Barcelone-Parc au crépuscule



Barcelone-Parc au crépuscule 

Barcelona Park

All the beauties of this world-renowned park are shown with remarkable clearness. A great seller. Tinted.

The Era, London, October 15, 1904, p. 31.

Barcelona ! - Parque al crepúsculo

Vista panorámica del más gracioso efecto. Recomendado.

PAT 1904-03

Park in Barcelona


This shows one of the most beautiful parks in the world. This has been specially taken with help of stereopticons showing each object standing out for itself, the perspective being very fine.

SEA 1908


1 Pathé 1124 Edison 6062
2 n.c.  
3 <15/09/1904 40 m/132 ft
15 Sep. Pathé. 40 mts. 120. p./Coste. Panorama del Parque.
Nota de las películas que han comprado durante el tiempo de sociedad que tienen hecha los dos hermanos Manuel y Mariano Belio, para la explotación de un cinematógrafo en la rambla de los capuchinos números 36 y 38 de Barcelona (collection particulière).
4 EspagneBarcelone  


15/11/1904 Espagne, Xérès Antonio de la Rosa Parque de Barcelona
11/1904 Grande-BretagneLondres The Optical Lantern and Cinematograph Journal  A Panorama of Barcelona
Messrs. Pathe Freres have shown us a number of films, the two best of which are undoubtedly The Tragedy in mid-air, and a panorama of Barcelona Park at twilight. This latter film is a regular poem, the twilight effect being most apparent, owing to the film being stained, whilst the stereoscopic effects are so great that one seems to be staring right through the sheet on which the picture is shown, and looking through a plate-glass window instead. It is certainly a most marvellous production, and for those who want real high-class subjects of artistic beauty, this is one that can never be excelled.
The Optical Lantern and Cinematograph Journal, London, November 1904, p. 20
24/06/1905 EspañaAlmería, Teatro Variedades Cinematógrafo Girmand Parque de Barcelona 
25/06/1905 France, Aubervilliers, Salle des fêtes Cinématographe Pathé  Barcelone au crépuscule


Affiche reproduite dans Jacques Deslandes et Jacques Richard, Histoire comparée du cinéma, Tome II, Paris, Casterman, 1968, p. 319
© Collection Jacques Ricard
29/09/1905 Mexique, Mexico Enrique Rosas Parque de Barcelona-Vista tomada al crepúsculo
11/11/1905 Espagne, Pampelune Circo Labarta Parque de Barcelona
24/02/1906 EspagneLa Corogne, Pabellón Coruñes cinematógrafo Parque de Barcelona
12/07/1906 Espagne, Avila Pedro Agar/Juan Minuesa El parque de Barcelona al crepúsculo
17/08/1906 EspagneSalamanque Juan Minuesa Panorama del parque de Barcelona

