- Détails
- Mis à jour : 31 mars 2020
- Publication : 24 mars 2015
- Affichages : 5604
Métamorphoses du roi de pique
Métamorphoses du roi de pique
Un illusionniste, après différents tours de cartes, fait grandir le roi de pique et joue avec lui.
Une discussion s’élève dans la partie, l’illusionniste le rétablit dans sa forme primitive et le remet dans le jeu.
Il jette ensuite ce jeu sur la table d’où il en sort un château de cartes immédiatement construit.
PAT 1903-11
Metamorphosis of the king of spades
A connjurer having performed sundry card tricks causes the king of spades to grow and play with him.
A discussion rises about the game the conjurer restores him to his former shape and puts him into the pack again.,
then he throws the pack of cards upon the table and there rises out of it a castle of cards immediately constructed.
PAT 1903-11-b
Metamórfosis del rey de espadas
Un prestidigitador, después de haber ejecutado algunos juegos de manos con naipes hace engrandecer al rey de espadas y juega con él.
Durante la partida una discusión se levanta, el prestidigitador le restablece en su forma primitiva y vuelve a ponerle en el juego.
Después arroja este juego sobre la mesa de la cual sale un castillo de naipes construido inmediatamente.
PAT 1904-03
Metamorphosis of the King of Spades
The conjurer appears and produces a pack of cards. After performlng various sleight-of-hand tricks, he picks up the king of spades, and by a few passes enlarges it until the body of the picture is full life size. He places the card end up on a chair. Next the commands the picture to come to life. A game of cards is introduced, but from the king's gesticulations it is evident that the conjurer is trying to cheat. Before the king has a chance to rise from his seat to remonstrate, however, the magician commands him to return to his inanimate form. This done, the card is gradually reduced to its original size. After shuffling the pack of cards, the conjurer tosses them on the table, where they are mysteriously built up in the form of a house.
SEA 1908
1 | Pathé 1024 | 21F7425 (SEA) |
2 | Gaston Velle | |
Voilà Welles [sic] qui débute dans " le roi de Pique ". |
3 | ≤ 11/1903 | 30 m/100 ft/98 ft (SEA) |
4 | France |
26/11/1903 | France, Paris | Salon des abonnés du Figaro | Le Roi de pique |
13/04/1904 | Espagne, Tortosa | Berbis/Belloch | Metamórfosis. Rey de Espadas |
17/11/1904 | Algérie, Orléansville | Le Cinématographe Lyonnais | Métamorphose du roi de pique |
08/12/1904 | Mexique, Mexico | Toscano/Barreiro | Metamórfosis del rey de espadas |
01/07/1905 | Espagne, Vitoria, Teatro Circo | Cinematógrafo | Metamórfosis del rey de espadas |
24/07/1905 | Espagne, Vitoria | Gimeno | El rey de espadas |
22/02/1906 | Espagne, Murcie | Minuesa/Agar | Metamorfosis del rey de espadas |
12/12/1906 | Espagne, Vitoria | Rocamora | Metamorfosis del rey de espadas |