Jean-Claude SEGUIN

Hastings est une ville d'Angleterre (Grande-Bretagne).


Le cinématographe de George Albert Smith (Hastings Pier, < 12 novembre 1896)

George Albert Smith, à la fin d'une soirée-conférence intitulée "A tour through space", présente son cinématographe en novembre :

The management of the Hastings Pier this week places before its patrons a series dioramic lectures of an educational, but, at the same time, highly attractive character. The pavilion was well filled on Monday evening, when Mr. G. Albert Smith, F.R.A.S., took for his subject "A tour through space." Such lectures are nothing unless accompanied by good views, and these possess this necessary adjunct, the illustrations being exceptionally good. Of course, the Lecturer looked not upon the earth as the centre, but dealt with it only as a minor part of a huge universe. After giving a short passing notice of the earth, before leaving it Mr. Smith gave a number of telescope and photo views of the sun and its spots. The transit of Venus was well illustrated, and explained by special mechanism. Much instructive matter was derived from the study of the moon, with the photographs of mountains and craters on its surface. Explaining the effect the sun and moon have on the tides, the Lecturer exhibited views of eclipses of the moon, and explained their cause. Each of the great planets was shown and described with remarkable clearness. There were several paintings and photographs of the most remarkable comets. A most remarkable exhibition was given at the close of "animated photographs of real life," which science, Mr. Smith stated, was as yet in its infancy, but which would ultimately brought an amazing magnitude. Other lectures are dealt with during the week. Today a matinee, as well as an evening lecture, will be given.
For next week Nicholas Nickleby is billed.

Hastings and St Leonards Observer, Hastings, samedi 14 novembre 1896, p. 6.

L'information est relayée par The Era :

HASTINGS PIER PAVILIOIN.-Entertainement Manager, Mr. J. D. Hunter.-The attraction here has been the dioramic lectures by Mr. G. Albert Smith on popular subjects, and has included a series of "animated photographs".

The Era, Londres, samedi 14 novembre 1896, p. 22.

Le cinématographe de George Albert Smith (Hastings Pier, 7 décembre 1896)

George Albert Smith revient avec son cinématographe dans les premiers jours de décembre :

HASTINGS PIER PAVILION.-Entertainment Manager, Mr, J. D. Hunter.-A good bill is provided here rhis week. Mr. G. Albert Smith pays a return visit with his animated photographs.

The Era, Londres, samedi 12 décembre 1896,m p. 22.

L'information est complétée par un journal local :

The audience which assembled at the Hastings Pier on Monday last heartily welcomed the reappearance of Mr. Charles Clifford (an old Hastings favourite) and Mr. G. Albert Smith's animated photographs. [...] After a short interval Mr. G. Albert Smith shewed his animated photographs, which were most interesting, provoking roars of laughter and applause.

Hastings and St Leonards Observer, Hastings, samedi 12 décembre 1896, p. 5.