- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 5 décembre 2023
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 8697
Gloucester est une ville d'Angleterre (Grande-Bretagne).
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
The Velograph (Assembly Rooms, 26-28 octobre 1897)
Le Velograph présente des vues animées à l'Assembly Rooms en octobre.
Gloucestershire Chronicle, Gloucester, samedi 28 octobre 1897, p. 1.
Les Animated Photographs de David Devant (Theatre Royal, 9->9 avril 1898)
Depuis le mois d'août 1896, David Devant, le célèbre magicien, a organisé une entreprise afin de distribuer et présenter des films en Grande-Bretagne. Il peut compter, à partir du milieu de l'année 1897 sur plusieurs collaborateurs dont son propre frère, Ernest Wighton. À Gloucester, des vues animées sont annoncées à partir du 9 avril pour un spectacle organisé au Theatre Royal :
THEATRE ROYAL.-Mr David Devant's animated photographs are being exhibited here this week. The picture of "Ranji" batting is very popular. Mr. Griffith Humphreys introduces some clever sketches.
The Era, London, Saturday 9 April 1898, 24.
Il est question du film Australian Cricket Match où l'on voit le célèbre joueur de cricket, le prince Ranjitsinhji. Mais nous se savons rien de plus sur cette séance, semble-t-il, unique.
Le cinématographe de H. S. Clarke (Albert Hall, 18-20 avril 1898)
À peine quelques jours après le passage de David Devant, c'est au tour d'H. Spencer Clarke de venir à Gloucester pour présenter des films. C'est au nom des sociétés Nestlé et Sunlight que le manager offre, du 18 au 20 avril 1898, une série de vues animées à l'Albert Hall.
Gloucestershire Chronicle, Gloucester, samedi 16 avril 1898, p. 1.
La programmation est faite, en partie, de films du répertoire de la Lever Brothers comme dans le cas de The First Great Test Match, England v. Australia ou de The University Boat Race, 1898. Il est plus délicat de connaître les éditeurs des films U.S. Warship "Maine" et The Great Bull Fight at Madrid. Le spectacle est complété par un numéro joué par deux comédiens.
Le Windsor Castle Biograph de William Haggar (Barton Street/Wildman's Ground, <8> juillet 1898)
Le forain William Haggar, qui a récemment inauguré son Windsor Castle Biograph, installe sa baraque sur le Wildman's Ground:
Mr. Symonds, the well-known and enterprising roundabout proprietor and amusement caterer, of Gloucester, has taken possession of Wildman's Ground, Barton-street, for a few days, where be has established attractive pleasure fair and carnival.
Other attractions are found the Windsor Castle Biograph living pictures, and that they are up-to-date is shown by the fact that they include representations of Mr. Gladstone's funeral procession, of Jeddah winning the Derby, the Cuban war, and the Maine explosion.
Gloucester Citizen, Gloucester, vendredi 8 juillet 1898, p. 4.
Les Phono Bio Tableaux de Walter Gibbons (The Victoria Rooms, 10->10 juin 1901)
Au Victoria Rooms, Walter Gibbons donne ses phono-bio-tableaux en juin :
In spite of counter attractions and the decline indoor amusements at this time of the year, curiosity naturally took an expectant audience the unique entertainment by the Royal Animated Picture Company, introducing Walter Gibbons’s phono bio-tableaux, at the Victoria Rooms on Monday night; and it is only fair to add that what they saw more than realised their anticipations. The pictures are remarkably large and steady, and they are also more numerous and varied than any that have hitherto been seen here. The series representing the recent great cremonials, the Queen’s Funeral and the King’s opening of Parliament, are exceptionally fine, the points of vantage having been well-chosen, and the films obtained being long and inclusive of the representation of many interesting and dramatic incidents connected with the events depicted. Even those who have seen some views of the Queen’s funeral should not miss the opportunity seeing these pictures, which are entirely fresh to Cheltenham. The scenes at Cowes and Windsor are quite as good as the London pictures, and some excellent portraits of the various notabilities have been caught as they walked or rode by. One of the most impressive of the tableaux is the bearing of the coffin up the steps of St. George’s Chapel. The majority of the war pictures are fresh to this locality and profoundly interesting; while the dramatic and trick pictures are cleverly managed and either amusing, exciting, or terrifying, as the case may be. The representations of recent events include the arrival of Sir Alfred Milner, the trial and wreck of Shamrock II., the recent Derby, and others of an almost equally up-to-date character. The biograph has also been at work in China, and additional spice is given to the Chinese series by realistic dramatic representation of a Chinese Boxer attack a mission station. A great impression was created by the phono bio-tableaux, which, being translated, means the simultaneous reproduction of a scene on the screen with that of the sounds which occurred at the time, the latter being perfectly timed, so that the sound suits the action and the action the sound, and produced by a powerful phonograph. By this means the audience on Monday night saw and heard Miss Vesta Tilley singing "The Midnight Sun” and Mr. Alec Hurley singing and conducting his eccentric following in ’ The Lambeth Walk.” Another novelty is the presentation of local animated views, including a motor car ride up the Promenade. A good film of the arrival of the Volunteers is promised for to-night and the rest of the week. We can confidently recommend the entertainment to those who wish to see the latest development of animated photography. During the evening Mr. Wensley Russell, the lecturer, gives clever imitation of violoncello playing with his teeth and lips.
Gloucestershire Echo, Gloucester, mardi 11 juin 1901, p. 1.
Lea Animated Pictures d'H. Spencer Clarke (Com Exchange, <28> février 1903)
Au cours des premières années du XXe siècle, les représentations données par H. Spencer Clarke se sont singulièrement espacées. Vers la fin du mois de février 1903, il organise encore quelques soirées au Corn Exchange :
Corn Exchange.-A series of animated pictures under the direction of Mr Spencer Clarke is being shown here. The artists are Miss Nita Hunwick, Mr. Stewart Grahame, and Mr Horace Williams.
The Era, Saturday 28 February 1903, p. 11.
Mais nous n'en saurons pas davantage.