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- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 21 décembre 2024
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 8972
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Belfast est une ville d'Irlande.
Le Cinématographe Lumière de Félicien Trewey (Empire Theatre of Varieties, <20> novembre 1896)
Félicien Trewey installe son cinématographe Lumière à l'Empire Theatre en novembre :
The Belfast Empire Theatre of Varieties, Victoria Square, has been crowded nightly this week. The popular manager, Mr Dan Lowrey, jun., has a magnificent hill, of which the principal attraction is Mons Trewey's " Cinematographe," which has created the liveliest interest. John Tiller's Seven troubadours, lady duettists and dancers, are doing well, a like remark being applicable to the American variety act of O'Brien and Collins. Miss Amy Knott is a good serio, while Miss Stella Star is an attractive vocalist and dancer. Charles Seel, the eccentrio comedian, finishes a successful engagement to-morrow night, as does W. H. Fox, America's marvellous musical genius, whose pianoforte performances are of a startling order.
Scottish Referee, Glasgow, vendredi 20 novembre 1896, p. 4.
Le Cinematograph de H. S. Clarke (Ulster Hall, [14]->14 avril 1897)
H. Spencer Clarke a déjà présenté des vues animées lorsqu'il arrive à Belfast. Il fait équipe, pour l'occasion, avec le magicien David Devant, qui va devenir un divulgateur des photographies vivantes, et un autre artiste Frank Kennard. On peut aussi remarquer qu''il est accompagné par E. Clarke, très probablement, un de ses proches parents. Les trois soirées vont avoir lieu à l'Ulster Hall, les 19, 20 et 21 avril 1897.
Belfast News-Letter, 14 April 1897, p. 1.
Nous ne savons pas quel est l'appareil qu'utilise Clarke, même s'il est question de "cinematograph". En revanche, grâce à la presse des jours suivants nous connaissons un part au moins du répertoire : Loie Fuller Serpentine Dance (in Colours), The Wrestling Match, The Vanishing Lady Trick, Cyclists in Hyde Park, Leaving Theatre after a Matinee, Entry of the Czar into Paris, A Wedding Party, A Cavalry Charge, Londoners Bathing, Scenes of Brighton Beach, Scenes in Paris, Mr. Devant Conjuring, The Water Melon Contest, Arrival of the Railway Train, Gardener Watering his Garden, Gardener Burning Weeds, Domestic Scenes, The Haunted Castle, Leaving the Factory, (Belfast News-Letter - Monday 19 April 1897, p. 1.). Parmi ces vues, on retrouve des titres provenant des catalogues Paul et Pathé. Il pourrait également y avoir des vues d'Edison.
Le Triograph (Empire Theatre, 22 octobre-9 novembre 1897)
Le Triograph, nom britannique du cinématographe Lumière, inaugure des séances de projection de vues animées vers la fin du mois d'octobre :
-Rehearsal at 1 o'clock for Triograph, Katie Lawrence, Leslie's Dogs, Brothers Almaio, Johnny Dwyer, Flo Burris, Edgar Wilson, St. John and Dwight.
Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, vendredi 22 octobre 1897, p. 6.
La presse locale consacre de longs articles au Triograph :
The Empire management, as will be noticed from their advertisement, have, with characteristic enterprise, secured for their patrons an opportunity of appreciating Mons. Lumiere's latest cinematographe. Commencing this evening, the “ Triograph,” as it is called, will be exhibited for a short season at this favourite variety theatre, under the direction of Mr. George Francis. To judge by the private performance which some representatives of the public and Press have been privileged to witners, the engagement should prove a great attraction, and will beyond doubt largely increase the receipts at the Empire while it lasts. Added to the fact that the "Triograph" is the most improved cinematograph yet exhibited, the views shown, which, by the way, were all taken by M. Promio, principal photographer and operator to Lumiere & Co., are for the most part Irish and English, and include a good many local scenes. A number of photographs have been taken from a moving train, and on the screen they give a peculiar effect of motion. One of the films represents a very good view of Gilson's corner, which is enhanced by an effect evidently accidentally caught. Rain is falling, and during the first few moments of exhibition the picture is dull and devoid of light. a ray of sunshine, however, suddenly lights up the scene, and gives a touch of realism as agreeable as surprising. Another noteworthy local view is that of the Belfast Fire Brigade at "escape" practice, in which the nimble movements of the men appear in a most natural way. There are many charming bits of scenery taken from the train between this and Dublin, and the exhibition would be worth seeing if only for the life-like picture which it includes of the Boyne valley. Of course, as was to be expected, the series contains a lot of jubilee procession views, and these, apart from what may be called their historic value, will be found most interesting. Mr. Francis has got a very large number of films with him, and the public may expect to have the programme frequently varied during the season.
Irish News and Belfast News, Belfast, lundi 25 octobre 1897, p. 5.
Le départ du Triographe est annoncé à partir du 9 novembre. La dernière annonce est publiée le 6 novembre.
Répertoire (autres titres) : Glentoran v. Clliftonville playing football, Belfast Lough, Castle Place, Queen's Bridge, The Panoramic Views en route to Dublin, The Turn-out of the Local Fire Brigade (Irish News and Belfast News, Belfast, lundi 25 octobre 1897, p. 1).
Animated Photography de Birt Acres (City Y.M.C.A, 28 octobre 1897)
Birt Acres donne une conférence sur les projections animées avec quelques films pour illustrer son propos :
THE BELFAST Y.M.C.A HAVE GREAT pleasure in announcing a most important Engagement with BIRT ACRES, Esq., the famous pioneer of Animated Photography, who will give an Exhibition of this most startling of all scientific discoveries in the NEW Y.M.C.A. HALL, on THURSDAY NIGHT, 28th October. By ROYAL PERMISSION, Mr. Acres has secured a number of magnificent Animated Photographs of her Majesty, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, and other members of the Royal Family. these distinguished personages will be seen LIFE-SIZE, moving to and fro in the scenes. The most complete Animated Photograph of the great ROYAL PROCESSION which took place in London last June will also be exhibited; Wedding of Princess Maud (taken by special command of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales), German Emperor Reviewing his Troops, Henley Regatta, Arrival of T.R.H. the Prince and Princess of Wales, accompanied by the Princesses Victoria and Maud, in State at Cardiff Exhibition, 1896 (life-size), &c., &c., &c. SPECIAL NOTICE.-This Exhibition is not to be confounded with the imperfect efforts with which the public are more familiar, but is the most Perfect and Complete in the United Kingdom, and is a great scientific success. During the Evening there will be Grand Organ Recitals, and a first-class Programme of Vocal Music by Miss M Creary and Mr Jock Spence, Amateurs. Prices of Admission-Reserved Chairs (numbered), 2s; General Admission, 1s. Now on sale at the Y.M.C.A.
Belfast New-Letter, Belfast, vendredi 22 octobre 1897, p. 4.
Le New Model Bioscope (Ulster Hall, 3-4 avril 1899)
Le Biocoscope présente tout un programme de vues animées au début du mois d'avril :
At 8. Doors Aopen 7.15.
First Time in Ireland.
Overture.............Miss DOHERTY
Grand Organ......Mr. W. HILL.
(First Series of Views.)
Serpentine Ribbon Manipulator. Association Football Match, The Billstickers' Dispute, March Past of the Scots Greys, Launch of a Liner, Chinese Marquis and Wun Hi, The Serpentine Dancer, Weary Willie in the Park, Champion Trick Jumper, Maid and Groom, Motor Car Racing, Shooting the Chutes, The Ballet Dancer, An Irish Jig, Defending the Guns, Children Dancing, An Acrobatic Performance, The Belfast Fire Brigade, Brigade in Action.
The Most Charming Novelty of the Day.
(1) Piccolo Solo, Robin Adair;
(2) Song, Village Blacksmith;
(3) Song, The Irish Emigrant;
(4) Bagpipe Solo; (5) Orchestral Item.
Grand Organ....... Mr. Wm. Hill.
(Second Series of Pictures.)
Panoramic View from Train Leaving Jerusalem, March Past of the Volunteers, Relieving Guard at St. James's Palace, Blind Man's Buff at Crawfords burn,
Jubilee Procession, Showing Queen's Carriage; Boat Race, Grand Military Review, Charge of the Lancers, Bayonet Exercise, Sailors Drilling, Launch of Yacht, Wading on the Sands. Terminating with a special Set of Views illustrating the Building of the "OCEANIC," the Largest Vessel Afloat, together with the realistic
God Save the Queen,
Mr. Wm. Hill.
To All Parts of the Hall.
No Higher Price. No Early Doors.
Northern Whig, Belfast, lundi 3 avril 1899, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de Birt Acres (Town Hall, 24 octobre 1899)
Birt Acres présente plusieurs vues animées lors d'une soirée organisée par la Barnet Literary Society :
On Tuesday evening the Town Hall, Union street, Barnet, was crowded on the occasion of an entertainment given under the auspices of the Barnet Literary Society. The programme comprised a cinematograph exhibition, and songs and duets by Mr and Mrs Elliott Winn. Many of the views shown by Mr Birt Acres were amusing, and some of them very good. Amongst the best were "Picking up the Mails at New Bamet," the " Miller and the Sweep,” the "Perplexities of Cook," "Water Polo," "Firemen and Snapshotter," "Football Match: Barnet v. Thames Ironworks (played on Saturday lost), "Barnet Cattle and Horse Fair,” "Launch a Battleship " A Cockade Fight by 15th Hussars," “Skirmishing and Charge of the 12th Lancers," and “A Panoramic View from Morecombe to Ilfracombe.” The naval and martial pictures threw the audience into state of patriotic excitement, and no sooner was the war vessel seen than “Rule Britannia’’ was enthusiastically sung; and “Soldier of the Queen" resounded through the hall when the gallant Lancers were seen charging at full speed. Patriotism inside the hall found an echo outside, for the gamins round the door took up the martial strains vigorously.
Barnet Press, Barnet, samedi 28 octobre 1899, p. 6.
Les Animated Photographs de la Maskelyne and Cooke's Provincial Company (Ulster Hall, 18->18 février 1901)
La Maskelyne and Cooke's Company, dont le responsable est David Devant, parcourt la Grande-Bretagne depuis le mois de juillet 1899, afin d'y présenter son spectacle fait de numéros de magie et prestidigitation. L'équipe vient de donner, pendant presque deux mois, des soirées à Manchester. C'est cependant la premier fois semble-t-il que la troupe se rend en Irlande. À Belfast, les séances vont commencer le 18 février 1901, à l'Ulster Hall, et durent deux semaines.
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Belfast News-Letter, 11 février 1901, p. 1. | Northern Whig, 19 February 1901, p. 5 |
Les vues qui sont présentées ne donnent lieu qu'à très peu de commentaires et l'on retrouve bien entendu le célèbre A Railway Collision ainsi que les vues des funérailles de la Reine Victoria qui pourraient provenir de plusieurs éditeurs de films. Mais on ne dispose pas de programme plus complet -comme dans les autres villes où le spectacle est présenté -, ce qui semble indiquer que les vues animées constituent simplement un complément aux tours de magie et de prestidigitation. C'est finalement vers le 2 mars 1901 que la troupe quitte Belfast pour Dublin.