- Détails
- Mis à jour : 22 février 2024
- Affichages : 9969
La Belle au bois dormant
La Belle au bois dormant
The sleeping Beauty
Grand Fairy Play in 12 Scenes taken from the well-known Fairy Tales.
22 Decorations entirely new, by the celebrated painter Albert COLLA
500 Costumes designed and created specially for us by the firm of L. GARNIER, suppliers to the principal Parisian theatres.
Ballet and Final carried out and danced by the Ballet from the Chatelet theatre.
In the sixth and seventh scenes, there is a fantastic pantomime acted by the celebrated troup of mimics "LES OMERS".
Length of the film : abt 1000 feet.
Price: 25
Titles of the Pictures
1. The Baptism of the Princess.
2. Fifteen years after.-The fatal Spinning-Wheel.
3. The Hundred Year's Trance.
4. The Prince is smitten with the Princess.
5. The Three Cross-roads.
6. The Haunted Inn.
7. Monkey Island.
8. Fairy Palace.
9. The Mysterious Oak.
10. The Fairy Grotto.
11. The Princess awakes.
12. Fairyland.- End.
Scene 1. The Baptism of the Princess
There once lived a powerful king in a town in Germany who was very much loved by his subjects, and who, to complete his happiness was born to him. That day the king gave a great feast to which all the great dignitaries of his kingdom were invited, as well as the fairies from round about, which were to bring the little princess all the grace and happiness as gifts to celebrate the great event. But unfortunately the king forgot one which was the most wicked and the most redoubtable of them all.
She was not long in appearing at the feast causing all those present to be alarmed, and approaching the cradle, she predicted, that when she was fifteen years of age, the young girl would prick her finger at the spinning-wheel and would die from it.
As soon as she had disappeared, the king implored the fairies to charm away the fate awaiting the princess, but they could not prevent it entirely. The young princess would indeed prick herself, but instead of dying from the effects, she would be shut up in a castle and would fall in a trance for a hundred years, at the end of which time a young prince, the son of a king, would go to awaken her and deliver her.
Scene 2. Fifteen years after. – The fatal Spinning-Wheel
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In order to prevent the accomplishment of the bad prophesy made by the fairy Carabosse, the king send out a proclamation forbidding the use of the spinning-wheel throughout his kingdom, but all was in vain, for the proclamation was not to reach an old peasant who inhabited an isolated farmhouse.
So it happened that the princess was walking one day in the forest with her father and mother, when she went to the farmhouse to get a glass of milk. Seeing the wheel, she could not resist the wish to make it work. She has no sooner touched it than the point of the spindle went into her finger and remained there. As the old woman cried out, the king and queen ran to help the child, but cannot succeed in bringing her to consciousness.
The princess remains asleep, and a fairy appears to watch over her.
Scene 3. The Hundred Year’s Trance.
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Seeing that he would have to bear what he could not avoid, the king had a splendid castle built in which the princess could be placed: and now we see her being laid on a magnificent bed in the presence of the king, queen and all the Court.
At this moment the fairy Carabosse appears, who, being cheated of her vengeance by the intervention of the other fairies, has still left some of her wicked power which enables her to bring about further misfortune.
To do this, she raises her crutch, when the king, queen, the princes and the princesses stretch themselves, gape, and fall gently to the ground in a sleep similar to that of the princess.
Scene 4. The Prince is smitten with the Princess
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We are now in the guardroom of the place belonging to the charming prince. The lords and princesses are awaiting his arrival. The prince comes out of his apartments accompanied by his jester, and looking annoyed. As he approaches, everybody bows and tries in vain to call his attention.
The enchanter Nerlin here comes in and goes and speaks in a low voice in the ear of the prince. He orders all the members of the Court to go out, and when they are alone asks the prince what it is about.
Without further ado, the enchanter transforms the end of the room so that the young princess can be seen asleep. The prince is delighted and runs towards her, but the vision has disappeared. He explains to the prince at this point that he can conquer the princess on one condition only, which is, that he shall leave accompanied by his faithful Bettinet. He does not hide from him the fact that many difficulties will spring up during this long and painful journey, but this is the price of his happiness. He, however, hands him a talisman, which will enable him to get over many obstacles, then disappears.
The prince is simply delighted and calls together the Court to tell them of his voyage. All these events have no effect on Bettinet who sleeps in a corner, when he is roughly awakened by the prince who announces to him their departure. At first he refuses, but at a sign from the prince, the pages carry him off. They leave, carrying with them the good wishes of all the Court.
Scene 5. The Three Cross-roads.
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The prince and Bettinet have gone. The fairy Carabosse, as is natural, is going to exercise her wicked genius to lay all the snares it is possible in their way to prevent them from reaching the end of their journey.
They are now in the middle of the forest, and have reached a place where three roads meet where there is a finger-post on which is inscribed: “Route du Château”, “Route des Orties” and “Route des Chênes”, only the writing changes as they look at it, causing them at one time to be completely lost.
So as to get out of this position, the prince sets out to explore the district, leaving Bettinet alone, who, not knowing what to do, begins to take a meal.
The fairy Carabosse immediately appears and tries to frighten him by making demons rise out of the ground, which he fights and utterly annihilates. The prince then uses his talisman, and calls the good fairy which forces Carabosse to retire. Bettinet and the prince fall at the feet of their liberator who puts them on the right road.
Scene 6. The Haunted Inn.
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The two travellers, tired out with walking, reach the inn and ask for something to cat whilst they are preparing two rooms for them. The inn-keeper and his waiters, who are none other than the emissaries of the fairy Carabosse, cause them to undergo all sorts of misadventures.
Bettinet even, who has lost his clothes which have been torn off him in the struggle, is forced to follow his master on the road, pursued by the scullions.
Scene 7. Monkey Island.
The prince arrives at Monkey Island followed by Bettinet. They have succeeded in escaping from the demons let loose at their heels. Bettinet has found an enormous umbrella which he uses to protect him, but it is so windy that he can scarcely hold it up.
Whist the prince goes out to explore a little. Bettinet goes to sleep on a heap of leaves sheltering himself with his umbrella, but the wind rages worse than ever, and this time carries the umbrella away.
In spite of all the discomforts, he could have got a little well-earned rest all the same, if he had not been disturbed once more by the inhabitants of the island. These mischievous creatures, who can be none other than the servants of the fairy Caraboose, seize Bettinet and shake him in such a way that it would have been all over with him, if the prince had not happened to come on the scene at the time.
With the help of his talisman, he implores the assistance of the good fairy who drives the intruders away, and after having put decent clothes on Bettinet, she puts him and the prince on the right track.
Scene 8. Fairy Palace.
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Our two heros are descending the grand staircase of a splendid marble palace with a magnificent hall surrounded with galleries and terraces. Their eyes sparkle to see all the gold and wealth with which this castle is filled.
Yet they are astonished at not meeting anyone; they go to one of the galleries.
The fairies then come in, while the prince and Bettinet, more and more fascinated and dumb with ecstasy, watch a lascivious dance by a pleiad of young fairies.
Scene 9. The Mysterious Oak.
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Suddenly their enchantment disappears, for they find themselves lost again in the forest.
The prince sits down at the trunk of a tree, tired out, and Bettinet lies down at the foot of an old oak-tree, when both of them soon fall asleep.
The great oak opens, in which appears the fairy who has been their benefactor, and she watches over them. She comes out of the tree to the great stupefaction of the prince and Bettinet who are awake. She causes a flowery sword to appear which she hands to the prince, telling him, that with this weapon, he will vanquish the greatest enemies.
They have no sooner recovered from their surprise than she disappears. Full of hope, they set off to liberate the young princess.
Scene 10. The Fairy Grotto.
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Guided by his new talisman, the prince reaches the grotto which protects the entrance to the castle. He does not hide his fears that there again, the fairy Carabosse will put new obstacles in his way: but confident in himself he strikes with his sword.
The grotto half opens showing a second cavers, Bettinet, seized with fright, hides himself behind the prince who boldly walks in.
They are in the presence of two enormous winged dragons which spit fire. He attacks them courageously with his enchanted sword, and immediately they vanish in smoke.
The cave open and they go in. Their weariness is now at an end. The good fairy who was waiting for them shows them the castle in the distance. Nothing can now prevent them from entering and reaching the princess.
Scene 11. The Princess awakes.
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We find the castle and those who inhabit it asleep, just as we left them at the third scene. They have all kept the same positions and have been asleep for one hundred years.
Our two heros arrive. The prince goes to kneel beside the young princess who raises herself, and all the Court get up at the same time as if they had only waited for this signal to awake out of their sleep.
At this moment appears the fairy Carabosse who again comes to try and prevent the prince from carrying out his object. But as she has lost all her power, the good fairy comes on the scene, and with a stroke of her wand causes her to disappear for ever.
Scene 12. Fairyland. – End
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The scene represents a pile of rocks.
The queen of the fairies comes in. With a stroke of her fairy wand, she transforms the scene, laying before our eyes a picture of fairyland. This is an enormous rock with winding staircases, ornamented with lamps, garlands and flowers, and from the bay in the centre rushes real water.
The nymphs, fairies and all those who have taken part in the play form an attractive group, and are present when the union of the young lovers, who now enter, is blessed by the fairy who has never ceased to protect them.
PAT 1903-01S
El Príncipe Enamorado
En honor deI bautizo de su hija un rey muy poderoso da una fiesta a la que invita todas las hadas de sus dominios.
Desgraciadamente se olvida de la más mala, del hada Carabossa.
Para vengarse del olvido, esta aparece en medio de la fiesta y predice que a la edad de 15 años la joven Princesa se picará un dedo con el huso de una rueca y dormirá durante 100 años al cabo de los cuales un Príncipe hijo de Rey, la despertará y libertará.
Esta pieza la más bonita de su género, que ha sido hecha, es notable por la riqueza con que es presentada y está llamada a obtener un gran éxito.
La apoteosis está iluminada
PAT 1904-03.
1 | Pathé 702 | |
2 | Ferdinand Zecca/[Lucien Nonguet] ; Segundo de Chomón | Breteau |
Bréteau (?) c'est un acteur - toujours le même, dans "La Belle au Bois Dormant". Là, c'est lui... J'étais metteur en scène. |
3 | 1902 | 300 m/1000 ft |
4 | France |
28/03/1902 | Suisse, Vevey | Louis Praiss | La Belle au bois dormant |
*06/02/1903 | Espagne, Valence | Salón de Novedades | El sueño de la princesa |
09/03/1903 | Suisse, Neuchâtel | Louis Praiss | La Belle au bois dormant |
16/04/1903 | Cuba, La Havane | Hervet |
La bella en el bosque durmiente |
01/05/1903 | Mexique, Zacatecas | Charles Mongrand | La Bella del Bosque durmiendo 100 años |
23/05/1903 | Mexique, Mexico | Charles Mongrand |
La bella del bosque durmiendo cien años |
31/05/1903 | Suisse, La Chaux-de-Fonds | Louis Praiss | La Belle au bois dormant |
21/06/1903 | Suisse, Monthey | Louis Praiss | La belle au bois dormant |
25/07/1903 | France, Vienne | Henri Amblard | La Belle au bois dormant |
10/12/1903 | France, Paris | Salon des abonnés du Figaro | La Belle au bois dormant |
02/01/1904 | Italie, Fano | Salvatore Spina | La bella dormente al bosco ovvero Il principe innamorato |
02/04/1904 | Suisse, Lausanne | Louis Praiss | La Belle au bois dormant |
03/04/1904 | France, Paris, Le Petit Journal | cinématographe | La Belle au bois dormant |
27/04/1904 | Mexique, Chihuahua | Charles Mongrand | La Princesa del bosque durmiente |
02/05/1904 | Italie, Cagliari | Albert Nunez | La bella dormente del bosco |
09/08/1904 | Mexique, Toluca | Enrique Rosas | El Príncipe Enamorado ó la bella dormida en un bosque por cien años |
08/11/1904 | Mexique, Guadalajara | Charles Mongrand | La bella del bosque |
12/05/1905 | Mexique, Zacatecas | Charles Mongrand | La bella del bosque durmiendo cien años |
08/09/1905 | Espagne, Burgos | Cinematógrafo | El príncipe enamorado ó El hada del bosque |
[...] |
05/10/1905 | Algérie, Bougie | Antoine Caravano | La Belle au bois dormant |
24/02/1906 | France, Pontoise | Ketorza | La Belle au bois dormant |
03/07/1906 | Cuba, La Havane | Enrique Rosas | El Príncipe enamorado. La hermosa dormida en el bosque (en colores) |
21/11/1906 | Bolivie. La Paz. | José Casajuana | El Príncipe enamorado |