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- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 13 décembre 2024
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 11363
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Newcastle-upon-Tyne est une ville d'Angleterre (Grande-Bretagne).
Le Cinématographe Lumière de Félicien Trewey (Empire, 15->9 juin 1896)
Félicien Trewey annonce son cinématographe Lumière :
At the Empire, the original "Cinematographe" will be introduced by M. Trewey.
Newcastle Evening Chronicle, Newcastle, lundi 15 juin 1896, p. 3).
La présentation a lieu le 15 juin à l'Empire Theatre :
Notwithstanding the excessive heat last night, there was a capital house at the Empire. in Newgate Street. Newcastle. Although the current week's programme is an excellent one from the purely music hall standpoint, the great attraction is the "Cinematographe" exhibition, which has been brought from the London Empire, where it has had a long and successful run. It is under the personal direction of M. Trewey, a sleight-of-hand artist and shadowgraphist of unique standing. Most music hail patron; are more or less familiar with the "Cinematographe" Local music hall goers have had ere this an opportunity of seeing what this marvellous production of photographic science is capable of doing, but since the last exhibition of the sort in Newcastle considerable improvement is noticeable in the clearness of the photographs thrown on the screen and in the distinctness of the movements of the figures in the photographs. Some of the views are most realistic, particularly that showing the arrival of a train at the station, the alighting and embarking of passengers and the departure of the train; that of a falling well with the accompanying cloud of dust; that of a small boat and its occupant rising and falling with the waves of the sea; and that of waves breaking on the shore. There are many other views representing a variety of incidents portrayed with remarkable fidelity. This engagement promises to be a great success.
Newcastle Daily Chronicle, Newcastle, mardi 16 juin 1896, p. 5.
Newcastle Evening Chronicle, Newcastle, vendredi 19 juin 1896, p. 1.
Le Cinématographe Lumière de Félicien Trewey (Empire, 2 août 1896)
Félicien Trewey est de retour avec son cinématographe Lumière qui inaugure ses séances le 2 août :
Last-night at the Empire Theatre, Newcastle, there was a largely attended primate view of the original Lumiere Cinematographe. The great success attending its exhibition at the Empire a few weeks ago led to another week's production of this wonderful development in the art of photography. Monsieur Trewey. the manager of the exhibition bring to Newcastle on this occasion several new pictures, which are instinct with life and animation. The greatest interest was attached last night to the views depicting scenes connected with the coronation of the Czar of Russia. The picture showing the procession of the various Asiatic Potentates, with their well-defined types, was intensely absorbing, while that of Their Majesties travelling in the State Carriage depicted very clearly the magnificence of the Imperial pageant. A thrilling scene was that which showed the calling out of a Fire Brigade, the members of which responded very smartly to the alarm. "Hyde Park at Noon" showed to what extent the bicycle craze has extended in fashionable circles, as the greater proportion of those who were not on foot were seen to be careering along in the happiest of fashions, ladies as well as men vieing with each other in the pace they kept tip. "The Changing of the Queen's Guard at St. James's Palace" was peculiarly life-like, while the manoeuvering of a squadron of cuirassiers wan presented so clearly that one could almost imagine one heard the clatter of the horses' hoofs as they galloped forward. Amongst other good scenes was Trafalgar Square with its recruiting incidents and bustling traffic, the arrival of a mail boat at Folkestone, and the arrival of a train at a country station in France. The whole of the views are clearly produced on a considerable scale, without any hitch, and the exhibition may be said to be absolutely the best of the sort now before the public. The Cinematographe pictures will be shown at the Empire Theatre every evening this week, and at the afternoon performance on Saturday next.
Newcastle Daily Chronicle, Newcastle, lundi 3 août 1896, p. 5.
Le Cinématographe Lumière de Félicien Trewey (Empire, 2 août 1896)
Félicien Trewey est de retour à l'Empire en octubre.
The Evening Chronicle, Newcastle, lundi 19 octobre 1896, p. 1.
De nouvelles vues sont présentées à cette occasion :
The chief item on the Empire programme this week is the Cinematographe, under the direction of M. Trewey. This is one of the best, if not the best exhibition of the sort ever seen in Newcastle. It is not so long since M. Trewey was here with his marvellous exhibition of what can be accomplished by photography, but despite this fact the house was well filled last night. Since his last visit M. Trewey added new views to his collection, the principal ones being these of the wedding of Princess Maud of Wales and the coronation of the Czar. The various pictures called forth a good deal of applause. Those who have not already done so, should see this wonderful exhibition. In addition to the cinematographe, there is an average all-round variety company under engagement at the Newgate Street house.
Newcastle Daily Chronicle, Newcastle, mardi 20 octobre 1896, p. 8.
The Living Photographs des frère Downey (Palace Theatre, <7> novembre->12 décembre 1896)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent un cinématographe au Palace Theatre en novembre:
PALACE THEATRE.-Proprietors, Palace Company, Limited; Manager, Mr Charles Wood: Assistant-Manager, Mr. C.E. Tomlinson.-The Leopolds are the chief attraction this week, their smart acrobatic performances being rewarded with well-merited applause. Exceeding good are J. J. and F. Downey's living photographs.
The Era, Londres, samedi 7 novembre 1896, p. 21.
Les vues tournées lors de la visite du Tsar au début du mois d'octobre sont présentées en décembre :
The series of animated photographs which were lately exhibited at the People's Palace, Newcastile, have since been reproduced at Windsor Castle before the Queen and Court. The views were shown by Messrs. W. and D. Downey, of London, assisted by Messrs. J. and F. Downey, of South Shields. Fac-similes of some of the films used in producing the moving secenes on the canvas were printed in last week's "Lady's Pictorial" Looking at the illustrations, it is curious to observe the changed positions of the figures as picture succeeds picture in the series. But only a small part of any one scene could be given in the periodical, which will be readily understood when it is stated that each reel of films, forming the complete picture as projected upon the screen, contains no fewer than 1,200 separate photographs. Mr. F. Downey, who had the honour of assisting at the exhibition in Windsor Castle, in well-known in the Northern Counties for his performances as a chess-player. It will be remembered that he was the first winner of the Silver Knight, the handsome chess trophy which is offered by the proprietor of the "Weekly Chronicle" for annual competition among the devotees of the fascinating game in the North of England.
The Newcastle Weekly Chronicle, Newcastle, samedi 12 décembre 1896, p. 4.
Les Living Photographs des frères Downey (Empire Theatre, 9-13 novembre 1897)
Les frères James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues à l'Empire Theatre.
The Newcastle Daily Journal, Newcastle, mardi 9 novembre 1897, p. 1.
Une dernière annonce est publiée le 13 novembre.
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (Palace Theatre, 28 novembre 1897)
Les frères James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues de la Passion du Christ :
Grand Production et Downey's Living Photographs.
Mr VALENTINE SMITH and other Artistes will appear.
For full particulars see Saturday's papers.
Newcastle Journal, Newcastle, vendredi 26 novembre 1897, p. 1.
Le Cinématographe de Phil & Bernard (Tyne Theatre, 24-31 décembre 1897) → 1898
Phil & Bernard participent à un spectacle théâtral et leur cinématographe projette un de leurs films :
The Newcastle Daily Journal, Newcastle, vendredi 24 décembre 1897, p. 1.
The Newcastle Daily Journal, Newcastle, vendredi 31 décembre 1897, p. 1.
[...] concluding with Messrs Phil and Bernard's Cinematographe o
In Brilliant and REalistic Colours, the same as produced at the
Alhambra, London.
The Newcastle Daily Journal, Newcastle, vendredi 31 décembre 1897, p. 1.
→ 1898
← 1897 Le Cinématographe de Phil & Bernard (Tyne Theatre, 1er janvier 1898)
← 1897
Phil & Bernard présentent à nouveau des vues animées le premier jour de l'année.
Newcastle Courant, Newcastle, samedi 1er janvier 1898, p. 1.
Le Triographe (Empire Theatre, <28 janvier->4 février 1898)
Le Triographe propose des vues animées en janvier à l'Empire Theatre :
EMPIRE THEATRE.-Rehearsal at two o'clock for Triographe, Chas. Deane, Vincentina and Arnand, Asbeys, Leslie's Dogs, Will Mitcham, Maud Ross, Nellie Oldene, Clark and Argyle, Avoling, Revene and Elton.
Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, vendredi 28 janvier 1898, p. 6.
Les Living Photographs des frères Downey (Empire Theatre, 26 septembre- 1er octobre 1898)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées en septembre.
The Newcastle Daily Chronicle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, lundi 26 septembre 1898, p. 1.
Dans le programme présenté figurent des vues locales :
One of the great attractions at the Empire Variety Theatre, Newcastle, this week, is an exhibition of Downey's living photographs; including views of Barnum and Bailey' procession crossing Sunderland bridge; Australia v. England cricket match: Newcastle Temperance Festival; Northumberland Tennis Tourney; Boldon races; leap frog up-to-date; the startling necromancer; complete serie of views of Spanish bull fight; Macdonald's Egyptian Brigade; and charge of 21st Lancers. The audience testified its approval of the views by frequent outbursts of applause.
Newcastle Daily Chronicle, mardi 27 septembre 1898, p. 3.
Le programme est publié jusqu'au 1er octobre.
Les Living Photographs des frères Downey (The Vaudeville, 21-26 novembre 1898)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées en novembre.
The Newcastle Daily Journal, Newcastle, lundi 21 novembre 1898, p. 1.
La dernière annonce est publiée le 26 novembre.
Les Living Photographs des frères Downey (Grand Theatre, 2-3 décembre 1898)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées en décembre au Grand Theatre.
The Newcastle Daily Journal, Newcastle, 2 décembre 1898, p. 1.
Les animated pictures de Frederick Downey (Olympia, 12->12 novembre 1900)
Frederick Downey monte un spectacle "Army Life" où figurent de nombreuses vues animées :
OLYMPIA.-Proprietor, Mr. Richard Thornton; Acting-Manager, Mr. J. C. Mitchison.-Mr Fred Downey opened here on Monday with an interesting entertainment entitled "Army Life," consisting of numerous animated pictures, vividly depicting the life and operations of our soldiers and army both at home and abroad.
The Era, Londres, samedi 17 novembre 1900, p. 23.
Les Phono Bio Tableaux de Walter Gibbons (Olympia, 22 avril-3 mai 1901)
Newcastle-on-Tyne, Olympia (c. 1905)
Les Phono Bio Tableaux de Walter Gibbons sont présentés à l'Olympia.
Newcastle Daily Chronicle, Newcastle, lundi 22 abril 1901, p. 1.
Dans un article publié peu après, on donne une partie du répertoire :
OLYMPIA ; Resident Manager, Mr. John Show.—Walter Gibbons' latest phono-bio-tableaux opened here on Monday, April 22nd, to a very large audience. The animated phonopictures are : " Miss Vesta Tilley," " Miss Lil Hawthorne," " The American Comedy Four," " Alex Hurley," and " Miss Vesta Victoria." Amongst new living pictures shown are : " The Launch of the Celtic," " Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race," " Opening of Parliament," and " Lincoln Handicap." The new local pictures include : " Sinclair's Tobacco Factory," " Children leaving School," " Newcastle Cathedral," and other churches after service. The band of the famous Fighting Fifth play selections at each performance. A free phonograph show from 12 to 1 p.m. is given. This show is well worked, and under the able management of Mr. F. J. Nestor.
The Showman, Londres, vendredi 26 avril 1901, p. 16.
Vente de films de Walter Gibbons (25 avril 1902)
En avril 1902, plusieurs vues "chantantes" de la collection Gibbons sont mises en vente.
FOR SALE.—Films. Walter Gibbons's Singing, Pictures. " Midnight Son," and " Louisiana Lou," by Vesta Tilley, and " Lambeth Cake Walk," by Alec Hurley, ,complete with phonograph records, cheap. Apply—Reed, 20, 13elgrave Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, vendredi 25 avril 1902, p. 261.
Les Living pictures de Frederick Downey (The Grand Theatre, <14 juillet->1er août 1903)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées au Grand Theatre en juillet:
Messrs. Morris and Bickford's company in the musical comedy " Somebody's Sweetheart," are giving quite a sparkling entertainment at the Grand Theatre this week. The piece is not new to the town, but its visits have not been so frequent as to lessen in any degree its freshness. Miss Mena Eckermann is a dainty little lady who sings and dances very nicely and makes much of the name part. Mr. Lennox Chandler carries himself well as a young English gentleman in search of adventure, and has a capital baritone voice, his singing being a pronounced feature of his performance. Mr. Melville Bickford makes the most of his part, and Mr. Harry Elliston is inimitable as "Blobbs," valet to the young gentleman just mentioned. All the parts, indeed, are in capable hands. Dining the evening there is an exhibition of Downey's living pictures, one of the subjects being the recent Newcastle Exchange walk, and, as the walkers and their friends were present in strong force last night, it is hardly necessary to say that it was enthusiastically received.
Newcastle Daily Chronicle, mardi 14 juillet 1903, p. 11.
Un nouvel article évoque des projections animées à la fin du mois. La dernière annonce est publiée au début du mois d'août.
Les animated photographs de la Maskelyne and Cooke's Provincial Company (Town Hall, <23 janvier 1904)
La Maskelyne and Cooke's Company, dont le responsable est David Devant, parcourt la Grande-Bretagne depuis le mois de juillet 1899, afin d'y présenter son spectacle fait de numéros de magie et prestidigitation. En janvier, la troupe se trouve à Newcastle-on-Tyne pour quelques représentations :
TOWN HALL.-Maskelyne and Cooke's magical sketches and mysteries have been presented here during the week, and Mr David Devant has proved his great ability as a conjuroer of the first order.
The Era, 23 janvier 1904, p. 26.
La presse consultée n'offre pas d'informations complémentaires, mais les images animées font partie du spectacle, avec une très grande probabilité, car des films terminent les soirées offertes tout au long de la tournée. La troupe se retrouve, quelques jours plus tard, à Bradford.
Le Cinématographe de l'Armée du Salut (Salvation Army Temple, 12 novembre 1904)
Le cinématographe de l'Armée du Salut, sous la responsabilité d'Henry Howse, offre un séance de vues animées en novembre :
The City Temple, Newcastle.
An admirable series of pictures was shown at the Salvation Army Temple, Westgate Road, Newcastle, on Saturday by the Army's own cinematograph to a large and appreciative audience. The pictures, which show General Booth's Motor car tour, scenes from the international congress, the band festival at which between two and three thousand brass instruments were played at one time, the march past General Booth, in which all nations took part, and the Army's birthplace, where General Booth stood alone 39 years ago, are exceptionally good, and the evening was made most interesting by the remarks made upon the scenes, by Adjutant Howse, of London, who was also lanternist, and who had taken most of the photographs himself. Scenes at a London fire, with the turn of the brigade, was a most realistic film and elicited muche enthusiasm. Throughout the pictures were instructive and interesting.
Newcastle Evening Chronicle, Newcastle, lundi 14 novembre 1904, p. 5.