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- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 13 décembre 2024
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 8703
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Leeds est une ville du Yorkshire en Angleterre (Grande-Bretagne).
L'animatoscope du Theatre Royal (4-16 mai 1896)
F. Harvard présente un animatoscope (living photographs) au Theatre Royal au début du mois de mai.
The Era, Londres, samedi 2 mai 1896, p. 27.
Un journal local donne quelques explications sur cette présentation:
Last night the story of the play was arrested for a short time while Mr. Walter Reynolds, assisted by Mr. F. Harvard, illustrated the wonders of a recent scientific invention called the "Animatoscope." The enterprise of the lessee of the theatre is thus publicly introducing the invention, with its marvellous effects, was keenly appreciated by the audience. It will be exhibited nightly for two weeks. What appears to be an ordinary picture in thrown upon a screen by means of a powerful lantern, and the ingennity of the the inventor of " the Animatoscope " invests, as it were, every figure in the photograph with the power of movement.
The Yorkshire Post, Leeds, mardi 5 mai 1896, p. 6.
Les séances vont se prolonger jusqu'au samedi 16 mai où l'on annonce son départ pour Paris:
Mr. Walter Reynolds' Animatoscope will be shown for the last time at the Theatre Royal this evening, after which it will go for exhibition in Paris. The Animatoscope has been a great success here.
The Yorkshire Evening Post, Leeds, samedi 16 mai 1896, p. 3.
Le cinematograph de David Devant (The Leeds Institute, 2 décembre 1897)
Depuis le mois d'août 1896, David Devant, le célèbre magicien, a organisé une entreprise afin de distribuer et présenter des films en Grande-Bretagne. Il peut compter, à partir du milieu de l'année 1897 sur plusieurs collaborateurs dont son propre frère, Ernest Wighton. La séance a lieu au Leeds Institute, le 1er décember 1897 :
The Leeds Institute. There was a crowded audience at the Leeds Albert Hall last night, to witness a very interesting series of photographs shown by means of a cinematograph worked by Mr. David Devant. Some of the most successful films were those taken in connection with Her Majesty’s Jubilee procession. Very realistic views were also presented illustrating vividly, among other things, a Spanish bull fight, changing guard St. James’s Palace, high diving, snow balling, a lighting cartoonist work, the passing of express train, and a serpentine dancer going through her evolutions. Mr. Ernest Walcott also had a good share in the entertainment by filling a lengthy interval with mimicry and musical sketches. The audience was very appreciative.
Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer, Leeds, 2 December 1897, 6.
Les vues projetées, même si leur identification précise reste délicat, appartiennent pour l'essentiel au catalogue Paul. L'équipe d'opérateur va continuer sa tournée. Quelques semaines plus tard, des projections sont organisées à Bognor.
Le cinematograph de Phil & Bernard (Tivoli, <22> janvier 1898)
Phil & Bernard présente leur cinematograph au Tivoli :
The programme at the Tivoli this week is of more than usual interest. Most important are the Six Welshmen, a combination of glee singers hailing from the Rhondda Valley who won the first prize at a contest in connection with the World's Fair at Chicago. Their singing of national part-songs and other glees is very fine ; and I am glad to see, by the applause which greets their efforts, that a music hall audience can recognise good singing when they hear it. Phil and Bernard's cinematograph shews an up-to-date selection of animated photographs. They are steady, but some of the views are rather too large for the film. Miss Louie Deakin sings in praise of a factory life, and Mdlle. Kahn, assisted by Mr. R. Khan, performs a number of clever conjuring tricks. Their manipulation of the folded paper is an attractive novelty.
The Leeds Times, Leeds, samedi 22 janvier 1898, p. 8.
Les Living Photographs des frères Downey (Town Hall, <29> mars 1898)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées de la Passion du Christ à la fin du mois de mars :
Many have wished to see famous Ober-Ammergau Passion Play, but only a few have spared the time, and fewer still can spare the money gratify the desire. A definite idea of what the much talked-of is like can be gained at the Leeds Town Hall this week, where Downey's Living Photographs are to be seen. The photographs of the Passion Play are re-produced with a fidelity which only the cinematograph can claim, and were studied last night by a large audience with much interest. Besides the photographs is an excellent musical programme, contributed by Mddle. Sumac, described as a girl prima donna; Mr. Valentine Smith, who received a welcome befitting an old Leeds favourite ; Mr. Edmund Faber, and Mr. Hector Lithgow, reciter. The programme is a superior one, and provides a profitable as well as an interesting entertainment.
Yorkshire Evening Post, mardi 29 mars 1898, p. 3.
Le Royal Triograph (City Palace of Varieties, <4->5 novembre 1898)
Le Royal Triograph propose des vues animées au City Palace of Varieties en novembre :
City Palace of Varieties (Proprietor, Mr. F. W. Wood ; Manager, Mr. T. C. Whiteman.)—This hall was reopened this week and a very good company got together for the occasion. Minnie Cunningham, John Marx, the strong man, and Wilkie Bard were all popular turns, and Edith St. Clare met with great success, The Sisters Langley danced and sang in a lively manner, and the Vernon Quintette, Will Johnson, and George Fairburn were all well received. Harry Hood and George Kingston gave extra turns, and the Royal Triograph was as popular as ever.
Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, vendredi 4 novembre 1898, p. 13.
Le professor Francis - George Francis Pochet - s'occupe du Royal Triograph :
BARNARD'S ROYAL CIRCUS (Proprietor, Mr. George Barnard; Manager, Mr. Alfed Norton).
Professor Francis heads the bill with his Triograph, which is proving a big attraction.
The Stage, jeudi 10 novembre 1898, p. 7.
Le cinématographe de Walter Gibbons (Emprie, <29> mars 1900)
Walter Gibbons fait une tournée avec ses bio-tableaux et s'installe pour quelques jours à l'Empire:
EMPIRE (Proprietors, Moss's Empires, Ltd.; Acting-Manager, Mr. E. O. Waller). -This week Tom Loamore heads the bill, and Marie Kendall (second week) also gives a "star" turn. The facial mimicry of Vosper is very clever. The Elan Johnstone Troupe of dancers give a fair show. The leading feature of the programme is Gibbons' a Bio-Tableaux, a cinematograph entertainment consisting of South African War pictures.
The Stage, jeudi 29 mars 1900, p. 8.
Les Living Pictures de Frederick Downey (Town Hall, >25 mars 1898)
Frederick Downey présente les vues de la Passion au Town Hall :
Those who have never had an opportunity of witnessing the celebrated passion play at Ober-Ammergau will be able to get a very good idea of what it is like by visiting the Town Hall next week, when some living photographs by Mr. Fred. Downey (nephew of the famous London photographers) of that ceremony are to be shown. The pictures are divided into twelve tableaux, and are stated to be of a very striking description. Mr. Valentine Smith, who has not sung in Leeds for many years, and other artistes are to render appropriate music from various oratorios during the performance. The performance is to conclude with living photographs of humorous and local subjects, amongst which will be found Leeds Bridge, Boar-lane, and Leeds bill-posters at work.
The Leeds Times, Leeds, samedi 26 mars 1898, p. 8.
The animated photographs de la Maskelyne and Cooke's Provincial Company (Albert Hall, décembre 1902)
La Maskelyne and Cooke's Regional Company organise des spectacles en Grande-Bretagne depuis juillet 1899. David Devant en est le responsable et il accompagne la troupe. L'équipe vient de donner des séances pendant deux semaines à Nottingham. À Leeds, les spectacles ont lieu, pendant environ cinq semaines, à l'Albert Hall, à partir du 15 décembre 1902.
Leeds Mercury , 8 décembre 1902, p. 1
Les vues animées se retrouvent en fin de spectacle, mais l'annonce ne permet pas de savoir, pas plus que le reste de la presse, quels sont les films qui sont proposés au public. L'équipe se rend ensuite à Wakefield.