Jean-Claude SEGUIN

Swansea est une ville du Pays de Galles (Grande-Bretagne).


Le cinématographe Lumière de Félicien Trewey (Empire, 13-[20] juillet 1896)

swansea 1896 empire trewey
South Wales Daily News, lundi 13 juillet 1896, p. 1.

Félicien Trewey inaugure son cinématographe Lumière à l'Empire :

The Empire (Swansea).
A great attraction has the cinematographic proved since the introduction of this marvellous invention to the music-hall stage. The instrument, which drew large crowds to the Empire, Swansea, on Monday, is patented by Mons. Lumiere, the celebrated Frenchman, and it was recently exhibited by Mons. Trewey at Cardiff. Mr Stoll deserves the patronage he has gained for his enterprise. This wonderful instrument being the best now touring, the presentation of opportunity for Swanseaites to see it has cost the management no less a sum than £125 for the week. In addition to the cinematographe there are seven "turns" of the usual high quality-surely a good return for the "popular" prices of admission, there being no extra charges.

South Wales Echo, mardi 14 juillet 1896, p. 3.

On trouve quelques informations complémentaires dans la presse londonienne :

SWANSEA. -THE EMPIRE (Acting manager, Mr. Albert Mitchell).—Amongst fin de siècle scientific developments, the Cinématographe is one of the most recent, and, with his characteristic enterprise, Mr. Stoll gives his Swansea patrons an opportunity of witnessing the excellent results produced by it, under the direction of Monsieur Trewey. It is certainly a wonderful invention. with immense possibilities in the way of healthy entertainment. By the way, wouldn't the reproduction of a Newport v. Swansea, or Cardiff v. Swansea, football - match cause some enthusiasm? The scenes produced here are eagerly watched, and so attractive as to make the idea of a return visit a pleasant anticipation. It must also be a source of gratification to Mr. Mitchell to find an entertainment put on here with such power to draw big houses in weather well-suited to keep people outdoors. The rest of the programme, which is distinctly good, includes the Six Brothers Luck, with their capital sketch ; Messrs. Jackley and Fretelli. in their novel and sensational gymnastic display ; Mdlle. Marguerite, a very capable contortionist ; Mr. Charles Paver, with humorous vocal essays ; Miss Bessie Hinton, an attractive delineator of coster character ; Mr. Jake Graham, whose well-delivered efforts make him a big favourite ; and Mr. John Powell, a clog-dancer of much ability.

Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, vendredi 17 juillet 1896, p. 19.

Le cinématographe Lumière de Félicien Trewey (Empire, 10 août 1896)

Félicien Trewey est de retour en août où il présente de nouvelles vues:

Swanseaites will note with pleasure that for the benefit of the many hundreds of people that failed to pin admission on the occasion of its previous visit, Mr Stoll has arranged for the appearance at the Swansea Empire during this week of Lumiere's Cinematograph, under the direction of Monsieur Trewey, and that several pictures will be exhibited that were not shown during the last visit. There has, in addition, been engaged a strong company of artistes, including the Sisters de Castro and Miss Maud Stoneham, who will give a farcical sketch Sam Torr, the well-known comedian; the McConnell family of vocalists the three Sisters Slater, duettists and dancers Miss Lily Adair, the Sisters Edwards, and the celebrated Atbos tronpe of head-to-head aorobats.

South Wales Daily News, lundi 10 août 1896, p. 6.

Le cinématographe Lumière de Félicien Trewey (Empire, 15->15 octobre 1896)

Félicien Trewey est de retour en octobre à l'Empire :

swansea 1896 empire trewey
South Wales Daily News, jeudi 15 octobre 1896, p. 1.

Le cinématographe Lumière de Félicien Trewey, Empire, <8->11 décembre 1896)

Une nouvelle fois, Félicien Trewey est de retour en décembre à l'Empire :

The Empire (Swansea).
Once again is the Lumiere Cinematographe amongst us, and once again has M. Trewey, under whose able direction the show is run, been able to get together an entirely new series of brilliant and interesting scenes, one of the most remarkable of the pictures being Tobogganning in Switzerland. That the whole of then: were appreciated, and in a most hearty manner too, at the old Pavilion on Monday evening, goes without saying.

South Wales Echo, mardi 8 décembre 1896, p. 3.

Un autre article évoque des titres de vues animées :

SWANSEA.—The Empire (Acting manager, Mr. Albert Mitchell).—ln the Cinematography Mr. Stoll has secured an excellent attraction, with splendid possibilities as a " drawing medium. This is a fourth visit in about six months, and Mons. Trewey is exhibiting an almost entirely new lot of pictures, which give unequalled satisfection—two of the most popular seem to be " Dining in the Ohio," and "Shooting the Chutes."

Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, vendredi 11 décembre 1896, p. 11.