A Railway Collision



A Railway Collision

FEW have seen, or can even imagine, the scene revealed in this Film. A railway track is seen, along which comes a slow train, which over-runs the signal. While the driver backs his train, and before he can reach a position of safety, an express dashes out of the tunnel and smashes into the goods train, which is thrown down an embankment.

PAUL 1903-06 


1 Paul  
A Railway Collision between Two Trains, Purchased by Mr Paul for this purpose. The most Thrilling Film ever Witnessed.
The Era, London, Saturday 28 April 1900, p. 28.
2 n.c.
3 ≤ 28/04/1900 40 ft
4 Grande-Bretagne  


07/09/1900 Grande-BretagneFolkestone
[David Devant]
A Railway Collision
10/09/1900 Grande-Bretagne, Douvres David Devant A Railway Collision
24/09/1900 Grande-Bretagne, Northampton David Devant A Railway Collision
01/10/1900 Grande-BretagneNottingham David Devant A Railway Collision
23/12/1900 Espagne, Barcelone, Plaza de Antonio López Palacio de la Óptica El choque de trenes
El choque de trenes en Inglaterra
11/04/1901 Grande-BretagneClifton David Devant A Railway Collision 
15/04/1901 Grande-BretagneBath David Devant A Railway Collision