- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 30 mars 2024
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 6076
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Los Angeles est une ville de Californie (États-Unis).
Le kinetoscope parlor (206 S. Spring, [20]->20 janvier 1895)
Un kinetoscope parlor est ouvert, en janvier, au 206 S. Spring :
What Jap?
Now on exhibition at 206 S. Spring, opposite Hollenbeck Hotel, in Kinetoscopoe parlors, is like nothing in the world but itself. Life, magnetism, impressive, astonishing, wonderful. There will have to be another word coined for the effect produced when looking at this wonderful statue.
The Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, dimanche 10 janvier 1895, p. 1.
Le directeur du kinetoscope parlor est R. R. Russell, Jr.
Le kinetoscope parlor de Peter Bacigalupi (248 S. Spring st., [25] septembre-[20] novembre 1895)
Peter Bacigalupi installe ses kinetoscopes afin de présenter le combat de Corbett contre Courtney :
Corbett vs. Courtney prize fight: 6 furious rounds and knockout; will be on exhibition for a short time only at 248 S. Spring st., Los Angeles; 5 cents per round, or 6 rounds 30 cents. PETER BACIGALUPI, only representative for California for the Edison enlarged and improved kineoscopes.
Los Angeles Herald, Los Angeles, mercredi 25 septembre 1895, p. 6.
À la fin du mois d'octobre, les séances sont toujours annoncées par la presse :
Every one should go and see the champion in the great fight today at Tailly's Phonograph and Kinetoscope Parlor, nº 248 South Spring street.
Los Angeles Daily Times , jeudi 31 octobre 1895, p. 7.
Le même combat est encore annoncé quelques jours plus tard :
New Songs et New Music
The famous fourth and fifth rounds of the great Corbett fight, the beautiful band drill and the marvelous muscle dance may all be seen, with music, at Tulley's phonograph and kinetoscope parlors, 248 South Spring street.
Los Angeles Herald, Los Angeles, dimanche 17 novembre 1895, p. 2.
Le local referme ses portes vers le 20 novembre et le kinetoscope parlor déménage vers une autre adresse.
Le kinetoscope parlor (125 North Main Street ([24]->24 novembre 1895)
Le kinetoscope parlor a déménagé et ouvre à nouveau ses portes au 125 North Main Street :
Tally's Phonograph and Kinetoscope Parlor has been removed to Nº 125 North Main street. this great fight, that has been drawing such crowds on Spring street, will be on exhibition from now on at Nº 125 North Main street. Mr. Tally intends making this one of the most popular places of amusement in the city. All the latest songs, new music and new scenes for the kinetoscope and kinetophone will be received every week.
The Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, dimanche 24 novembre 1895, p. 10.
Il quitte cette nouvelle adresse en décembre.
Le kinetoscope parlor (449 South Spring street, 17->17 décembre 1895)
En décembre, le kinetoscope change à nouveau d'adress et s'installe au 449 South Spring street :
Tally's Phonograph and Kinetoscope Parlor has removed from Nº 125 North Main street to Nº 449 South Spring street. Hear the new songs just received at this popular place of amusement. Something good just received for the holidays.
The Los Angeles, LosAngeles, mardi 17 décembre 1895, p. 5.
Le kinetoscope parlor (311 South Spring Street, août->4 novembre 1896)
"The interior of Thomas L. Tally's "Phonograph and Vitascope Parlor" at 311 Spring Street, Los Angeles, opened in August, 1896. Motion pictures wew shown in both the Edison Kinetoscopes and the Casler Marvin Mutoscope, peep show devices, and also on the screen hy the Armat Vitascope. The screen was viewed throught holes in the partition at the back of the room, because patrons feared the dark projection room."
Photoplay, vol. XXII, nº 3, août 1922, p. 53.
Un kinetoscope parlor offre des séances en octobre :
X-rays now on exhibition at Tailly's Phonograph and Kinetoscope Parlor, nº 311 South Spring street.
Los Angeles Daily Times, Los Angeles, jeudi 22 octobre 1896, p. 14.
La presse annonce encore le kinetoscope parlor en novembre :
Edison's latest invention is attracting large crowds at Tally's Phonograph and Kinetoscope Parlor, nº 311, South Spring.
Los Angeles Daily Times, Los Angeles, 4 novembre 1896, p. 12.