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- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 27 avril 2024
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 8785
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Edimbourg est la capitale de l'Ecosse (Grande-Bretagne).
Le Cinématographe Lumière de Félicien Trewey (Empire Palace, 1er->12 juin 1896)
Félicien Trewey installe son cinématographe Lumière à l'Empire Palace pour quelques jours :
EDINBURGH.—EMPIRE PALACE, LIMITED (Managing director, Mr. H. E. Moss).—The Cinematographe, under the direction of Mons. Trewey, has proved an unqualified success, the various pictures being perfectly reproduced on the screen—the movements of the people, the splashing of the waves, etc., being wonderfully realistic. Everyone who has seen it speaks very highly of this new invention, and it will undoubtedly prove one of the draws of the season while it is here. In addition to the above there is the usual good supply of varieties. The Sisters Leslie continue their high-class duets, which are well rendered. The Burnells, in their funny business, also are going well and strong ; while the acrobatic feats of Tackley and Fratelli are causing nightly rounds of applause. J. B. Preston is a good broad Scotch comedian, with a little bit of dancing interspersed. Other four turns are filled in, and make up a pleasant evening.Music Hall and
Theatre Review, Londres, vendredi 5 juin 1896, p. 17.
Le journal londonien The Era offre quelques compléments d'information :
EMPIRE PALACE.-Managing Director, Mr H. E. Moss.-Lumière's cinematographer from the Empire Theatre, London, drew a crowded house on Monday, and roused an amount of enthusiasm fully in proportion to the wonderful merits of this unrivalled invention, which may be described as a perfect and continuous photographic feast. Each successive picture was hailed with loudly expressed delight, the ensemble and general management being faultless; and Mr Moss and Mr Trewey, who brings the show, are to be heartily congratulated on the success of their enterprise.
The Era, Londres, samedi 6 juin 1896, p. 20.
Edinburg Evening News, Edimbourg, mercredi 10 juin 1896, p. 1.
Quelques jours plus tard, la presse annonce de nouveaux titres :
EDINBURGH.—EMPIRE PALACE, LIMITED (Managing director Mr. H. E. Moss). The Cinematographe, under the management of Messrs. Trewey, proved such an exceptional attraction last week, that it has been retained for this week. It is certainly the most gigantic draw we have had here for a very long time, every seat, and every box, being occupied nightly. Several of the best scenes have to be repeated, such as the " Arrival of the Paris Express," "Bathing in the Mediterranean," " The Falling of a Wall," etc. It is truly a most wonderful invention, and should be seen by all who have the opportunity of witnessing it. Besides above, there is quite an interesting sries of ordinary turns.
Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, vendredi 12 juin 1896, p. 17.
Un dernier article permet de connaître le nom de l'équipe qui entoure Félicien Trewey: sa compagne, Mr. Vernon, le bonimenteur ou commentateur et son assistant, Mr. Hutton :
THE LUMIERE CINEMATOGRAPHE.—This very pleasing and marvellous exhibition is in its fourth and last week. This Friday night the exhibition will be closed. I have visited it several times. and. without exception, I have been delighted at every visit. I regret very much that one of the weeks of exhibition the charge for admission was not reduced to sixpence. Yon will he pleased to learn that the accident to Mr. Vernon, the lecturer, was only a very slight affair, and left nothing serious ; I was, however, very anxious. I want Low to thank Mr. Vernon for his marked and continuous kindness to me when I have visited his exhibition as your representative ; also Mr. Hutton. his assistant, who has been equally kind to me. Madame Trewey I especially thank. If all exhibitors and entertainers would be as kind as these three have been to me, critics and representatives would never have cause to complain. So long, however, as I continue your critic and representative, no matter what be my reception, my work shall be fairly done.
Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, vendredi 12 juin 1896, p. 18.
Le Cinématographe Lumière de Félicien Trewey (Empire Palace, 27 juillet 1896)
Félicien Trewey est de retour. Il installe à nouveau son cinématographe Lumière à l'Empire Palace:
Edinburg Evening News, Edimbourg, vendredi 24 juillet 1896, p. 1.
EMPIRE PALACE,-Managing Director, Mr H. E. Moss.-Lumière's Cinématographe, still under the able direction of M. Trewey, made a welcome return visit on Monday with a fresh batch of attractive pictures. Those representing the recent coronation of the Czar were highly interesting. and with many former favourite scenes, have afforded great attractions to crowded audiences cach evening.
The Era, Londres, samedi 1er août 1896, p. 18.
Le Cinématographe Lumière de Félicien Trewey (Empire Palace, <26> septembre 1896)
Félicien Trewey revient pour la troisième fois et s'installe à nouveau à l'Empire Palace :
EMPIRE PALACE.-Managing Director, Mr H. E. Moss.-M. Trewey's Cinematographe was again on exhibition here on Monday, the new views and many of the old ones being received with hearty approval.
The Era, Londres, samedi 26 septembre 1896, p. 22.
L'American Biograph (Empire Theatre, <25->28 mai 1897)
En mai, l'American Biograph projette quelques vues animées à l'Empire Theatre :
The American biograph, which is an improvement on the cinematographe, proved a great attraction at the Empire Theatre. It represents living pictures with a vividness and realism that simply astonished the audience. The two views of Niagara and the Empire Express are wonderful productions.
Glasgow Herald, Glasgow, mardi 25 mai 1897, p. 7.
Un autre journal offre quelques informations complémentaires :
Tho outstanding feature of the programme at the Empire Palace Theatre this week is the American Biograph, invented by Mr Herman Casler, of New York, As compared with the advance with the cinematograph this invention marks a distinct advance in instantaneous picture photography. The pictures produced last night were given life size, and included a wonderful reproduction of a fire brigade at full speed, a representation of the Pennsylvania express dashing down a mountain decline, a pillow fight, and other humorous scenes. Doubtless large crowds will be attracted to witness the invention during the remainder of the week.
North British Daily Mail, Glasgow, mardi 25 mai 1897, p. 3.
Le cinematograph de Phil & Barnard (Theatre-Royal, 11 décembre 1897)
C'est à l'occasion de la présentation de la pantomime Speeling Beauty, que Phil & Barnard offrent quelques projections de vues animées :
The dresses for "Sleeping Beauty," the pantomime to be produced on Saturday night at the Theatre-Royal, designed by Robert Crafter, Have been for the most part carried out by Messrs Hugo Brand & Co. and Messrs Elkin, but many of them have been made by Mrs Smyth and her assistants in Edinburgh, in the ward-robe rooms of the Lyceum Theatre. Without exception they are beautiful.
One of the features of the pantomime will be Messrs Phil and Barnard's cinematograph of the Jubilee procession, in realistic colours, with which the performance will conclude.
Edinburgh Evening News, Edinburgh, mercredi 8 décembre 1897, p. 2.
Le cinematograph de Phil & Bernard (Theatre Royal, <18> février 1898)
Phil & Bernard présentent à la fin d'un spectacle théâtral leurs vues animées :
Theatre Royal (Proprietors, Howard and Wyndham Limited; acting director, Mr. F. W. Wyndham; acting manager, Mr. Walter Hollister).-"The Spleeping Beauty" and "The Mystic Yellow Dwarf", written and produced by Mr. William Walton, is still being played to crowded and enthsiastic audiences.
Instead of a harlequinade Messrs Phil and Bernard's Cinematographe of the Jubilee procession brings to a close a most enjoyable evening.
Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, vendredi 18 février 1898, p. 10-11.
Le cinematographe de Phil & Bernard (Empire Palace Theatre, 5-9 juillet 1898)
Phil & Bernard présentent un spectacle de vues animées au début du mois de juillet :
Edinburgh Evening News, Edimbourg, mardi 5 juillet 1898, p. 1.
L'annonce est reprise jusqu'au 9 juillet 1898.
Le cinématographe d'Eugène Doyen (29 juillet 1898)
C'est à l'occasion du congrès de l'Association Britannique de Médecine (British Medical Association) que le docteur Eugène Doyen va présenter plusieurs films tournés par Clément Maurice et Ambroise-François Parnaland sur des opérations qu'il a récemment réalisées. La presse locale rend compte de ces projections :
M. Doyen, Paris, demonstrated with special instruments operations about the hip joint. He also exhibited a cinematograph showing the operations, each of them lasting several minutes. The various stages of the operation were easily followed and every movement and gesture of the operator and those about him was distinctly seen. At the conclusion of the demonstration, Professor Chiene moved a vote of thanks to M. Doyen.
The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Saturday 30 July 1898, p. 12.
Les animated photographs de la Maskelyne and Cooke's Provincial Company (26 octobre-[15] novembre 1903)
C'est à l'automne 1903 que David Devant organise une tournée en Écosse, chose assez inhabituelle, puisque ses représentations ont lieu, dans l'immense majorité des cas, en Angleterre, voire au Pays de Galles. La troupe qui se présente va offrir des numéros jamais vus par le public d'Édimbourg. La première à lieu, le 26 octobre 1903, au Queen Street Hall, pour une durée de trois semaines.
Edinburgh Evening News, Edimbourg, 19 octobre 1903, p. 1.
Même si l'annonce me parle pas expressément de vues animées, nous savons par d'autres articles qu'elles sont bien au programme : " After a short exhibition of animated photographs, Mr Devant showed some clever shadowgraph pictures of men and animals, and gave a series of experiments in sleight of hand tricks that evidenced his skill as a prestidigitateur. " (Edinburgh Evening News, 27 octobre 1903, p. 2). La troupe se rend ensuite à Dundee.
Les animated photographs de la Maskelyne and Cooke's Provincial Company (janvier-février 1905)
David Devant revient à Édimbourg pour présenter son nouveau spectacle. La première a lieu le 30 janvier 1905, au Queen Street Hall. Trois semaines de représentation sont prévues.
The Scotsman, 24 janvier 1905, p. 1.
Pas de mention de photographies animées, et pourtant nous savons que David Devant, tout au long de ses tournées, prévoit toujours des films dans ses spectacles.