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- Mis à jour : 3 février 2023
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Les Aventures de Robinson Crusoé
Les Aventures de Robinson Crusoe
Aventuras de Robinson Crusoé
última novedad cinematográfica
MEL 1904-A
Robinson Crusoe
Duration of exhibit about 20 minutes. Description.
1. Shipwrecked.– The vessel upon which Robinson has sailed has just been wrecked, and is seen in the distance being tossed about by the angry seas. Robinson finally succeeds in climbing the rocks.
2. The Raft.– Robinson constructs the raft, by means of which he saves whatever provisions are left on board.
3. His Progress up the River.— Robinson, struggling against the current of the river, finally succeeds in landing with his raft.
4. Three Days After.– The wreck is fast breaking up. To his great joy he discovers a dog and a cat in the cabin, the sole living survivors besides himself.
5. The Last Hope.– He signals to a vessel sailing in the distance, but the crew unfortunately do not notice him, to his despair.
6. The Signal of Distress.– Robinson, still in hope of attracting the ship’s attention, lights a fire on the summit of the cliffs.
7. Robinson Building His Hut.– Robinson, after cutting trees, builds his abode, consisting of a wooden fence encircling his hut, which is built against the rocks.
8. The Cannibals.– The savages have just finished devouring one of their prisoners, after which they give themselves up to further hideous rites and ceremonies, enacted around the remains of the feast.
9. The War Dance.– At the base of the cliffs the savages proceed to light a great fire, around which they perform a war dance. They receive orders to kill likewise the last prisoner, but Robinson suddenly appears on the scene, and from behind a rock drops a savage with one shot from his gun.
10. The Rescue of Friday.– The savages, bewildered by the noise of the gun and the strange sight of Robinson, abandon the prisoner, to whom Robinson consequently gives the name of Friday, in remembrance of the day of his rescue.
11. Robinson’s Flight; the Fall of the Cliff.– Whilst ascending the savages return to attack them, but Robinson and Friday defend themselves courageously. About twenty of the surviving savages rush forward in a body, but Robinson, with the assistance of Friday, causes a large section of the cliff to become dislodged, which falls and for the moment stops the progress of their assailants.
12. The Pursuit.– At last Robinson and Friday arrive at the top and Robinson shows his servant the way to get into the hut. Robinson remains in ambush and kills several of them.
13. The Attack on the Hut.– Friday, quicker than Robinson, arrives first and at one bound surmounts the roof. Robinson then arrives, still pursued by the savages, and a terrible fight takes place. The remaining savages are, nevertheless, soon dispatched to the very last one.
14. After the Battle.– Robinson instructs Friday in the various arts, and they both commence to feel at home, surrounded by the favorite animals, namely, the dog, cat, parrot and goat.
15. Constructing the Canoe.– After rebuilding his hut, Robinson, with the aid of Friday, hollows out the trunk of a tree, thus making a canoe.
16. The Earthquake.– Robinson and Friday, retuning from a walk, are on the point of re-entering their hut, when suddenly a storm comes up, lifting off and blowing away the roof, while the palm trees are badly twisted and bent by the hurricane. A thunder storm breaks forth and dazzling lightning illuminates the rocks and landscape.
(This new effect in cinematography is obtained by an entirely new method never before utilized, and is of the most strikingly realistic character, the flashes of lightning being an exact counterpart of those in nature, and lend a wonderful sense of realism to the picture).
17. The Chase in the Forest.– Robinson and Friday hunt in the forest.
18. Sailing Around the Island.– They thoroughly test the canoe, and Robinson and Friday sail on the sea around the island.
19. The Mutiny.– It is now twenty-five years since Robinson was shipwrecked on this deserted island, when one day he notices some sailors landing, who had mutinied against their captain and officers.
20. The Rescue.– Robinson and Friday rush forward, untie the hands of the prisoners and commence an attack on the mutineers, whom they soon reduce to submission. Robinson and Friday, in the company of the captain and his officers, abandon the deserted island.
21. The Quay at Southampton.– The ship carrying Robinson and Friday enters the port amid the acclamations of the crowd which is massed together on the quay.
22. Robinson’s Triumphant Return.–the new of the return of Robinson and the story of his wonderful experience has excited general enthusiasm in London and he is paraded through the city.
23. Home, Sweet Home.– Robinson at last reaches his home and again finds his wife, who had aged greatly, as he himself has grown older.
24. The Increased Family.– His children also are grown up and very much changed. They are married, and Robinson kisses his little folks; and Friday, full of happiness, blesses the family, of which he has become a member by adoption.
25. Apotheosis.– The back of the picture gradually dissolves and shows Robinson and Friday on a rock winning the fight with the savages who are thrown down the sides.
MEL 1905-A
Robinson Crusoe
SEA 1908
1 | Méliès 430-443 | |
2 | Georges Méliès | François Lallement |
C'est là que pendant quatreans M. LALLEMENT va s'occuper de tout le laboratoire: perforation des bandes, tirage, prises de vues, montages, etc... et à l'occasion devient même figurant dans les films à grand spectacle comme "Le Voyage dans la Lune", "Robinson Crusoë", "Inspection de la Garde", etc... |
3 | 1902 | 280 m/910 ft |
4 | France |
31/05/1903 | Suisse, La Chaux-de-Fonds | Louis Praiss | Célèbres aventures de Robinson Crusoé |
21/06/1903 | Suisse, Monthey | Louis Praiss | Célèbres aventures de Robinson Crusoé |
05/07/1903 | États-Unis, Vicksburg | Robinson Crusoe | |
03/12/1903 | Espagne, Burgos | Pradera | Robinsón Crusoé |
12/12/1903 | France, Annecy | Cinématographe perfectionné | Robinson Crusoé |
07/02/1904 | Espagne, Barcelone | Diorama | Aventuras de Robinson |
28/02/1904 | Suisse, Neuchâtel | Louis Praiss | Aventures de Robinson Crusoë |
12/03/1904 | Suisse, Porrentruy | Louis Praiss | Les Aventures de Robinson Crusoë |
19/03/1904 | Suisse, Montreux | Louis Praiss | Les Aventures de Robinson Crusoë |
10/04/1904 | Suisse, Fribourg | L. Praiss fils | Les Aventures de Robinson Crusoé |
11/04/1904 | Espagne, Tortosa | Berbis/Belloch | Aventuras de Robinsón Las aventuras del célebre Robinson Crosué |
19/04/1904 | Suisse, Fribourg | Louis Praiss | Les Aventures de Robinson Crusoé |
16/05/1904 | Cuba, La Havane | Costa/Prada |
Robinson Crusoe |
21/07/1904 | Mexique, Toluca | Enrique Rosas | Las aventuras de Robinson Cruzoe |
Estreno sensacional, estreno de la monumental vista de gran espectáculo, Las aventuras de Robinson Cruzoe. Cada uno de sus hermosos cuadros ha sido cuidadosamente estudiado y puesto á la escena por entendidos artistas. La maquinaria y atrezzo ha estado á cargo de los mejores abastecedores de los teatros europeos. Véase al reverso con el argumento de este grandioso cuadro.
https://cinesilentemexicano.wordpress.com/category/carteles-toluquenos-de-cine-silente/aventuras-de-robinson-crusoe-las/ PRIMER CUADRO: ROBINSON ES ARROJADO A UN ISLA DESIERTA. |
26/04/1905 | Espagne, Tortosa | Berbis/Belloch | Robinsón Crusoe |
16/09/1905 | Espagne, Burgos | Cinematógrafo | Aventuras de Robinson |
08/07/1906 | Équateur, Quito | Carlos Valenti | Robinson Crusoe |