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- Mis à jour : 23 avril 2020
- Affichages : 4057
L'Oie du réveillon
L'Oie du réveillon
Un poivrot passant devant la boutique d’un marchand de volailles porte son choix sur une oie superbe qu’il achète aussitôt. Après de nombreuses libations, il arrive devant chez lui mais se trompe de porte et est jeté dehors par les voisins ainsi dérangés. Résigné, il se couche sur le trottoir avec son oie pour oreiller, mais la police le ramène chez lui où sa femme lui fait une réception digne de son état.
PAT 1905-12
The Christmas Goose
An usual the Christmas Goose is bought by the head of the family on his way home from business. As he meets several friends and makes sundry calls to drink with them, the Goose is getting rather the worse for wear, and a tug-of-war with school children does not improve matters. He arrives at a house, thinks it his own. the door is open, he swerves upstairs. Good wife he thinks, she has left me a bottle in honor of the day. He drinks and goes to bed, finds out his mistake. He falls out of that house very quickly and takes a cap on the pavement with the goose for a pillow. A friendly policeman finds him and calls his wife, who helps him home with the aid of the goose.
The Era, London, December 9, 1905, p. 34.
13/12/1905 | Espagne, Valence | Cinematógrafo de la Paz | El ganso de Navidad |
17/12/1905 | Espagne, Valence | Salón Novedades | El ganso de Navidad |
18/12/1905 | Espagne, Valence | Cinematógrafo Moderno | Pavo de Navidad |
04/01/1906 | Mexique, Mexico D.F., Teatro Riva Palacio | Enrique Echániz Brust | La oca de Navidad |
17/03/1906 | Mexique, Pachuca | Barreiro/Toscano/Pastor | El pavo de Navidad |
20/07/1906 | Cuba, La Havane | Carlos A. Prada | El Ganso de Navidad |
10/08/1906 | Espagne, Salamanque | Juan Minuesa | Ganso de Navidad |