- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 8 novembre 2022
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 6548
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Leamington est une ville anglaise (Grande-Bretagne).
The Velograph (Royal Assembly Rooms, 23-25 septembre 1897)
Le Velograph présente des vues animées au Royal Assembly Rooms en septembre :
ROYAL ASSEMBLY ROOMS.— To-night, and two subsequent evenings, the " Velograph " (described as perfect animated photographs,) will be exhibited at the Royal Assembly Rooms, when a selection from nearly 100 subjects will be presented, including the Diamond Jubilee in its entirety, scenes from the Graeco-Turkish War, The Derby, '97, Ascot, '97, H.M. the Queen at Buckingham Palace Garden Party, &c. In addition to these a humorous and musical entertainment will be given by Mr Joseph Blascheck (the popular Australian Monologue Entertainer). On Friday and Saturday afternoons two matinee performances will be given at 3 o'clock.
Leamington, Warwick, Kenilworth & District Daily Circular, jeudi 23 septembre 1897, p. 3.
The Velograph (Royal Assembly Rooms, 15-17 novembre 1897)
Le Velograph présente des vues animées au Royal Assembly Rooms en novembre :
RETURN VISIT OF THF. " VELOGRAPH."— In consequence of the capital business which was done with the "Velograph" when it visited Leamington a few weeks ago, a return visit was decided upon at an early date. This, it is announced, will take place on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week, at the Royal Assembly Rooms, Bath-street. A comprehensive selection of animated pictures will again be presented, and the interval between each part will be filled by a humorous and musical entertainment. A visit to the " Velograph " cannot fail to be enjoyed and appreciated by young and old. The pictures are undoubtedly of the best. The performances take place each day at and 8.
Leamington, Warwick, Kenilworth & District Daily Circular, samedi 13 novembre 1897, p. 2.
Leamington, Warwick, Kenilworth & District Daily Circular, samedi 13 novembre 1897, p. 1.
L'opérateur est Charles Howard :
ANIMATED PHOTOGRAPHS. — The Velograph Animated Photograph Entertainment Company paid a return visit to the Assembly Rooms, Leamington, this week, an attractive programme being provided. A large number of excellent views were shown by means of the velograph, which was skilfully operated by Mr. Charles Howard. The programme also included a humorous and musical entertainment, which was given at intervals during the proceedings. The sketches Mr. Joseph Blascheck were well received, and Miss Edith Vivian, who possesses a very powerful voice, was loudly applauded for her songs. The visit was for three days only, terminating on Wednesday.
Leamington Spa Courier, samedi 20 novembre 1897, p. 4.
Les Animated Photographs de David Devant (Town Hall, mars-avril 1898)
Depuis le mois d'août 1896, David Devant, le célèbre magicien, a organisé une entreprise afin de distribuer et présenter des films en Grande-Bretagne. Il peut compter, à partir du milieu de l'année 1897 sur plusieurs collaborateurs dont son propre frère, Ernest Wighton. À Leamington, même si le nom de Devant apparaît, c'est plutôt l'une de ses trois équipes qui tournent en Grande-Bretagne, qui est responsable du fonctionnement des trois soirées des 31 mars, 1er et 2 avril 1898 données au Town Hall. C'est le 26 mars qu'apparaît l'annonce de ces soirées :
DAVID DEVANT'S Marvellous Animated Photos, from Maskelyne and Cooke's Egyptian Hall, London, on THURSDAY, MARCH 31st, and FRIDAY, APRIL 1st. Doors open at 7-30. Commence at 8 o'clock. Front seats, 3s., Second seats, 2s., Back seats. 1s. Tickets may purchased at Birch's Music Rooms, facing Regent Hotel, and Bezant's Music Rooms, Victoria Terrace. Two nights only.
Leamington Spa Courier, Leamington, samedi 26 mars 1898, p. 1.
Information minimale qui est complétée, quelques jours plus tard, par le compte rendu des soirées du vendredi et du samedi. Cette dernière n'ayant pas été annoncée, cela semble indiqué que les projections ont eu un certain succès :
Animated Photographs.—Mr. David Devant's animated photographs, which were exhibited at the Town Hall, on Friday and Saturday evenings in last week, are certainly the best recently seen in Leamington, and the entertainment deserved a much larger amount of patronage than it received. The photographs, which were exceptionally clear and distinct, covered large variety of subjects, and included scenes humorous, such as combat, miller v. sweep, and pathetic, such as a dramatic representation of Charles I. taking leave of his wife and family before his execution. One of the most interesting series photographs shown represented Australian Test Match, with “Ranji" at the wicket. It was announced that Mr. Devant sent his cinematograph photographer to Australia in order to take this set of views. The entertainment, which was varied by clever exhibitions of conjuring and shadowgraphy, was brought to conclusion a series of photographs of the Diamond Jubilee Procession.
Leamington Spa Courier, Leamington, 9 Avril 1898, p. 4.
Si la vue Mort de Charles Ier provient du catalogue Lumière, les autres films ne sont pas toujours attribuables à un éditeur de film, comme dans le cas de Australian Test Match où intervient la célèbre figure du prince Ranjitsinhji, joueur de cricket.
L' Army Life de Robert-William Paul (Royal Assembly Rooms, novembre 1900)
Walter R. Booth, après avoir travaillé avec David Devant pendant deux saisons, se retrouve désormais avec le cinématographiste et éditeur de films, Robert-William Paul. À Leamington, c'est tout un programme qui est présenté aux Royal Assembly Rooms du 27 au 29 novembre 1900 :
Army Life.—This was the title of an excellent original entertainment given by Mr. R. W. Paul at the Royal Assembly Rooms, Leamington, on the first three evenings of this week, with a matinee performance Wednesday afternoon. The entertainment really consisted a series of animatograph pictures with explanatory introductions, depicting the life of a soldier in barrack, camp, and field, and showing, in an admirable manner, the work each branch of the Army. At any time such an entertainment could hardly fail to prove popular, but in such a year as the present an exhibition of the kind described is bound to prove of interest to the public. The entertainments, which were under the patronage of the Commander-in-Chief, cannot fail to serve a useful purpose in popularising the British Army, which by the way was never held higher esteem than at present. Mr. Paul was assisted by Mr. Walter R. Booth, a clever conjuror, and Mr. Oldbury Brough, humorist no mean ability. The entertainments were well attended.
Leamington Spa Courier, Leamington, samedi 1er décembre 1900, p. 4.
Il s'agit de présenter une superbe série sur la Vie Militaire et qui figure, bien entendu, au catalogue Paul. Le nombre et la qualité des vues sont tout à fait exceptionnels et la soirée est entrecoupée des numéros de Booth and Brough.