[Un tourlourou em... bêté]



[Un tourlourou em... bêté]

Tommy Atkin's mistake

A soldier has a very animated chat with a nurse on a very hot summer morning. This one asks him to be good enough to look after her baby, while she is going away for a minute.
Tommy finds this rather awkward, as the baby forgets himself. Fortunately the nurse is coming back at that moment and puts everything alright.
It is fearfully hot and Tommy whose whole attention is directed towards his lady-friend, wants to dry his face with his handkerchief which he has put beside him on the bench, but he makes a mistake, for instead of taking his handkerchief, he dries his face with the baby's dirty mapkin.

PAT 1903-04

Quinto perfumado

Nos hallamos en el parque Monceau; un soldado habla con su novia, una niñera. Está obligada a ausentarse por un instante confía el pequeñuelo a su amigo
Hace un calor sufocante y nuestro héroe suda por cada pelo una gota queriendo limpiarse el sudor en lugar de cojer su pañuelo que había puesto sobre el banco, coje un pañal sucio del crío, y se embadurna toda la cara.

PAT 1904-03


1 Pathé 633  
2 Ferdinand Zecca  
3 ≤ 05/1903 35m/115f

[...] Un soldat en balade fait la cour à une nourrice qui berce un bébé ; il fait chaud, le troupier s'éponge avec un linge ; horreur, c'est un lange souillé d'excréments ! Il n'en faut pas plus pour que Le Tourlourou em... bêté fasse la joie du public.

Francis Ambrière, "Les Souvenirs de Ferdinand Zecca",L'Image, nº 13, 1932, p. 29.