierre Chapuis Czar et Czarine se rendant au Sacre