Boxing Horses, Luna Park, Coney Island


Boxing Horses, Luna Park, Coney Island

Showing the famous boxing horses in a bout of two rounds. After the gloves are placed on the forelegs of the two big animals they go to their corners and are fanned by their trainers. A pony then jumps into the ring, and by shaking his head introduces the combatants to the audience. The boxers then take position, and rearing on their hind legs "punch" each other in professional style. The gong sounds and the boxers go to their corners. In the next round after a  minute of fierce fighting, one of the horses drops to his knees, and is counted out. The pony again appears and after announcing the winner, walks from the ring on his hind legs.

EDI 1904-09


1 Edison 6007  
2 Alfred C. Abadie  
3 19/07/1904. Edison © H48519 25/07/1904 165 ft. Ventajosa.
4 États-Unis. Coney Island. Luna Park.  


16/10/1906 Cuba, La Havane Enrique Rosas Los caballos boxeadores

Ésta es una novedad hípica. En Cony Island hacen furor actualmente dos brutos, dos caballos que sostienen dos rounds de box, con igual perfección que la hicieran un Fitzimonns o un Corbert.

La Discusión, La Habana, jueves 16 de agosto de 1906, p. 3.


6007 01
Boxing Horses. Coney Island. c. 1909.