- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 18 avril 2024
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 10878
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Detroit est une ville de l'état de Michigan (États-Unis)
Le Kinetoscope de la Detroit Music Co. (184-186 Woodward Avenue, <12 novembre-10 décembre 1894)
Un kinetoscope fonctionne à la Detroit Music Co. en novembre.
Detroit Free Press, Detroit, lundi 12 novembre 1894, p. 1.
L'eidoloscope (Wonderland, 16 décembre->19 décembre 1895)
L'eidoloscope va offrir des séances de vues animées au Wonderland de Detroit, dont le propriétaire est J. H. Moore, à partir du 16 décembre 1895:
The Wonders of the Eidoloscope Will be Displayed This Week.
The wonder of invention is to be the main feature of interest at Wonderland all this week, and if the reports heard of the pleasure of witnessing a display of the great Eidoloscope, which is said to be the most marvelous and at the same time enticing thing yet seen in a theater, are true, the show will indeed draw big houses. It combines the principles of Edison's kinetoscope with the work of the magic lantern; throwing the figures upon canvas, life size, and making real the life depicted. For instance, in such an exhibition one sees two champions of the fistic arena engaged in a red hot struggle: they display all the science of the ring, and one sees an actual battle by men who only need to shout to make the people believe that actual blood and flesh is before them. This curiosity is the invention of Woodruff [sic] Latham and has created great enthusiasm. Among other shows in the theatorium is a big programme, the principal feature of which is Will F. Denny, with new songs; the Valdares, champion trick bicycle riders; Brennan and Wheeler, in a pleasing skit, and the London Bowery boys in a series of comicalities. In the curio hall will be found Whale Oil Gus, who gives a practical showing of how whales are captured; Madame Meyers, the bearded woman: Apache George and Arizona George. the experts with the whip and lasso. Grace Courtland. the witch of Wall street, is also seen here.
Detroit Free Press, Detroit, dimanche 15 décembre 1895, p. 24.
Les informations restent assez vagues et approximatives - le nom de Woodville Lathman est modifié -, sans doute parce que journaliste ne connaît pas encore l'eidoloscope. L'eidoloscope est encore annoncé le 19 décembre (Detroit Free Press, Detroir, 19 décembre 1895, p. 3).
L'eidoloscope (Opera House, 30 mai->24 juin 1896)
L'eidoloscope est présenté à l'Opera House à partir de la fin du mois de mai 1896.
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Detroit Opera House, Detroit, Mich. (1900) © Library of Congress, Washington D.C. |
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Detroit Free Press, Detroit, samedi 30 mai 1896, p. 5. |
Le public des enfants est souvent invité à des sessions de vues animées, et l'impresario du eidoloscope à Detroit ne déroge pas à cette habitude:
The managers of eidoloscope at the Detroir Opera House have invited the children of the Protestant and Catholic orphan asylums to visit the exhibition Wednesday afternoon.
Detroit Free Press, Detroit, dimanche 7 juin 1896, p. 5.
Les dernières séances ont lieu vers le 24 juin 1896. À cette occasion, de nouvelles vues sont présentées :
Last present week will conclude the exhibition by the eidoloscope at he Detroit opera house, and a new picture has been added which should prove a great attraction. It is a reproduction of the New York Times [sic] bicycle parade and is very clearly shown. In the background can be seen the immense grand stand crowded with people, while the cyclists go wheeling past in clubs, each with a distinctive uniform. the scene is so vividly portrayed that it appears life-like in every way. The pictures of the bull fight, rapids of Niagara Falls and scene on Fifth avenue are also retained.
Detroit Free Press, Detroit, mercredi 24 juin 1896, p. 10.
L'American Biograph (Wonderland, 6 décembre 1896)
Au Wonderland, l'American Biograph présente des vues animées en décembre.
Detroit Free Press, Detroit, dimanche 6 décembre 1896, p. 19.
L'Amet Magniscope (Circus, <27> décembre 1896)
L'Amet Magniscope est installé au Circus et la presse donne un aperçu de son réperfoire :
After the big show is over the concert comes in. In this attraction the
Reproduces in life-like fidelity to every detail of motion a series of graphic pictures. The following are shown: Broadway, New York, "Bathing in the Surf." "Employes leaving Clark's Thread Mill," "Passaic Falls," "Mounted Police Making a Charge Through Central Park, New York," "Burning Stable." "Feeding the Doves," "Annabell, the Serpentine Dancer," "Carpenter Shop," "Surf at Long Branch," "Pickaninies" Barth. JOE HESS, drum major of the Newsboys' Band, in clever Baton Swinging. OTIS AND PEARCE, In a budget of Songs, and WILLIE GAULT, in erudite remarks on everyday topics, enliven the bill of the concert.
ADMISSION, 25c. Children under 12 years, 10c.
The Detroit Free Press, Detroit, dimanche 27 décembre 1896, p. 17.
Le Biograph (Wonderland, <10> janvier 1897)
Le Biograph propose des vues animées en janvier :
The Biograph Will Show Some New and Attractive Pictures.
There seems to be no end to the interest which the wonderful biograph creates at Wonderland. Many go to see the pictures night after night, in the hope that some new ones will be introduced, and the announcement that new pictures have ben added always draws a crowd too great to be accommodated in the theater. "Shooting the Chutes," and "The Wrestling Pony," both made undisputed hits. New pictures for this week will be among the best yet shown, and have been reserved for the last to revive the interest in case of a falling off, which, by the way, has not materialized to any appreciable extent. Perhaps the best of those to be shown this week is the bathing scene at Atlantic City. In this view several women bathers are seen, two of them engaged in a friendly scuffling match in which one of them is thrown beneath the surface of the water, disappearing from view and afterwards reappearing in a half strangled condition. The white caps are constantly breaking on the shore in a remarkably realistic manner, and every detail of a summer day view at this popular resort is shown. A fine view at the corner of One Hundred and Twenty-third street, and the Boulevard. New York city, is shown, and also a winter scene in New England, entitled "Merry Sleigh Bells."
Detroit Free Press, Detroit, dimanche 10 janvier 1897, p. 5.