- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 9 avril 2024
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 8192
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Le kinetoscope parlor (29 septembre 1894)
Un kinetoscopoe parlor propose des vues animées en septembre :
Atlantic City, September 29.
Even the board-walk has not yet put on its winter mourning. Although the iron piers are closed, and the toboggan slide, and the miniature Ferris wheels are no longer in operation, the merry-go-rounds, the various forms of mystic swings, the rifle galleries, and the phonograph and kinetoscope parlors are in full blast day and night.
The Philadelphia Times, Philadelphie, dimanche 30 septembre 1894, p. 5.
Le Kinetoscope parlor (Scenic Theatre/Boardwalk/Tennessee avenue, [17]->23 juillet 1895)
En juillet 1895, il est fait mention de l'Edison Phonograph and Kinetoscope Parlors dans la presse locale:
"A Day at Sea."
There are few that let the opportunity of witnessing the wonderful electrical production, "A Day at Sea," at the Scenic Theatre, go by. The scenery and general stage effects are wonderful and fully portray the subject. The Edisonia Phonograph and Kinetoscope Parlors, adjoining and under the same management are also very bright and interesting and continually presenting something new.
Press of Atlantic City, Atlantic City, mercredi 17 juillet 1895, p. 6.
Le Kinetoscope parlors est encore annoncé quelques jours plus tard :
Always Popular.
The crowds never tire of seeing the electrical wonders and beauteous effects of "A Day at Sea," at the Scenic Theatre, on the Boardwalk, at Tennessee avenue. The adjoining Edisonia Phonograph and Kinetoscope parlors, are always brimful of interesting subjects, both in music and pictures, and withal is full of interest.
Press of Atlantic City, Atlantic City, lundi 22 juillet 1895, p. 6.
Un dernier article similaire est publié le lendemain.
L'eidoloscope (Tennessee Avenue, <4 juilllet-17> août 1896)
L'eidoloscope arrive à Atlantic city dasns les premiers jours de juillet, mais les annonces sont souvent lapidaires :
Daily Union, Atlantic City, July 4, 1896.
Il faut attendre la fin des projections pour trouver une article qui indique le répertoire du eidoloscope :
A Brief Program of This Wonderful Photo-Electric Invention.
The reproduction of moving objects as shown by the eidoloscope, above Tennessee avenue on the Boardwalk, is spirited, thrilling, marvelous, interesting and instructive. The great Spanish bull-fight, as reproduced here, was one of the most exciting scenes ever known in Mexico, in which four bulls, fourteen horses and five men killed. The natural and life-like manner were with which this is shown, is simply marvelous. The program also includes the Mexican military drill, the Whirlpool Rapids, Niagara Falls, Flurette, the famous dancing girl, the Sidewalks of New York, a wonderfully realistic prize fight and many others. The whole exhibition costs but 10 cents.
Daily Union, Atlantic City, lundi (soir) 17 août 1896, p. 1.
L'eidoloscope n'apparaît plus désormais dans la presse.
Le Biograph (Boardwalk av./Tennesse av., <16-25 septembre 1897)
Le Biograph propose des vues animées en septembre. Une séance est organisée au profit de la Camping Fund of Company A :
A grand Biograph benefit will be given in aid of the Camping Fund of Company A, First Regiment, Boy's Brigade, Friday evening, Septembre the 17th, at Fortner's Biograph or Scenic Theatre, Mr. Fortner very kindly offering the use of his teatre for that evening. Views shown will include the famous Atlantic City Fire Department collision, the Boardwalk scene, the bathing scene and others.
Press of Atlantic City, Atlantic City, jeudi 16 septembre 1897, p. 1.
La fermeture est annoncée vers la fin du mois :
This evening will be the last opportunity to see the interesting display of animated pictures at the Biograph, Boardwalk and Tennessee avenues. Manager Fortner has selected for exhibition the finest subjects of his large collection and will make a special feature of many local pictures.
Press of Atlantic City, Atlantic City, samedi 25 septembre 1897, p. 1.