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- Mis à jour : 15 août 2021
- Publication : 24 mars 2015
- Affichages : 16175
Les Aventures de l'ingénieux hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche
Les Aventures de l'ingénieux hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche
Grande scène comique en 15 tableaux d'après Cervantés.
1er Tableau.- Il part défendre les opprimés ; 2e. Rossé, sacré et pendu ; 3e. Il se bat contre les moulins à vent ; 4e. L'ennemi imaginaire ; 5e. Les galériens remercient leur libérateur ; 6e. Où Sancho perd son âne ; 7e. Les outres enchantées ; 8e. Les noces de Camache ; 9e. La comédie exaspère don Quichotte ; 10e. Noyade dans l'Ebre ; 11e. L'enchantement de Dulcinée ; 12e. Epreuves de chevalerie ; 13e. Sancho gouverneur de l'île Barataria ; 14e. Le Tournoi ; 15. La mort du héros.
PAT 1903-07/08
The Adventures of the ingenious hidalgo Don Quixote
Grand Comic Scene containing 15 pictures from Cervantes
Picture 1.- He sets out to defend the oppressed.
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Carried away with the enthusiasm to do heroic deeds which the reading of books of chivalry has inspired him, Don Quixote takes down his sword, helmet and armour, and brandishing his crosslet, takes to witness the figures on the tapestry which he fancies have come to life.
The noise of his wild gestures has put the whole house astir, and the old governess who has been watching him hastens away to warn his friends to come and try to calm him down.
Don Quixote calls his faithful Sancho to come and complete his equipment, and taking advantage of the solitude, he escapes, dragging along with him his faithful servant who is only half pleased with this sudden decision.
The governess soon comes back followed by the priest, the barber, the niece and Therese Sancho, but they arrive too late, for the disorder of the room shows that the hidalgo has taken flight.
They ascribe his folly to the books he possesses and decide to do away with them. The barber gets on a seat and takes then out of the bookcase while his companions throw them into the street; not without the priest, who looks for the titles as they pass before him, taking possession of some of the works which he puts aside for his own use.
Picture 2.-Thrashed, anointed and hung
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Our heros having reached the country, stop at an hotel. The arrival of this tall lanky fellow, armed from head to foot and on horseback followed by his servant, causes all the travellers present to burst with laughter. They soon perceive that they have to do with a madman. The hotelkeeper, wishful of enjoying himself at Don Quixote’s expense and above all of pleasing his clients, appears to submit to all the fancies of the hidalgo. Thus it is that after having anointed him chevalier in a grotesque ceremonial, he leaves Don Quixote in the yard where he soon quarrels with the mule-drivers who thrash him.
The servants, not wishing to be behindhand, join in also, and tease him from a window of the hotel. Don Quixote hastens to reply to their gibes, and to reach them he finds nothing better than to lead his horse near the wall and get on to the saddle.
Just as he reaches the window, his over zealous servant Sancho unthinkingly takes Rossinante by the bridle to lead him to the stable, leaving his unfortunate master hanging in space and calling out loudly.
Picture 3.- He fights the windmills.
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The dawn begins to break when Don Quixote and his valet leave the hotel.
By chance, the road across the plain leads them to a place where there are lots of windmills which flap their wings in the breeze.
Don Quixote persuaded, in spite of the wise counsel given by Sancho, that he is in the presence of great giants, goes for the windmills lance in hand, believing in his mind that he will rid the earth of this cursed brood.
He is brutally thrown from his horse by one of the wings of the wind-mill and is carried away into space, then falls heavily to the ground covered with bruises.
Picture 4.- The imaginary enemy
After Sancho had quenched his thirst and bandaged his master´s wounds, they take their horses and go away.
Some time afterwards a cloud of dust rises from the ground, and Don Quixote leads the astonished Sancho to believe, that chance will have it that they are to defend the rights of an army which he sees approaching to meet another.
Sancho, opening his eyes wide, replies: “I do not see anything else but sheep.”
But Don Quixote does not listen him and leaves to attack the squadron of sheep convinced that he is face to face with a real army.
Picture 5.-The Convicts thank their Liberators
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Continuing their crusade, they meet a dozen men on foot attached by the neck to a long iron chain with hands bound and escorted by armed soldiers.
Don Quixote places himself at their head to prevent any violence, and to succour the unfortunate; he cannot bear to see these men lead away undoubtedly against their will. Having questioned them and being persuaded that he discovered a great wrong which it is his duty to wipe out, he enjoins the police commissary to release the prisoners. On his refusal, Don Quixote rushes on him, liberates several who in their turn release the remainder of the band.
But the convicts having refused to go and render homage to Dulcinée in a knowledgment of their regained liberty, Don Quixote flies into a passion and tells them that they deserve to bear their chains again.
By nature unable to bear much, the convicts throw themselves on the hidalgo, and after having thrashed and robbed him, they leave him on the road heartbroken at being treated in this way by those who owed him such a debt of gratitude.
Picture 6.- Where Sancho loses his ass
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Sancho having taken into account the misdeeds of his master, and fearing rightly the vengeance of St. Hermandad, induces the knight to reach the passes of Sierre Morena which were only a short distance from them, and to remain there a few days, at least as long as the provision lasted which had escaped being pillaged by the convicts.
They arrive there in the night and Sancho is so tired out, that he falls asleep on his ass. Fate has willed that the convicts should also have thought of hiding themselves in the mountains. As the wicked are always ungrateful, they decide to steal Sancho’s ass caring little for Don Quixote’s horse which was too thin. To carry out their purpose they employ a stratagem which permits them to take the animal whilst Sancho sleeps.
Don Quixote, on the other hand, enchanted at the aspect of the place which shelters them, and wishing to imitate Amadis, one of the famous heros mentioned in the books he was accustomed to read in times gone by, resolves to do penance as a knight, in honour of Dulcinée.
Before Sancho could prevent him, he takes off his small clothes hastily and compels his valet to undress himself; then without more ado cuts some capers, turns some summersaults which leave no doubt in Sancho’s mind that his master is not in his right sense.
Picture 7.-The enchanted leather-bottles
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After having done penance, Don Quixote returns to the hotel, but as he paid more with his extravagant ways than with good money, the hotel-keeper agreed to give him lodgings, as a wandering knight, in a frightful garret in which were stored leather-bottles containing red wine.
Wishing to tease the servant whom he takes for Dulcinée, the latter awakens her lover, and together they succeed with striking arguments in cooling the ardour of our too hot-headed-knight.
With difficulty he goes back to bed rubbing his sides, but he is no sooner laid down than he jumps up again suddenly and shouts out loudly, believing he sees giants which haunt his troubled brain.
Awakened by the noise, the hotel-keeper has run up to the garret followed by his guests. There they find Don Quixote in his shirt and wearing his helmet, the bed-cover rolled up on his left arm, while with the right hand he brandishes a sword with which he goes away cutting and thrusting, as if he would have really fought with giants. The result was, that he had cut and thrust so much in the leather-bottles that the chamber was full of wine to Sancho’s great despair.
When the hotel-keeper sees the damage done, he gets into such a mad rage that he rushes at Don Quixote with his fists, and in his turn administers to him so many blows, that if the barber and the priest had not taken him away, he would have knocked our warrior to pieces.
Picture 8.-Camache’s Wedding
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Some time after that, as they were roaming about the forest always in search of a new adventure, they came to a woodland glade, where an immense feast was being prepared to celebrate Camache’s wedding, who was a rich landlord of the place.
Sancho, attracted by the flavour of the victuals and the sight of the meat, hares and fowl which were hanging up, cannot satisfy his craving eyes and nostrils. Being unable to bear it any longer, he makes his way to the kitchen and begs as a favour to taste, which request is at once complied with. Whilst he is stuffing his pockets with the provisions given to him by the cooks, Don Quixote went to pay his respects to the newly married couple who, seeing his noble bearing, hasten to invite him to the festivities.
As soon as he has taken his place in the midst of the guests, groups of peasants, dressed in holiday costume, begin to dance.
Sancho is quite beside himself with hoy at being present at such a feast and becomes so obtrusive, that the gathering finds a diversion to punish the intruder, in making him jump up in a sheet held at each corner.
Nº 722,. -Code word: Éclair. - Length: 760 feet.- Price £ 19,0.
Picture 9.- Don Quixote exasperated by the comedy
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When he gets back to the hotel, Don Quixote finding the place topsy-turvy and the hotel-keeper very busy, asks him what is the matter. The latter replies that Pierre, the celebrated exhibitor of puppets, who is passing through, has kindly consented to ply at his hotel the story of Mélisandre delivered by the galand knight Don Caïferos.
The theatre is quickly arranged so that everybody can see.
Don Quixote is following up the various incidents of the story with great interest, when suddenly he jumped up and exclaimed in a thundering voice: “Il will never allow such fun to be made of such a famous knight in my presence”, and on saying this, he draws his sword, and with a bound, rushes to the theatre striking with such fury that he breaks everything in pieces.
For a moment the audience is dumbfounded, but is not long is being convinced that Don Quixote has gone mad. Just then, some of his friends come on the scene, having been warned of his former extravagant ways; and to take him home, they go for a cage, shut him in and take him away, persuading him that it is the charmer, his evil genius, which insists on this being done.
Picture 10.- Saved from drowning in the Ebre
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After having been taken home, Don Quixote succeeds once more in escaping the vigilance of his friends and sets out again with Sancho. They walk for two days when they reach the banks of the river Ebre. The beauty of its banks, the purity of its waters and the steadiness of its course awaken in Don Quixote the idea of a new freak.
Perceiving a little boat fastened to the trunk of a tree, the hidalgo fancies that it has been placed there for him providentially, so that he may go to the assistance of some other knight in peril.
After having secured Rossinante and the donkey and left to the care of God, they jump into the boat which gradually leaves the shore.
In the middle of the river they find a wind-mill, which Don Quixote believes to be a fortified castle, in which must be confined the prisoner who longs for his help; he attacks it vigorously notwithstanding his valetls appeals.
This foolish act caused the boat to sink and our heros were obliged to wade out of the water, Don Quixote embarrassed with his armour and the other not knowing how to swim.
They would undoubtedly have remained there if the millers had not come to their help, and with long poles pull them out of this perilous position.
Picture 11.-Dulcinée enchanted
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The duke and duchess (who are only known by their title, their name being a mystery), on learning the strange freaks of the hidalgo, resolve to enjoy themselves at his expense.
To do this, they organise a hunt to which were invited the knight and his servant. On his arrival at the meeting place, Don Quixote, who is not accustomed in dismounting alone, in anxious all the same to go homage to the duchess, but catching his foot in the stirrup, he falls to the ground before Sancho had the time to run to his assistance.
To the mind of the duchess, it was a question of showing to their guests Dulcinée’s enchantment. At the infernal sound of trumpets, drums and firing with arquebuses, a chariot, surmounted by an elevated throne on which is seated a venerable old man, comes out of a rock. Behind the chariot there appears, carried by demons with strange faces, a litter on which sits a nymph covered with transparent gauze through which can be seen the charming face of a young girl who is surrounded by other nymphs, her sisters, who wave their veils in graceful gestures; then the noise ceases, to be replaced by sweet music which pleases Sancho very much, but which quite astonished the knight.
Pleased at having succeeded in their purpose, the duke and duchess make their way back to the castle in order to continue their jokes at the knight’s and valet’s expense.
Picture 12.- Proofs of Chivalry
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The next day, the duke and duchess got up an adventure still more amusing than the one of the previous day. After lunch, when all the guests were in the garden, the maids of honour make Don Quixote sit down and rub his face with soap under the pretext, according to custom, of shaving him, while several scullions rub Sancho’s face with soot; he thus goes through the same formality as his master.
To test the chivalry of the knight, one of the ladies present tells him that some of the have beards, given to them by a wicked charmer, which can only be entirely taken out by him, if only he consents to do as Malambruno instructs him.
Having accepted this mission, they persuade him to mount the famous wooden horse which Pierre de Provence made use of to take possession of Magalone. This horse flies through space with remarkable rapidity on the condition that it is mounted by two persons, a knight and his groom. Sancho refuses to accompany his master, but the duke, desirous of carrying out the joke, finally induces him to go by promising him the governorship of a large island.
The wooden horse is brought in, and after the two fools were blindfolded and seated on the horse, a servant brings a pair of bellows and blows under the noses of Quixote and Sancho, while others wave about their faces lighted pieces of oakum so as to give them the illusion that they are passing through various atmospheres with alternatives of cold and beat.
Finally, to conclude properly this adventure which had been so well carried out, they set fire to the horse which was stuffed with fire-works; it flies up in the air with a frightful noise, throwing Son Quixote and Sancho on the grass smelling frightfully of burning.
Picture 13.- Sancho, Governor of the Island of Barataria
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So as to continue the jokes which they had begun, the Duke and Duchess sent Sancho the same evening to the village which was to be the Island of Barataria, accompanied by a grand cortège and to make him labour under this illusion, he is conducted to the place in a richly adorned gondola. When he arrived, the municipal authorities were there to meet him the bells were rung, and in the midst of general rejoicings, he is installed perpetual governor of the Island of Barataria.
A sumptuous meal is then put out for him, Sancho being seated at the head of the table. Then a person, whom he recognises as a doctor, comes to stand by him holding a wand.
As the house-steward brings the dishes, the doctor touches them with his wand then a page takes them away quickly before Sancho has had the time to reach out his hand. The doctor, with his astonished look declares that, as he is intrusted to look after the health of the Governor, he would never allow him to eat that which he believed would be hurtful to his health. Sancho, red with rage, was just about to storm at this singular person, when a trumpet call announces to him that the post has arrived. “To arms ! to arms ! my Lord the Governor he exclaims, a large number of enemies have succeeded in getting on to the Island and we are lost if your dexterity and valour do not save us”. They at once bring two immense shields one of which they place in front of him, and the other behind him, then they bind him tightly with cords. When he was thus arranged, they tell him to walk in front to guide and encourage his soldiers; the poor Governor makes an effort to march but falls flat on his face like a tortoise in his shell.
Some stumble over him, others fall; finally, on of the soldiers gets on his back, and, as from an eminence, commands the armies.
Picture 14.- The Tournament
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The Duke and Duchess having no cause to regret so far the tricks played on Don Quixote and Sancho, decide to organise a tournament in which the knight will again be the victim of their mystifications, and this time they will be helped by a friend of his, Carrasco, who, under the name of Knight of the White Moon, will come to provoke Don Quixote so as to cure him for ever of his adventurous follies. The issue of this tournament was to be the right to claim the title of Knight Defender of the Oppressed, which was to belong solely to the vanquisher, and the vanquished was to give up fighting for a long time. For this purpose, the Duke had erected a spacious stand in front of the terrace of the castle for the judges and invited guests.
After the usual ceremony, the two adversaries are placed in front of each other, but without waiting for the signal to attack being given, Don Quixote’s adversary rushes at him with such violence that he sends the poor knight rolling in the sand.
Sancho picks up his master bruised and exhausted, ashamed of his defeat.
This was the end of the misfortunes of Don Quixote. The vexatious termination of the combat obliging him to recognise his weakness, he abandoned chivalry for ever; to devote his life to the care of his soul.
Picture 15.- The hero’s death
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As a result of the painful impression which his defeat in the tournament has left on his mind, the unfortunate knight gives up all ideas of chivalry. Don Quixote rejects all the offers of his friends for a sword or books, thinking what foolish things the reading of his former favourite books has led him to do; he only accepts the good offices of the priest who places the Cross of Christ on his chest which he presses effusively. After having begged Sancho to pardon him for dragging him into so many follies, he dies just as he is recovering his reason.
Nº 723. -Code word: Éclaircir. - Length: 630 feet.- Price £ 15.15.0
Aventuras del ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha
Grande escena cómica en 15 cuadros, sacada de la novela de Cervantes.
1º Cuadro.- Sale en busca de aventuras; 2º.-Caballero aporreado y colgado; 3º.-Esgrime contra molinos; 4º.-Derrota de carneros; 5º.-Gratitud de galeotes; 6º.-Sancho piede su rucio; 7º.-Sablaza odres gigantes; 8º.-Bodas de Camacho; 9º.-Destrozo de títires; 10º.-Somormujo en el Ebro; 11º.-Dulcinea encantada; 12º.-Prueba su valor; 13º-Sancho Gobernador; 14º.-Torneo fatal; 15º.-Muerte de Don Quijote.
PAT 1904-03
1 | Pathé 722 | |
2 | Ferdinand Zecca/Lucien Nonguet ; V. Lorant-Heilbronn | |
Zecca. "Don Quichotte", ça a été tourné par un artiste tué à la guerre, qui était de la Comédie Française. Un très bon acteur. Mais son nom m'échappe. |
3 | ≤07/1903 | 430 m/630 ft |
4 | France |
20/04/1903 | Cuba, La Havane |
Costa/Prada |
Don Quijote |
25/09/1903 | Espagne, Baléares, Palma de Majorque | Cinematógrafo Balear | Don Quijote de la Mancha |
04/10/1903 | Espagne, Barcelone | Diorama | Don Quijote y Sancho |
04/10/1903 | Espagne, Valence | Salón Novedades | Don Quijote de la Mancha |
16/10/1903 | Espagne, Oviedo | Antonio Sanchís/Royal Kosmograph | D. Quijote de la Mancha |
26/11/1903 | Espagne, Salamanque, plazuela de la Libertad | Cinematógrafo | Aventuras de don Quijote de la Mancha |
27/11/1903 | Espagne, Alicante | Salón Novedades | Don Quijote de la Mancha |
Salón Novedades |
03/12/1903 | France, Paris | Salon des abonnés du Figaro | Don Quichotte |
11/12/1903 | Espagne, Burgos | Pradera | Don Quijote de la Mancha |
05/01/1904 | Espagne, Águilas | Francisco Comara | D. Quijote de la Mancha |
20/01/1904 | Espagne, Cadix | Antonio de la Rosa | Aventuras del ingenioso hidalgo D. Quijote de la Mancha |
22/03/1904 | Espagne, Saint-Jacques de Compostelle | Matías Sánchez | Aventuras del ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha |
26/04/1904 | France,Paris | Le Petit Journal | Don Quichotte |
02/05/1904 | Italie, Cagliari | Albert Nunez | Don Chisciotte |
10/09/1904 | Mexique, Orizaba | Enrique Rosas | Don Quijote de la Mancha |
17/07/1904 | Espagne, Vitoria | Brisac | Don Quijote de la Mancha |
28/07/1904 | Mexique, Toluca | Enrique Rosas | Don Quijote de la Mancha |
La magnífica vista animada que representa todos los episodios del fantástico personaje DON QUIJOTE DE LA MANCHA. La popular leyenda escrita por el notable escritor MIGUEL CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, está fielmente detallada en la vista que va á exhibirse la noche de hoy. En ella figuran el mencionado Quijote, su inseparable escudero Sancho Panza, la tierna Dulcinea, el pacientísimo caballo Rocinante y todos los que toman parte en la entretenida novela del fecundo escritor arriba citado. La duración de este cuadro ARTÍSTICAMENTE ILUMINADO es mayor de todas las vistas hasta hoy conocidas, y por tal motivo basta esa sola proyección para llenar una tanda. Los títulos de dichos cuadros son los siguientes:, PRIMERA PARTE: 1. Don Quijote sale en busca de aventuras. 2. Caballero golpeado y colgado. 3. El enemigo imaginario, ataque á los molinos de viento. 4. Gratitud de Galeotes. 5. Sancho Panza pierde su asno. 6. La penitencia. 7. Amores pasajeros. Horrorosa pesadilla y desafío á las botijas de vino., SEGUNDA PARTE: 1. Las bodas de Camacho, Mateo de Sancho Panza. 2. Una función de títeres, la representación desespera á don Quijote. 3. Accidente de L’Ebre. 4. La hermosa Dulcinea, amores de don Quijote. 5. Barbería improvisada. 6. Probando su valor. 7. Sancho es proclamado gobernador de la Isla Barataria. 8. Ante la tribuna, torre fatal. 9. La muerte de don Quijote. (VEASE LA EXPLICACIÓN EN EL REVERSO DE ESTE PROGRAMA). CUADRO I: Don Quijote sale á defender á los opresores. |
03/08/1904 | Espagne, Santander | Hermanos Pradera | Historia de don Quijote de la Mancha |
08/09/1904 | Mexique, Orizaba | Enrique Rosas | Don Quijote de la Mancha |
05/10/1904 | Espagne, Cáceres | Cinematógrafo franco-español/Gomara y Miranda | El ingenioso hidalgo manchego |
05/05/1905 | Espagne, Valence | Salón Novedades | Don Quijote de la Manche |
07/05/1905 | Espagne, Logroño | Teatro Bretón de los Herreros/Hermanos Pradera | Aventuras de don Quijote |
08/05/1905 | Espagne, La Corogne | Paseo Méndez Núñez | Aventuras del ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha |
09/05/1905 | Espagne, Vitoria, calle de Oriente | cinematógrafo | Don Quijote de la Mancha |
20/06/1905 | Espagne. Orihuela | Francisco Cámara | Don Quijote de la Mancha |
05/06/1905 | Cuba, La Havane | Costa | Don Quijote de la Mancha |
17/06/1905 | Espagne, Tolède | Francisco Reizábal/Joaquín Marañés | Don Quijote de la Mancha |
16/09/1905 | Espagne, Badajoz, Teatro López de Ayala | Salón Luminoso | Quijote de la Mancha |
29/09/1905 | Mexique, Mexico | Enrique Rosas | Don Quijote de la Mancha.-Episodios tomados de la hermosa obra de D. Miguel Cervantes Saavedra |
01/06/1906 | Cuba, La Havane | Eusebio Azcue | Las peripecias de Don Quijote y Sancho Panza |
03/07/1906 | Cuba, La Havane | Enrique Rosas | Don Quijote |