La Chrysalide et le Papillon



La Chrysalide et le Papillon

MEL 1908

The Brahmin and the Butterfly

A Brahmin is walking in a tropical forest, playing a melody upon a flute, when a gigantic caterpillar emerges from the undergrowth. The Brahmin seizes this and places it in a cocoon, which he hangs in the air. A beautiful butterfly emerges, and after fluttering about, becomes a lovely damsel, who puts her foot on his head and changes him into a caterpillar. A most amazing succession of transformations. One of the best subjects yet produced.

MEL 1905-A


1 Méliès 332-333  
2 Georges Méliès   
3 < 22/07/1901 40 m/130 ft
4 France  


22/07/1901 Espagne, Valence Salón Novedades Crisálida y Mariposa
05/06/1902 Costa Rica, San José Courrech /Vouelle  Crisálida y Mariposa 
10/06/1902 France, Nìmes F. Meunier/Ferdinand Itier La Chenille et le Papillon
06/07/1902 Mexique. Zacatecas Charles Mongrand Crisálida y Mariposa de oro
15/05/1903 Mexique, Mexico Charles Mongrand  Crisálida y Mariposa de oro
29/01/1903 MexiqueSan Luis Potosí Charles Mongrand  Crisalida
25/10/1903 France. Digny Théâtre Robert-Houdin Chrysalide et papillon d'or
05/06/1904 Espagne, Barcelone Diorama Crisálida o mariposa
10/07/1904 MexiqueToluca Enrique Rosas La crisalida y la mariposa de oro
07/02/1906 FranceParis G. Méliès Chrysalide & papillon
G. Méliès
Paris, le 7 février 1906
Monsieur Caroli
332-333     Chrysalide & papillon Coloriée
Collection particulière [D.R.]
01/11/1906 Bolivie. La Paz Carlos Valenti Crisálida y mariposa de oro